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Daily Video: Japan's English-Language Otaku-Verse Zero

posted on by Gia Manry
Otaku USA editor Patrick Macias, voice actress Yuu Asakawa host new web show

Otaku USA Editor-in-Chief Patrick Macias posted the first episode of a new web-based series titled Otaku-Verse Zero on Tuesday. Macias and voice actress Yuu Asakawa (Azumanga Daioh's Sakaki, Love Hina's MOTOKO, Fate/stay night's Rider) co-host the show.

The first episode ("episode zero," posted above) features Macias and Asakawa introducing themselves and the show, which will feature new episodes on a weekly basis starting November 29. In his blog post, Macias recounts the origins of the show in the Japanese internet radio channel K'z Station, which found Macias while searching for a host for its first English-language segment.

Macias will be holding a TOKYOSCOPE TALK film event about ninja at San Francisco's New People center this Saturday at 7:15 p.m.

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