Miyazaki festival in NYC
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A Miyazaki/Ghibli festival is being planned for New York City in mid-september by New York's Museum of Modern Art. While Hayao Miyazaki's attendance has yet to be determined, the museum plans to show the new dub of Princess Mononoke, a full month and a half before its opening. The first day is tentatively set for September 16 with Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind in the afternoon and Mononoke in the evening. The retropective will include ten films in all. The festival is being planned with the aid of The Walt Disney Company and its subsidiary Miramax Studios, who is distributing Mononoke. Further information as it becomes available.
In other Ghibli news, according to their official web page, the test print ("O-Print") of their latest film "My Neighbors the Yamadas" is completed and was screened on June 22. There will be minor modifications, and then the first print will be made, marking the end of a rather grueling final term of production of Ghibli's first computer-animated project. There was some doubt as to whether the film would make its release date of July 17, but it appears that this will happen, despite some major problems with the test print (such as with the color and sound).
Other Ghibli "facts" were recently printed by the newspaper "Pia". Their credibility is shaky, so the validity of the below facts cannot be determined.
According to the article, this fall will feature a Princess Mononoke event in Central Park, NYC, which will be a charity concert by a band that could not yet be named. This is supposedly to coincide with the screening at the Museum of Modern Art. According to the producer and president of Ghibli, Mr. Suzuki, the English version of Mononoke will be shown at both New York Film Festivals and Telluride (Toronto) Film Festival, the latter of which will host "Miyazaki Week". The dub will also see a theatrical release in Japan next spring (through TOHO), and there are talks of bringing other English versions over as well. The dub will also see release in countries such as Germany, France, Italy, and Brazil.
The English dub of Castle in the Sky may get a theatrical release in the US in early 2000 (although possibly on the same small scale as Kiki's Delivery Service did). Kiki's sold 1.2 million copies in the US (a number which has been confirmed by other sources, putting it well above nearly all anime releases, but still below standard Disney video figures).
ANN thanks Ryoko Toyama and the rest of the Nausicaä.net ML for their contributions.