ICv2 Launches Anime / Manga Retail Guide
posted on by Christopher Macdonald
ICv2 to print paper Magazine aimed at and given freely to retailers.
ICv2 has announced that Diamond Distributions will be distributing to all its customer, free of charge, a copy of ICv2's new magazine "Retailers Guide to Anime and Manga." The guide is also available to non-retailers at a cost of $10 through ICv2's online store.
Excerpt from ICv2:
Among the topics covered in this print exclusive material are overviews (including the sizes of the markets for these products), a glossary of terms, the top manga and anime properties based on retailer interviews, a guide to TV exposure for the properties, the top licensed toy products for Q4, and the top manga and anime releases for Q4.
Not surprisingly, the guide feature Love Hina on the cover; in addition to regularly touting Love Hina as one of today's hottest titles (It is) on ICv2, ICv2's sister company, Tokyo Mint, will be ditributing Love Hina figurines to North America.
The cover of Retailers Guide to Anime and Manga features the subtitle "Internal Correspondence." Internal Correspondence was the predecessor to ICv2, a comic industry magazine that ceased circulation in 1996 (ICv2 stands for Internal Correspondence version 2).
The publication is a one-shot, test publication. ICv2 headman, Milton Griep states, "We're going to evaluate the response to this first issue to determine whether to do more, and if so, how. Advertiser support has been very gratifying, and if the retailer response is as good, we will probably expand this program."
Excerpt from ICv2:
Among the topics covered in this print exclusive material are overviews (including the sizes of the markets for these products), a glossary of terms, the top manga and anime properties based on retailer interviews, a guide to TV exposure for the properties, the top licensed toy products for Q4, and the top manga and anime releases for Q4.
Not surprisingly, the guide feature Love Hina on the cover; in addition to regularly touting Love Hina as one of today's hottest titles (It is) on ICv2, ICv2's sister company, Tokyo Mint, will be ditributing Love Hina figurines to North America.
The cover of Retailers Guide to Anime and Manga features the subtitle "Internal Correspondence." Internal Correspondence was the predecessor to ICv2, a comic industry magazine that ceased circulation in 1996 (ICv2 stands for Internal Correspondence version 2).
The publication is a one-shot, test publication. ICv2 headman, Milton Griep states, "We're going to evaluate the response to this first issue to determine whether to do more, and if so, how. Advertiser support has been very gratifying, and if the retailer response is as good, we will probably expand this program."