G4 Presents San Diego Comic-Con 2008
G4 Presents: Comic-Con '08 - Broccoli Books
by Carlo Santos,

Representative: Shizuka Yamashita
The Broccoli panel began with a rundown of current and upcoming titles for the company. Recent releases include the first volumes of Koi Cupid, an all-ages comedy by Mia Ikumi (illustrator of Tokyo Mew Mew) and sola, based on the supernatural-themed anime of the same name. Coming out in a couple of months are Nui!, a fantasy work by +Anima creator Natsumi Mukai, and Honoka Level Up!, an otaku comedy. Also due in August is Cosmode, a hardcover mook (magazine-book) featuring cosplay photos and how-to articles.
The panel was then opened up to questions, some of which were about other products in the Broccoli line. Regarding the Galaxy Angel games, the company that originally licensed the games for the US has stopped production and they probably will not be released due to the narrow market for such games. The Boysenberry yaoi imprint was also brought up, and the main focus for this year is to bring out Cigarette Kisses in time for Yaoi-Con, as the creator Nase Yamato will be a guest of honor at the convention.
The question and answer session ended with some discussion about the state of the industry. Although anime and manga sales have tapered off from the boom in recent years, Broccoli's understanding of niche markets (e.g., the "otaku audience") and how to reach these markets has allowed them to continue operating successfully.
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