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Aniplex, Crunchyroll Establish Joint Venture for Anime Production

posted on by Anita Tai
Tokyo-based Hayate to produce anime content for Crunchyroll's streaming service

Aniplex and Crunchyroll announced on Monday that they are teaming up to establish HAYATE Inc., a new anime production venture headquartered in Tokyo.

HAYATE is focusing specifically on planning, developing, and producing anime content for Crunchyroll's streaming platform worldwide.

Aniplex's Masanori Miyake leads the venture as Chairman and CEO along with President and COO Leo Watanabe. The staff is composed of Aniplex and Crunchyroll employees.

Aniplex is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. In addition to planning and producing intellectual property related to anime, it also has the anime studios A-1 Pictures and CloverWorks as well as the game production company Lasengle as wholly owned subsidiaries. Aniplex of America handles anime distribution in English-speaking regions, while Aniplex (Shanghai) handles anime licensing, product development, and IP development in China.

Crunchyroll is an independently operated joint venture between U.S.-based Sony Pictures Entertainment and Japan's Aniplex. Sony Pictures Entertainment and Aniplex's Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) parent are both in turn subsidiaries of Tokyo-based Sony Group.

Source: Press release

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