Luffy Acknowledges Meme in J-Stars Victory Vs.
posted on by Eric Stimson
J-Stars Victory Vs., a fighting game that includes characters from many popular Weekly Shonen Jump series, was released in Japan on March 19. Among the voice samples for Luffy — voiced by his anime voice actress, Mayumi Tanaka — a surprise for Japanese fans was included.
One of Luffy's lines is "Instead of saying what you hate, say what you like!" This is not actually a One Piece quote, but one from another Shonen Jump manga, Tsugihagi Hyouryuu Sakka (which translates to "Patchwork Drifting Writer"). It is spoken in its final chapter by the protagonist, Makibi, who bears a very strong resemblance to Luffy — hence the tendency for fans to misattribute the phrase. It has now become a well-known meme.

The original panel.

This version of the meme changes the phrase so it's "Instead of saying what you like, say what you hate!"
J-Stars Victory Vs. sports a total of 52 classic shonen manga characters, ranging from Dragon Ball's Goku to Nisekoi's Chitoge. Be sure to check out our numerous older articles for sample gameplay videos. Statues of Goku and Luffy in combat promoted the game in Shibuya until last weekend.
[Via Yaraon! and Hachima Kikou]