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Rozen Maiden (manga)

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Alternative title:
ローゼンメイデン (Japanese)
薔薇少女 (Chinese (Taiwan))
로젠 메이든 (Korean)
Themes: gothic, living dolls
Plot Summary: Jun Sakurada has withdrawn from the outside world-friends, school, even his older sister, who loves him dearly and cares for him in their parents' absence. To cope with the severity of his personal exile, Jun has taken to ordering products online and then returning them before the grace period ends. But when a website instructs him to place an order for a beautifully rendered doll in his desk drawer, what arrives in the morning cant be returned, and his life is changed forever by its arrival.
User Ratings: 107 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 11 votes (Eng:5, sub:3, dub:2, others:1
1 Spanish
 Excellent: 28 votes (Eng:14, dub:5, sub:5, raw:1, edit.dub:1, raw:1, others:1
1 German
 Very good: 22 votes (Eng:12, sub:4, dub:3, ?:2, raw:1)
 Good: 20 votes (sub:9, Eng:8, dub:3)
 Decent: 10 votes (Eng:10)
 So-so: 10 votes (Eng:8, sub:1, raw:1)
 Not really good: 5 votes (Eng:2, raw:1, dub:1, sub:1)
 Weak: -
 Bad: 1 vote (dub:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 314 users, rank: #270 (of 6927)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 7.570 (Very good−), std. dev.: 1.7245, rank: #1994 (of 7781)
Weighted mean: 7.424 (Good+), rank: #2677 (of 7781) (seen all: 8.19 / seen some: 7.06 / won't finish: 5.58)
Bayesian estimate: 7.433 (Good+), rank: #1685 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 8
Number of pages: 176
Vintage: 2002 to 2007-05-30 (serialized in Comic Birz)
Release dates: We have 39
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Graphic novel
    Rozen Maiden (GN 1) 2006-05-09 (from $3.60)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 2) 2006-08-29 (from $21.62)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 3) 2007-01-02 (from $10.72)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 4) 2007-04-10 (from $15.03)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 5) 2007-07-03 (from $14.95)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 6) 2007-10-09 (from $12.50)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 7) 2008-01-08 (from $12.50)
    Rozen Maiden (GN 8) 2008-05-13 (from $39.00)
    Rozen Maiden Collector’s Edition [Omnibus] (GN 1) 2025-03-04 (from $25.99)

Japanese staff
Japanese companies
Story & Art: Peach-Pit
Gentosha Comics
Shueisha (2008, 7 volumes)
Japanese cast
English staff
English cast
Minna Lin (Collector's Edition)
Yuko Fukami

Adaptation: Jerome Halligan
Chief Creative Officer: Stuart Levy
Copy Editing:
B. Lillian Martin (Collector's Edition)
Peter Ahlstro
Cover Design:
Al-Insan Lashley
Nicky Lim (Collector's Edition)
Digital Imaging Manager: Chris Buford
Editing: Luis Reyes
Julie Davis (Collector’s Edition)
Rob Tokar
Lettering: Phil Christie (Collector's Edition)
Managing Editor:
Jack Sullivan (Collector’s Edition)
Lindsey Johnston
Shanti Whitesides (Collector’s Edition)
Prepress Technician:
April Malig (Collector’s Edition)
Jules Valera (Collector’s Edition)
Salvador Chan Jr. (Collector’s Edition)
Jason DeAngelis (Collector’s Edition)
John Parker
Production Artist: Jennifer Carbajal
Production Design: George Panella (Collector's Edition)
Production manager: John Ramirez (Collector’s Edition)
Proofreader: Krista Grandy (Collector's Edition)
Lianne Sentar (Collector’s Edition)
Mike Kiley
Retouch & Lettering: Jennifer Carbajal
Senior Editor: Shannon Fay (Collector's Edition)
VP: Adam Arnold (Collector’s Edition)
VP of Production: Ron Klamert
English companies
Distributor: Madman Entertainment (Australia & New Zealand)
Licensed by:
Seven Seas Entertainment (Collector's Edition)
French staff
French companies
Publisher: Soleil
French cast
Spanish staff
Spanish companies
Noemí Cuevas Rebollo (Norma Editorial)
Norma Editorial (Spain)
Translation: Traducciones Imposibles (Norma Editorial)
Spanish cast
Italian cast
Italian staff
Translation: YUPA
Italian companies
Publisher: Flashbook Edizioni
German staff
German cast
Translation: Mayumi Machida
German companies
Publisher: Tokyopop Germany
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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