
By Amira Boctor and Joshua Lipowsky
“Activate interlocks! Dynotherms connected! Infracells up! Megathrusters are go!”
“Let's go Voltron Force!”
Commander Keith's rallying cry and his team's unison chant are familiar to a whole generation of anime fans.Voltron hit American airwaves in 1984 -- and immediately became the highest rated show of the year, eclipsing its original Japanese counterpart, Hyakujuuou Goraion [百獣王ゴライオン] (Hundred Beast King Five Lions) in popularity.Voltron has been expanded from its original Japanese sources into a completely American-produced second season and a computer animated third season.
Of course, changes had to be made when translating the show over for American broadcast.In Golion there is no Galaxy Alliance or Drule Empire; all references to those are taken from another, unrelated series that comprises Vehicle Voltron: Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV (Great Airplane Helmet Fleet Rugger XV).References to death and mass destruction are edited out of "Voltron" in deference to young American viewers: in Golion slaves are graphically killed in the arena, the villians drink blood, and the Earth is completely destroyed in World War III.
Unlike other anime cartoons with giant mechs, Voltron's popularity is not upheld simply by the robot.The characters have worked their ways into the hearts of Voltron fans world over.Voltron fans aspire to be as heroic as Keith; as strong as Hunk; as spirited as Allura and so on.Each character represents a trait, which is as essential a component of the show as Voltron himself.
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![]() Whereas Pidge is from Planet Balto, Suzuishi Hiroshi, [青銅強 = “Tin Stone”] aka "Chibi" ("shorty" [voice by Masako Nosawa 野沢雅子]) is from Earth like the rest of his teammates. The writers of Voltron edited the episode of Golion where the Earth is destroyed by changing the name of the planet to Balto and making it Pidge's home planet. Chibi's reaction, he being quite young, is more obviously distressed than the rest of the team. |
![]() In Voltron Allura seems too emotional; she often cries for no reason. That is because the violence and death that makes Faara Hime [ファーラ姫] (voice by Rumiko Ukai [鵜飼るみ子]) cry in Golion is edited out of Voltron. When the five boys first meet her, it is her sixteenth birthday, and she is living in a ruined castle with her people hiding out in caves, their homes destroyed. |
![]() In Golion, Gunshi Raibul [軍師ライブル = Army Teacher Raiburu] (Yūji Fujishiro [藤城裕士]) is a military trainer. We see that Altea [アルテア] is ravaged by the forces of Galura [ガルラ] when Faara is just a baby; Raibul carries her to safety, and the two are the only survivors of the attack on the castle. Raibul's wife and son are killed in this attack, which may explain his strictness and seriousness. |
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![]() Sven disappears for awhile; then he resurfaces later, when we discover that the planet he was sent to for hospitalization has been captured by the enemy, and he has been thrown into the "Pit of Skulls" (a pit with skeletons in it - apparently POWs are thrown there and left to die, presumably of starvation). He is rescued and continues to help the Voltron Force thwart the enemy. His personality, in the meanwhile, has undergone a change. Having been driven to the brink of madness and then brought back, he takes more foolish risks and his fuse is shorter. Though Sven is Scandinavian, Shirogane Takashi [銀貴 = “Silver Noble”] (voice by Masako Nosawa) is Chinese (his pals are Japanese). In Golion, he dies in the process of rescuing Kurogane. |
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![]() Daimon, Faara's father, does not build Golion. Golion is a sentient robot who is punished for his boastful attitude by a goddess. When the goddess warns him to change his ways, he attacks her, and she splits him into five pieces and sends him hurtling through space. The five lions crash on Altea, and Daimon is in the process of building tunnels to the lions to utilize them for battle when he is killed. He dies before Faarla gets to know him, as she is a baby at the time of the attack. However, he does often appear to her in visions to advise her. Perhaps this is a manifestation of the Buddhist ritual of praying to one's ancestors. |
![]() Dai Basaarl Daitaiou's [ダイ·バザール大帝王] (Great Basaaru Emperor [voice by Kousei Tomita]) entertainment is watching slaves get ripped apart in his arena, or watching giant monsters kill each other. The victors are often taken to Altea to fight Golion. He will quite casually punish or kill anyone who may displease him in some way. |
![]() Syncline Kotaishi [シンクライン] (voice by Akira Kamiya) is nastier than his American counterpart. He whips out his sword and kills a slave girl because she accidentally spills a drink on his leg. Many scenes where Syncline kills a subordinate are edited out of Voltron. In one episode we see a flashback of Syncline with his mother, who bares quite a resemblance to Faara. Later we learn that Dai Basaarl murdered Syncline's mother with his bare hands--something Sincline does not find out about. It is most likely because of the similarities in appearance that Syncline is smitten with Faara. |
At Zarkon's side is his witch Hagar (voice by B.J. Ward). It is apparent that Lotor does not trust Hagar and with good reason. She often confides in him that she would see Zarkon overthrown and Lotor on the throne of Doom. Yet she always shows loyalty to Zarkon and even acts to thwart Lotor's schemes. It is Hagar who creates the fierce robeasts that battle Voltron and nearly destroy Arus. It was also Hagar who splits Voltron into the five robot lions by disguising herself as a space goddess. She is pure evil and clearly follows her own agenda.
She would destroy Voltron just for the pleasure of destruction and no other reason. Her Golion name, Honerva [ホネルバ] (voice by Masako Nosawa), is a blend between the name "Minerva"(the Roman goddess of wisdom) and "hone," which means "bone" in Japanese.
At the end of almost every episode a member of the Force says how peace has been maintained in the galaxy thanks to Voltron. Not once does the Voltron Force take credit for stopping Planet Doom, instead always accrediting it to Voltron. There are different interpretations as to why this is so. One is that in the original Golion series, Voltron was an actual sentient being who was punished for his vanity and arrogance by a goddess by splitting him into five separate lions. The Force could be making reference to this by always giving Voltron the credit. Another more popular interpretation is that Voltron is a symbol for galactic peace. By giving him the credit, they are simply acknowledging that peace has won out over evil. The force also realizes how inconsequential they really are compared to Voltron. Anybody with the right training can pilot the lions, but Voltron would remain as the defender. For Voltron to survive is to bring hope to the galaxy that peace will reign supreme. Even if the force is incapacitated, as it is in one of the later episodes ("The Omega Comet"), the robot Voltron still remains to fight tyranny and evil in the universe. This is refuted though by the fact that in order to operate Voltron five separate keys are needed. This shows that even though Voltron could operate with any pilots, only those of pure spirit can wield the keys.
In Japan, TV series are made with a set number of episodes in mind, while the duration of American programming depends upon its popularity. Due to Voltron's high ratings, World Events Productions expanded on the original fifty-two Golion episodes by producing twenty more. They bought the rights to Golion from Toei, wrote twenty scripts and had a Korean company animate them. The episodes (called the "Second Season" of Voltron) were aired from 1986 - 1987.
Among the changes to the season were two characters: Cossack, a clownish character who fills the role of the bumbling subordinate played earlier in Season One by a short-lived character (Yurak, Lotor's predecessor) and Queen Merla,
a powerful and suave warrior who comes to Planet Doom with an entourage of nobles and soldiers she calls "dwarflings." A classy, cool-headed woman, she attempts to gain the throne of Doom in a short-lived marriage to Lotor, but the prince can never abandon his obsession with Allura. Due to the hurried effect of the season, the writing and animation suffered, and Merla's character was not used to full advantage.
Seventeen years after its introduction, Voltron still has not left the center stage of American pop culture. In 1998, World Events Productions introduced "Voltron: The Third Dimension," a completely computer animated series by World Events Productions that lasted two seasons. The company renewed its interest in the show once the reruns of "Voltron: Defender of the Universe" scored high ratings on the Cartoon Network. The new show picked up where the second season left off, with Voltron and Lotor locked in combat. Voltron crippled his ship which subsequentially crashes on Doom. Then, with the help of Hagar Lotor sent Castle Doom with all of its secrets into the Dream Dimension.
The new series takes place five years later. Lotor has been in prison for four years and, due to his injuries from the crash landing, has now become a partial cyborg, with metal body parts replacing the ones he lost. Zarkon is the Minister of Peace for the new Galaxy Alliance led by the robot Amalgamus. The characters have all changed slightly - Pidge is older, Allura stronger, Lance more of a loose cannon, and Keith's machismo leadership traits much softened. Many of the voice actors were retained, but Lennie Weinrub and Peter Cullen have been replaced. Now Pidge is voiced by Billy West, Hunk and Zarkon by Kevin Michael Richardson, and Coran by Michael Bell. Tim Curry, the ultimate villian, voices Lotor.

Front and back of a Golion trading card
The new cartoon spawned dozens of toys and other merchandise aimed at revitalizing Voltron as a pop icon. The original diecast metal Voltron lion toys, arguably the most popular Voltron toy to emerge from the 80's, was remade by Trendmasters in 1997 as a precursor to the new show. A wide range of new Voltron: 3D toys followed, most noticable was Stealth Voltron, which spawned a character in the new show.
However Stealth Voltron met with harsh reactions from the Voltron Internet Community - fans of the show who frequented World Events' web-based message board at www.voltronforce.com.
Fans complained that the new series - and especially Stealth Voltron - had been "dumbed down" to reach a younger audience. After two seasons the show looked to be heading for a third but after the bankruptcy of Netter Digital, the animation company that did the 3D graphics for the show, Voltron: 3D disappeared from the airwaves.
But the story does not end there.
Although Voltron has vanished from television and the toy aisle once again, it is not dead. Lions Gate Video, formally Trimark, has slowly been releasing episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe and Voltron: 3D onto video, available at most video stores. The toys can be found on any auction website, usually at high prices though.
The infusion of new blood continues in the form of Voltron: New Beginnings, a comic book produced by Broken Glass Studios. The book, which is expected to hit stands in the second half of 2001, is a new twist on the Voltron saga. Starting with five space explorers discovering the mighty robot, the comic book is aimed mainly at teenagers and young adults - those who remember Voltron from its original run.
"The concept of these huge mechs defending a planet is very unique," said Jamie Snell, one of the artists behind the new book. "For those reasons, the Voltron concept itself has a lot of staying power. The recent boom of 80's nostalgia can't hurt either."
Voltron Episode Guide
Voltron Robot Statistics
Bibliography and Credits:
"Voltron: Defender of the Universe" and "Voltron: The Third Dimension" are the property of World Events Productions, Ltd. - 1984, 1998. http://www.wep.com
"Hyakujuou Goraion" and "Kikou Kantai Dairuger XV" are the property of Toei Animation Company. - 1981. http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/
Information about voice actors found on the Internet Movie Database. http://www.imdb.com
Information on Golion found on the Teraji Television Webpage. http://member.nifty.ne.jp/teraji/tv/tv_d0283.htm
Episode names for Golion found on: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bridge/2508/tva/Hjogr.htm
Image from Golion artbook courtesy of David Mark Din. His upcoming website: http://www.GiantRobot.50megs.com
Names translated into Romanji by Nobuko Mori and Toshinori Nikuma.
Episode titles translated by Paul Haberman.
Additional ideas and information provided by Derek Birosak.