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AI-Powered Webtoon Platform 'RealToon' Officially Launches

posted on by Wonhee Cho
RealToon uses AI technology to streamline creative process

The new AI-driven webtoon platform RealToon has officially launched. It aims to improve the webtoon creation process by reducing production burdens for creators while delivering personalized content for readers.

Image via RealToon

RealToon seeks to innovate by utilizing AI technology to streamline the creative process. The platform features an AI engine that learns an artist's style, offering tools to refine and enhance artwork. This allows creators to maintain consistent quality while significantly reducing production time and effort.

According to RealToon, the platform provides opportunities for aspiring artists to produce webtoons more efficiently by lowering the barriers to entry. Unlike traditional webtoon platforms dominated by major companies, RealToon offers an open environment where new creators can showcase their work with fewer limitations.

A RealToon representative stated, "As the webtoon industry evolves rapidly, it is crucial to provide an optimized environment that benefits both creators and readers. By leveraging AI technology, we aim to build a more creative and accessible webtoon ecosystem."

Source: Digital Times (Sung-joon Kim)

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