Onnanoko Monogatari Manga to Get Live-Action Film
posted on by Egan Loo
Onnanoko Monogatari, the loosely autobiographical manga of female manga artist Rieko Saibara, is being made into a live-action film for a Fall 2009 release in Japan. Saibara actually wrote three different manga that inspired this upcoming film: Onnanoko Monogatari (pictured at right) about her bonds with her childhood female friends, Jōkyō Monogatari about her move from her hometown to Tokyo, and Eigyō Monogatari about her new working life (pictured at left).
35-year-old actress Eri Fukatsu (Odoru Daisōsasen) stars as Natsumi Takahara, an unsuccessful manga artist who starts drinking during the day and dozing on the sofa. Her editor harshly asks her if she has any friends, and that comment triggers both her memories of old friends in the countryside and a desire to change her life.
Toshiyuki Morioka (Requiem of Darkness) scripted and directed this film. Saibara herself makes a cameo as a middle-aged woman. Another of Saibara's autobiographical manga, the Mainichi Kāsan story about a mom and her two children, will premiere on Japanese television next spring as an animated series.
Source: Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan Web