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Ronin Warriors / Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers - A New Ally (DVD 8 of 10)

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Title: Ronin Warriors / Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers - A New Ally
Volume: DVD 8 / 10
Running time: 100
Distributor: Bandai Entertainment

Release date: 2002-11-19
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+

SKU: 1957
UPC: 669198195792 669198195792

The identity of the Ancient is revealed.​ Ryo and Rowen,​ the two Warriors left standing in the fight against Talpa,​ continue their difficult quest.​ One of Kayura's tricks backfires,​ and the two warriors find themselves in Arago's realm.​ However,​ Arago servant Dara lies in wait for them.​ And to make matters worse,​ they're plotting to possess the Inferno Armor! But during the battle,​ Kayura starts to wonder why she's fighting so hard against Ryo?​

Presented in unique DVD-10 format with complete,​ uncut Japanese language episodes of "Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers" and complete,​ uncut English language episodes of "Ronin Warriors"!

Spoken Languages: English,​ Japanese,​ English subtitles.​

(added on 2010-02-03)

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