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Fushigi Yûgi (manga)

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Alternative title:
El Juego Misterioso Fushigi Yugi (Spanish)
Fushigi Yugi : Un Jeu Etrange (French)
Quyển sách kỳ bí (Vietnamese)
The Mysterious Play
Таинственная игра (Russian)
ふしぎ遊戯 (Japanese)
幻夢遊戲 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Miaka was just an average student preparing to take the exams for high school. She goes to study with her extremely smart best friend Yui, when she and her friend are drawn into the book, "The Universe of the Four Gods." There, she is offered the position of the Priestess of Suzaku, one of the gods, to be awarded 3 wishes. In order to summon Suzaku, she must find the 7 celestial warriors of Suzaku, which are identified by a character somewhere on their body. Along the way, her friend Yui is made the Priestess of Seiryu and turns into her enemy. As Miaka goes to find the Celestial warriors, many turns and obstacles are in her path. She must fight the warriors of Seiryu and save Konan and her life.
User Ratings: 443 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 93 votes (Eng:33, sub:30, dub:21, ?:2, raw:1, edit.dub:1, others:5
1 Swedish
1 Portuguese subtitled
1 German
1 Russian
1 Swedish edited dub
 Excellent: 99 votes (Eng:51, dub:17, sub:17, ?:3, others:11
1 Russian dubbed
1 Finnish
1 Mandarin
1 French dubbed
1 Swedish subtitled
1 Portuguese subtitled
1 German dubbed
1 Portuguese
1 French
1 French subtitled
1 Spanish
 Very good: 88 votes (Eng:49, sub:16, dub:10, ?:4, raw:2, others:7
1 Portuguese subtitled
1 Swedish
1 French
1 Spanish
1 Indonesia
1 Polish
1 French subtitled
 Good: 72 votes (Eng:50, sub:8, dub:8, ?:3, raw:2, edit.dub:1)
 Decent: 47 votes (Eng:20, sub:8, dub:6, ?:3, raw:1, edit.dub:1, others:8
2 Portuguese
1 Portuguese subtitled
1 Finnish
1 French
1 Portuguese dubbed
1 German subtitled
1 Swedish
 So-so: 20 votes (Eng:14, raw:2, sub:2, dub:1, others:1
1 Portuguese
 Not really good: 10 votes (dub:3, Eng:3, sub:1, raw:1, others:2
2 Swedish
 Weak: 6 votes (sub:2, dub:2, Eng:1, others:1
1 French
 Bad: 3 votes (Eng:2, sub:1)
 Awful: 3 votes (Eng:2, sub:1)
 Worst ever: 2 votes (sub:1, ?:1)
Seen in part or in whole by 1344 users, rank: #34 (of 6927)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 7.851 (Very good), std. dev.: 1.897, rank: #1502 (of 7783)
Weighted mean: 7.638 (Very good−), rank: #2135 (of 7783) (seen all: 8.08 / seen some: 7.38 / won't finish: 6.10)
Bayesian estimate: 7.639 (Very good−), rank: #1184 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 18
Number of pages: 192
Chapter titles: We have 106
1992 to 1995 (JP serialized in Sho-Comi magazine)
1999-08 to 2006-04-11 (USA)
Release dates: We have 78
Links: We have 2
Trivia: We have 1
The Fushigi Yugi manga, published by Viz, was first introduced in the flopped left-to-right reading style. Starting with Volume 9: Lover, Viz changed the format to the Japanese right-to-left reading style and started re-publishing 2nd editions of Volumes 1 to 8 in the same format.
News: Show:
Upcoming Viz Artbooks (Sep 13, 2006)
February Manga Releases (Dec 5, 2001)
January Manga Releses (Oct 31, 2001)
December Releases (Sep 30, 2001)
Viz June Press Release (Feb 24, 2001)
March Manga releases (Dec 5, 2000)
Releases from Viz (Nov 2, 2000)
News Briefs (Sep 1, 1999)
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    The Art of Fushigi Yûgi (Artbook) 2006-10-10 (from $29.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (eBook 1) 2012-11-27 (from $11.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (eBook 2) 2012-12-11 (from $10.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (eBook 3) 2012-12-25 (from $11.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (eBook 4) 2013-01-29 (from $10.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (eBook 5) 2013-01-29 (from $10.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (eBook 6) 2013-02-19 (from $10.99)
Graphic novel
    Fushigi Yûgi - Priestess (GN 1) 1999-09-28 (from $2.00)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Oracle (GN 2) 1999-12-08 (from $14.80)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Disciple (GN 3) 2000-11-20 (from $6.49)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Bandit (GN 4) 2001-08-05 (from $13.49)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Rival (GN 5) 2001-10-28 (from $6.62)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Summoner (GN 6) 2002-01-25 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Castaway (GN 7) 2002-11-29 (from $8.95)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Friend (GN 8) 2003-04-15 (from $13.95)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Priestess [2nd Edition] (GN 1) 2003-05-10 (from $2.11)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Oracle [2nd Edition] (GN 2) 2004-03-17 (from $1.44)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Disciple [2nd Edition] (GN 3) 2004-07-07 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Bandit [2nd Edition] (GN 4) 2004-10-05 (from $14.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Rival [2nd Edition] (GN 5) 2004-12-31 (from $2.35)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Summoner [2nd Edition] (GN 6) 2005-04-15 (from $7.22)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Castaway [2nd Edition] (GN 7) 2005-07-15 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Friend [2nd Edition] (GN 8) 2005-10-04 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Lover (GN 9) 2003-10-29 (from $9.95)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Enemy (GN 10) 2004-03-11 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Enemy [Hardcover] (GN 10) 2004-03-28
    Fushigi Yûgi - Veteran (GN 11) 2004-06-30 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Girlfriend (GN 12) 2004-09-29 (from $3.21)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Goddess (GN 13) 2004-11-24 (from $2.22)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Prophet (GN 14) 2005-04-15 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Guardian (GN 15) 2005-07-05 (from $1.91)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Assassin (GN 16) 2005-10-04 (from $4.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Demon (GN 17) 2006-01-03 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi - Bride (GN 18) 2006-04-11 (from $7.99)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (GN 1) 2009-01-06 (from $14.39)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (GN 2) 2009-06-16 (from $14.39)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (GN 3) 2009-09-15 (from $14.39)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (GN 4) 2009-12-08 (from $14.39)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (GN 5) 2010-03-16 (from $14.39)
    Fushigi Yûgi [VIZBIG Edition] (GN 6) 2010-06-15 (from $14.39)

Japanese staff
Japanese companies
Story & Art: Yuu Watase
Imprint: Flower Comics
Publisher: Shogakukan
Japanese cast
English staff
English cast
Adaptation: Yuji Oniki
Assistant Marketing Manager: Jaime Starling (3)
Assistant Sales Manager: Denya S. Jur (3)
Cover Design: Hidemi Sahara
Director of Sales and Marketing:
Dallas Middaugh (3-6)
Oliver Chin (1,2)
Elizabeth Kawasaki (shojo edition vol 9)
William Flanagan
Hyoe Narita (vol 1-7)
William Flanagan (vol 9,10)
Graphics: Carolina Ugalde (vol 1-8)
Graphics & Design: Hidemi Sahara (vol 9,10)
Layout: Carolina Ugalde (vol 1-8)
Managing Editor: Annette Roman
Production manager: Noboru Watanabe
Publisher: Seiji Horibuchi
Retouch & Lettering: Andy Ristaino (9)
Senior Marketing Manager: Renee Solberg (3-5)
Senior Sales Manager: Mike Roberson (3-5)
Senior VP of Editorial: Hyoe Narita (vol 8-10)
Senior VP of Sales & Marketing: Rick Bauer (7,8)
Sr. Director of Licensing & Acquisitions: Rika Inouye
Touch-up Art & Lettering: Bill Spicer
Translation - Sound Effects: Kaori Inoue (1-9)
Translation Assist: Kaori Kawakubo Inoue (vol 9)
VP of Marketing: Liza Coppola (9,10)
English companies
Distributor: Madman Entertainment (Australia & New Zealand)
Licensed by: Viz Media
Chuang Yi Publishing Pte Ltd. (Singapore)
Gollancz Manga (UK)
French staff
French companies
Publisher: Editions Tonkam
Translation: Studio Tonkam
French cast
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Marc Bernabé (Spain Vol)
Marta E. Gallego (Catalan ed.; Spain ed.)
Rafael Morata (Catalan Vol)
Verónica Calafell (Spain Vol)

Collection Director: Enric Piñeyro (Spain)
Félix Sabaté (Spain)
Joan Navarro (Spain)
Graphic Design: Dani Barbero (Spain)
Spanish companies
Layout: Estudio Fenix (Spain)
Editorial Ivréa (Argentina)
Glénat España (Spain)
Italian staff
Italian companies
Publisher: Planet Manga
Italian cast
German cast
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Egmont Manga & Anime (Egmont Manga and Anime)
Russian staff
Russian cast
Russian companies
Publisher: Sakura-Press
Polish cast
Polish staff
Agnieszka Opalko (vol. 5-18)
Rafal Rzepka (vol. 1-4)
Polish companies
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Translation: Renato Siqueira
Portuguese companies
Publisher: Conrad
Swedish staff
Swedish cast
Translation: Björn Aström
Swedish companies
Publisher: Egmont Kärnan
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Licensed by: Sharp Point Press
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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