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Anime Boston 2005
Anime Boston - Geneon Entertainment

by Mikhail Koulikov,
Geneon Entertainment

- Studio Representative - Stephen Tang

Three new titles have been acquired: Bottle Fairy, Doki Doki School Hours, and Starship Operators.

The bulk of the panel was taken up by trailers for a number of upcoming titles and a list of release dates. The first four-episode volume of Gankutsuo will be released in October, and a box will be available. The first volumes of DearS and Fafner are both scheduled for an August release, with a box for the latter; Fighting Spirit (Hajime no Ippo) and Girls Bravo are slated for June, and other titles to be released over the summer and into the fall include Hanayako Maids Tai: La Verite, Jubei-Chan 2, Koi Kaze, Kyoh Kara Maoh, Melody of Oblivion, Mermaid Forest, Rumiko Takahashi Anthology, Tenjou Tenge, Tokyo Underground and the CG Tetsujin 28 Movie.

Release of either of the Vandread compilation OVAs is not expected at this point.

Notable upcoming OST releases include FLCL volume 3, which will include extended versions of the pillows songs heard in the anime, as well as other tracks that have not been previously released.

Despite the close relationship between Geneon Japan and Geneon USA, the latter does not have an exclusive lock on all titles produced by Geneon Japan.

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