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Sonic Racing CrossWorlds Game Unveils Trailer, Closed Network Test

posted on by Anita Tai
Closed network test runs from February 22 to 24

Sega unveiled during Sony's "State of Play" livestream on Wednesday the trailer for the Sonic Racing CrossWorlds game slated for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. Sega also announced a closed network test from February 22 to 24.

Applications for the network test are open now until February 18. Six courses will be available, along with five crossworlds, nine racers, four cars, worldwide matches, and customization.

Sega released the Team Sonic Racing game in May 2021 physically and digitally for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch (with a digital-only release on PC). The game is a kart racing game featuring characters from the franchise, as well as both online multiplayer and single player modes. The game also features team vs. team gameplay.

Update: Typo fixed. Thanks, MyMasterMatthew.

Source: Sega Asia's YouTube channel

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