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Aishiteruze Baby (manga)

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Alternative title:
Aishiteru ze Baby
Babe my love (French)
I Love Ya Baby!
愛してるぜベイベ (Japanese)
愛你寶貝 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Plot Summary: High school playboy Kippei finds himself in charge of his 5-year old cousin, Yuzuyu, after her mother disappears. Now Kippei must learn to deal with raising a child.
User Ratings: 305 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 35 votes (sub:20, Eng:14, dub:1)
 Excellent: 75 votes (sub:32, Eng:31, dub:10, ?:1, edit.dub:1)
 Very good: 92 votes (Eng:45, sub:35, dub:7, edit.dub:3, raw:1, others:1
1 Italian
 Good: 63 votes (Eng:34, sub:17, dub:7, edit.dub:2, raw:1, ?:1, others:1
1 Spanish
 Decent: 23 votes (Eng:14, sub:4, dub:3, raw:1, ?:1)
 So-so: 8 votes (Eng:7, dub:1)
 Not really good: 7 votes (Eng:4, sub:2, raw:1)
 Weak: -
 Bad: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: 1 vote (sub:1)
Seen in part or in whole by 828 users, rank: #80 (of 6927)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 7.902 (Very good), std. dev.: 1.461, rank: #1425 (of 7781)
Weighted mean: 7.810 (Very good−), rank: #1805 (of 7781) (seen all: 7.92 / seen some: 7.60 / won't finish: 5.69)
Bayesian estimate: 7.808 (Very good−), rank: #836 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 7
Number of pages: 163
2002-03-02 to 2004-12-01 (serialized in Ribon)
2006-04-07 to 2007-04-03 (North America)
Release dates: We have 28
Links: We have 1
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    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 1) 2013-10-29 (from $6.49)
    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 2) 2013-11-12 (from $6.49)
    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 3) 2013-12-10 (from $6.49)
    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 4) 2013-12-31 (from $6.49)
    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 5) 2014-01-14 (from $6.99)
    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 6) 2014-01-28 (from $6.99)
    Aishiteruze Baby (eBook 7) 2014-02-11 (from $6.99)
Graphic novel
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 1) 2006-04-04 (from $3.28)
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 2) 2006-06-06 (from $7.22)
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 3) 2006-08-01 (from $7.99)
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 4) 2006-10-03 (from $28.97)
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 5) 2006-12-05 (from $7.92)
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 6) 2007-02-06 (from $7.99)
    Aishiteruze Baby (GN 7) 2007-04-03 (from $7.98)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Yōko Maki
Japanese companies
Publisher: Shueisha
English staff
English cast
Translation: Marie Cochrane

Adaptation: Marie Cochrane
Cover Design: Yukiko Whitley
Editor-in-Chief: Yumi Hoashi
Graphics: Yukiko Whitley
Lettering: Gabe Crate
Managing Editor: Megan Bates
Production manager: Noboru Watanabe
Publisher: Hyoe Narita
Sr. Director of Acquisitions: Rika Inouye
Touch-up: Gabe Crate
VP of Publishing: Alvin Lu
VP of Sales & Marketing: Liza Coppola
English companies
Licensed by: Viz Media
French companies
French staff
French cast
Italian staff
Italian companies
Publisher: Planet Manga
Italian cast
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Tokyopop Germany
German cast
Portuguese staff
Portuguese companies
Translation: Karen Kazumi Hayashida
Editorial Production: Mythos Editora
Publisher: Planet Manga
Portuguese cast
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Licensed by: Sharp Point Press
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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