AIKa R-16 Novel Special Edition Bundles Aika's Panties (Updated)
posted on by Egan Loo
Not-So-Daily Links of the Day: The Japanese publisher Hobby Japan has released the AIKa R-16 Turning Mission manga in a Special Panties Version which bundles a pair of "AIKa's panties." Akira Suzuki wrote the manga, and Noriyasu Yamauchi, the character designer of the original Agent Aika and AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission anime videos, illustrated it. The panty-less version of the manga shipped on December 28 for 670 yen (about US$5.94), while the Special Panties Version shipped on the same day for 1,575 yen (about US$13.96). Central Park Media once released the original risque Agent Aika anime in North America, and Bandai Entertainment has picked up the North American licenses for both the original anime and the AIKa R-16 anime. Neither company has announced any plans to release the related manga.
Meanwhile, the Hong Kong version of Volume 1 of Towa Ōshima's Dōsei Recipe manga comes with a single package of "dousei brand condoms" — which is actually a lapel pin in a condom package. The local publisher Jade Dynasty released this particular version for a HK$40 (about US$5.00) list price. Due to Hong Kong's strict Obscene Articles Tribunal, it is unlikely that a real condom would ever be packaged with manga in that city. ComicsOne has been releasing Oshima's High School Girls manga, but no North American company has announced plans to release Dōsei Recipe.
Thank you to dormcat for the news tip.
Source:, Alan Lee's Kichiku no Michi
Errata: The AIKa R-16 Turning Mission book is actually a novel. Thanks, tenkado-shujin.