Pokémon - Azalea Adventures (Dub.VHS 47)

Volume: Dub.VHS 47
Running time: 70
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.
Release date: 2001-11-27
Suggested retail price: $14.98
Age rating: nr
SKU: 71711
UPC: 013023171138
When Ash and his friends are chansed into a cave by a giant Meowth robot, they come across a wild Cyndaquil! But Ash isn't the only trainer trying to catch it! Then, our heroes finally make it to Azalea Town, but before they can win a badge at the gym, they have to save the Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well and end a drought! Plus, Poke Ball-maker Kurt offers to make speciality Poke Balls for Ash, Misty and Brock, but only if they go into the forest, brave its Pokemon, and pick the apricorns for themselves!
(added on 2001-08-13, modified on 2002-01-11)
- Encyclopedia information about Pokémon (TV)