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NEWS: 2nd Gig on Adult Swim

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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:53 am Reply with quote
Well now, FMA and GitS must be doing really well to move into comedy territory. Was the rest of the new Saturday (and Sunday) schedule released and know where I can see it?

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Joined: 28 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:53 am Reply with quote
Saturday's basically given to you right there.

Sunday will house Venture Bros. at 1 AM now, knocking Mission Hill off the lineup. ATHF and Birdman will take Milk's slot, and Robot Chicken will take the ATHF/Birdman slot.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 12:12 pm Reply with quote
The fact that AS is buying GitS/SAC 2nd Gig for next fall, coupled with the Feb. move-up, means this show has been meeting or exeeding expectations, even if it doesn't make the ratings Top 3 each week. I think the earlier timeslot will help it a lot.

GitS and FMA are superior shows and may become the best anime buys for AS since they acquired Inuyasha, in terms of attracting and retaining new adult viewers. These shows should attract the upper end of the 18-34 demo, especially GitS.

Lately, it seem AS comedy on the whole hasn't been doing as well as in the past. FG and Futurama are still holding up, but the homegrown comedy shows seem to be fading a bit. With the new stuff, Venture Bros. is doing well and has some very funny moments. Tom Goes to the Mayor is a really funny 15-min. comedy that I hope will be a regular show in the ratings Top 3. (Maybe if they followed Tom with something other than that awful Sealab, it might do better.) I doubt Super Milk-chan did all that well. (^_*)
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Joined: 10 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:45 pm Reply with quote
Actually I'de say FMA is going to atract the 13 to 18 crowd, not 18 to 34. While it has a very seriouse and dark plot, the comedy is going to play towards a younger audiance.

On the subject of comedy, I think ATHF, Harvey Birdman, and Sealab need to be retired. They have outlived thier lifespan, and have become repetative. I also didn't enjoy Super Milk Chan. To many "Inside Jokes" that only a japanese person, or some one who is familiar with japanese culture would get. Tom Goes to the Mayor isn't funny at all IMO. I find it rather dull. But thats just me. I whole heartedly look foward to the return of the Venture Bros. They have some crude, but funny humor, interesting characters, if not a little 2D, and a funny plot that leaves you wanting to know what happens next.
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The Frankman

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:16 pm Reply with quote
herbkir wrote:
Lately, it seem AS comedy on the whole hasn't been doing as well as in the past. FG and Futurama are still holding up, but the homegrown comedy shows seem to be fading a bit.

Ratings from two weeks ago for Futurama: 760,000 Exclamation

Nope, they're fine. New eps. of Family Guy are coming in 2005, so that's not moving either.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:35 pm Reply with quote
CyberSilver wrote:
Actually I'de say FMA is going to atract the 13 to 18 crowd, not 18 to 34. While it has a very seriouse and dark plot, the comedy is going to play towards a younger audiance.

That's NOT what I would like to see. I hate to see FMA turn into another Yu-Gi-Oh. FMA is NOT for kids Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:38 pm Reply with quote
biliano wrote:
FMA is NOT for kids Evil or Very Mad

Actually...Fullmetal Alchemist is for kids. In Japan, anyway. Wink
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:43 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
Actually...Fullmetal Alchemist is for kids. In Japan, anyway. Wink

Oh here we go again.

Everytime someone says "well in Japan this show was made for these people" no one ever has any marketing research or stats to prove it.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:29 pm Reply with quote
Where is this information comming from? i cant find it any where on the AS site.

Also, the premereing of Inuyasha, are they new episodes or old.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:37 pm Reply with quote
Perfectsword wrote:
Where is this information comming from? i can't find it any where on the AS site.

You probably wont find it on the site. More likely it was posted on a forum by a rep or sent out in a press release.

Also, the premereing of Inuyasha, are they new episodes or old.

If it was old episodes then they wouldn't be premieres, they'd be repeats. Wink

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Joined: 27 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:44 pm Reply with quote
biliano wrote:
CyberSilver wrote:
Actually I'de say FMA is going to atract the 13 to 18 crowd, not 18 to 34. While it has a very seriouse and dark plot, the comedy is going to play towards a younger audiance.

That's NOT what I would like to see. I hate to see FMA turn into another Yu-Gi-Oh. FMA is NOT for kids Evil or Very Mad

If it's attractive to a crowd that's from the ages 13-18, then it's not going to be the next Yu-Gi-Oh. Most 13-18 year olds don't act like 5-11 year olds. Well, not in my area, at least...
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:11 pm Reply with quote
CyberSilver wrote:
Actually I'de say FMA is going to atract the 13 to 18 crowd, not 18 to 34. While it has a very seriouse and dark plot, the comedy is going to play towards a younger audiance.

On the subject of comedy, I think ATHF, Harvey Birdman, and Sealab need to be retired. They have outlived thier lifespan, and have become repetative. I also didn't enjoy Super Milk Chan. To many "Inside Jokes" that only a japanese person, or some one who is familiar with japanese culture would get. Tom Goes to the Mayor isn't funny at all IMO. I find it rather dull. But thats just me. I whole heartedly look foward to the return of the Venture Bros. They have some crude, but funny humor, interesting characters, if not a little 2D, and a funny plot that leaves you wanting to know what happens next.

Somehow, I doubt that some of the events in FMA will be targeted towards a "younger" audience. The last episode they played, the one where the seemingly nice "sewing-life" alchemist Tucker combined his daughter and dog to create a hideous chimera (a "sin against God", as the guy with that cursed arm puts it) that was then killed by a stranger only to be put out of its misery did not seem like an episode a kid would enjoy. Sure, I've seen some very funny stuff in that series so far, but some of the stuff is kind of heavy and too adult for a "younger" crowd to handle.

I agree with you that ATHF and Sealab have run their due course, but I don't think Harvey Birdman should go anywhere. The first season was terrible, the second season was kinda funny, but this third season was completely hilarious. I want to see them do some more stuff now that they've really found their style! And so far, I must disagree with you on Tom goes to the Mayor. The only episode I enjoyed was "Pioneer Island", and it wasn't as good as many inhouse comedy shows have been in the past. Plus, it just seems like they're cutting corners with the animation.

The general consensus is that the majority (including me) of Adult Swim viewers don't like Super Milk-Chan. I must say, in fact, that it is one of the worst animes I've seen. (And for you crazy defenders, I went into watching the show with an open mind.) I think it's hurting the comedy block. In addition, some of the comedy-only watchers are probably thinking that a lot of anime is like Super Milk-Chan, hurting the image of Adult Swim anime.

I'm really happy that Ghost in the Shell: SAC is doing so well in the ratings and is going to get the second season. I was worried, because slower shows like GitS: SAC and Witch Hunter Robin didn't do as well as action-packed shows in the past.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:46 pm Reply with quote
Good news, but I must object to the constant use of the term "cyberpunk" by Cartoon Network. Who came up with it, and who decided that it describes Ghost in the Shell accurately? The "cyber" part is obvious, but why "punk"? There's no "punk" music or any characters with a "punk" lifestyle (they're cops... that's like the complete opposite of punks). Why not just call it "science fiction"? That sounds a lot better, and is a lot more accurate...
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Necros Antiquor wrote:
Somehow, I doubt that some of the events in FMA will be targeted towards a "younger" audience. The last episode they played, the one where the seemingly nice "sewing-life" alchemist Tucker combined his daughter and dog to create a hideous chimera (a "sin against God", as the guy with that cursed arm puts it) that was then killed by a stranger only to be put out of its misery did not seem like an episode a kid would enjoy. Sure, I've seen some very funny stuff in that series so far, but some of the stuff is kind of heavy and too adult for a "younger" crowd to handle.

As I said, It has a dark and seriouse plot. It isn't meant for children. (And any one who refrences that it is in japan, must recall they have looser ratings. Chobits, for example, is also a child anime... In Japan. Here it is 16+) However the style of comedy is going to atract Teenagers more then adults. It's more slapstick, and running gags (Such as refrences to Eds hieght, or lack there of).

Necros Antiquor wrote:
I must disagree with you on Tom goes to the Mayor. The only episode I enjoyed was "Pioneer Island", and it wasn't as good as many inhouse comedy shows have been in the past. Plus, it just seems like they're cutting corners with the animation.

CyberSilver wrote:
Tom Goes to the Mayor isn't funny at all IMO.

How is that disagreeing with me?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:18 pm Reply with quote
Necros Antiquor, think about using spoilers when you give away important plot points to shows like FMA in the future, eh?

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