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Forum - View topicNEWS: EigoManga hosts Campus Invasion at SFSU
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![]() Posts: 1484 Location: Japan |
What's EigoManga???
Posts: 2 |
from their website(
eigoMANGA is an independent comic book publishing company, developing, producing and marketing original manga (Japanese-influenced comic books). eigoMANGA is also expanding into an integrated media company engaging in video/television programming, brand/anime-themed live events and the licensing and sale of branded consumer products featuring the eigoMANGA brand. Theyo be just a little online manga company based in san francisco. How good they are, I don't know. I figured they were an offshoot of the animeigo company when I first read the post myself. |
Posts: 49 Location: San Francisco |
Geez, eigoMANGA publishes an American manga series called RUMBLE PAK! After AmerManga took a dive, Rumble Pak came like outta now where. Geez, Anime News Network does a crappy job in informing people about American manga companies. (ex: Antartic Press)
![]() Man, eigoMANGA's been really hitting it all over San Francisco Bay Area. They are on issue #4 right now and issue #1 and #2 are sold. ANN doesn't know about RUMBLE PAK? You gotta be kidding me! ![]() I was at their speaking thing at the Apple Computer Store last Thursday and after all the stuff they're doing(they even have a local anime news tv show) it boggles mind that they get no press at Anime News Network. They pop up all the time at and a ton of other western comics site (sometimes I see them on The thing they did at SFSU was AWESOME!!!!!!!! Too bad they don't have their pictures up yet. What happened was that one of the J-rock bands freaked out the school administrators so they shut it down the event alittle early. That sucks but it left me wanting more. They said they'll be back in the fall ![]() They pop up all over the place in San Francisco. Where ever there's an anime event, you can believe eigoMANGA's there. I say, Anime News should do more coverage becasue those guys really deserve it. |
![]() Posts: 4561 Location: Ottawa... now I'm an ex-Anglo Montrealer. |
Uhh... I think it doesn't get much coverage here because they're American comic books, not Japanese comic books, not that I mean anything pejorative by "American comic books", just that they're beyond the scope of what this site usually covers.
It's pretty much the same thing with Natural Born Kittens... the progress of that doesn't get much coverage here because it's a British cartoon, not a Japanese cartoon. I think I remember Tempest saying something along those lines, at least. |
Posts: 49 Location: San Francisco |
If your argument is true then how come there's tons of press about Dreamwave Productions and what they do and these guys are a North American company.
I don't think that are trying to come off a Japanese-wannabe company(well maybe they do). But all I'm saying is that for years they've been doing tons of anime and manga projects and their books are in stores everywhere. It's kind of a journalism dis-service to not keep the public aware of what some companies like eigoMANGA do in the industry that's really cool. |
![]() Posts: 925 Location: Seattle |
But where do you draw the line? Do you start covering horrible wannabe-manga like Marvel's 'Mary Jane' and 'Spidergirl' comics? Or what about Demo, which has a slight manga influence in its artwork, but is more rooted in the American indie scene?
ANN isn't for bringing you news on great animation and comics that are worthy of coverage from around the world, it's for animation and comics from Japan. If you want information on things that don't fit into that category, then read more than just one news site. It's not that hard. And Dreamwave is mainly involved with liscensed comics based on Japanese franchises, which is why ANN covers them. |
Posts: 13 |
Oh, so producing an anime events for years with Japanese rock bands isnt Japanese enough for ANN?
Our how about the Japanese anime-clothing fashion designer, Kayo getting eigoMANGA to release her clothing-line for her and creating a tie-in comic book for her if you are using the Dreamwave anime licensing argument. Our how about the popular Japanese web-comics Music Book, Queen of Clubs that eigoMANGA's now publishing for them? And the anime thing with MTV is something ANN should ignore right? eigoMANGA is NOT a Marvel Mangaverse. Despite that it's American, the company has very strong ties and roots to Japan and the majority of the company's content are in direct respect to Japan. Heck, according to our stats, after the US, there are more Japanese internet visitors any one else. The company releases good work; they do tons of newsworthy stuff like being honored and exhibited in a local big art museum, Issue #1 and #2 of eigoMANGA's publication have officially been sold out everywhere they are sold, and there's a strong local fan following in San Francisco. Maybe, just maybe more people would like to be aware that their are awesome alternatives out there, especially is its about anime and manga. |
ANN Executive Editor
![]() Posts: 7912 Location: Anime News Network Technodrome |
You know, ANN has absolutely NO obligation to promote EigoMANGA. Getting a news outlet to cover your projects is something that should be done with professionalism over email. ANN can cover whatever the hell it feels like; places that do get coverage should be happy for the promotion. 'EigoMangaMan', you have a hell of a lot to learn about dealing with the press. They don't owe you anything. You need to politely and privately give them reasons to cover your work.
Frankly, most American fans see 'American-made manga style comic book!" and run screaming. I know I do. I've read Rumble Pak, and while I'll keep my opinion to myself, I can see why it doesn't get much coverage here; in the same way ANN wouldn't post reviews of stuff like @Large or the other Rising Stars of Manga stuff... in the same way they don't really cover stuff like Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury which isn't anime at all... in the same way they won't cover Marvel's Mangaverse, they won't cover EigoManga. It isn't manga. It's a bunch of Americans trying to ape the manga style. That doesn't make it bad, but that also doesn't mean it belongs on an anime news site dedicated to anime and manga - from Japan. Deal with it. Also, maybe take some classes on professional practices and learn how to deal with the press a little better. Now you've given them one more reason to NOT cover your stuff because you're acting like a demanding child. |
ANN Past Staff
![]() Posts: 1390 Location: St. Louis, MO |
The Campus Invation event was pretty cool, which is why we covered it. We're perfectly aware of Rumble Pack--I have the latest one right here. As for the clothing line PR, it's not in our database, so I guess they didn't send it to us.
We always try to cover topics of interest to anime fans, but "American manga" is beyond our normal coverage. I'm not sure why you brought up Dreamwave; I could only find four articles in the last three years that mentioned them. If you're planning something, and you'd like some coverage, just let us know. We try to keep up, but it's hard to follow every small local event. Of course, in the end it's up to us whether or not we mention something on the front page--it depends on whether we think it's relevant to enough readers. But it's not like we're intentionally ignoring anybody. |
Posts: 13 |
You've read RUMBLE PAK? Cool!
"Frankly, most American fans see 'American-made manga style comic book!" and run screaming. I know I do. I've read Rumble Pak, and while I'll keep my opinion to myself, I can see why it doesn't get much coverage here; in the same way ANN wouldn't post reviews of stuff like @Large or the other Rising Stars of Manga stuff..." That's funny, then why does Dreamwave consistantly have a bigger market share than Viz and Tokyo Pop combined? And doesn't Dreamwave only distribute mostly in North America? More people buy dreamwave stuff than shonen jump or anything Viz and Tokyo Pop prints out. Americans do anything but run and scream away from Dreamwave. Antartic Press are probably the god-fathers of american manga with hits like Ninja High School and Gold Digger. They've been around for more than 10 years. If people hated those Texas guys stuff, they would've been out of business years ago. Do I need to talk about MegaTokyo? I was at Fanime and the guys' line was hella long for hours. The creator was even invited to speak at Japan AX. As far as lowly old us, we just got started with our comics and Scion took a gander at Rumble Pak and eigomanga is now doing artwork for their marketing campaign using Rumble Pak characters. Plus there's the musuem thing rumble pak's being exhibited in. Last edited by eigoMANGA_Man on Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:54 am; edited 6 times in total |
Posts: 13 |
I'm not speaking for the big guys in eigoMANGA because I'm not(I'm a lowly intern who happens to like his job). I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers but what's wrong with constructive critism? That's what forums are for. And what's up with one of your reporters? It's like he's attacking me directly. That guy should judge eigoMANGA by the content of their products not the content of loose-cannon characters like me because you guys seemed ticked off by what I'm saying.
I understand ANN just want to deal with Japanese stuff. But you can't ignore how global anime is becoming. I read your articles all the time. Just on the main page ANN has stuff about the Chinese trying to learn anime, The University of Texas in Austin teaching anime, heck you even posted an article/press release about some start-up company in the UK who made some cell phone technology and these guy's stuff and content have nothing to do with anime or manga. Yet when eigomanga did the apple computer store thing or Rumble PaK being featured in a 4 month musuem exhibit there was no exposure for it but a ton of other press picked it up. Not even Viz's Shonen Jump can say that they have a museum exhibition(but I think they did do something with some library campaign). I'm not taking anything away from Viz or ADV or TokyoPop but all the articles/press releases that ever appear on ANN are about their next licensing purchase or some executive being promoted. As a fan, I don't know nor care about some new Marketing executive and I didn't see an anime fan from my anime club or something, I wouldn't know what this "new hot aquisition) is and I'm too lazy to look it up after I read the press release. But the thing with Dreamwave Productions having their Transformers artwork being in posted in Times Square, now THAT'S COOL! Or Mega Tokyo's creator being invited to Japan-AX or eigoMANGA doing stuff with Scion, these stuff are cool too. But I have to go on some other anime news web site to find it out not on ANN. North American anime/manga companies like eigoMANGA, Antartic Press, Udon, Dreamwave are doing some really awesome stuff and are doing exciting localized projects that I think domestic anime fans wanna know about so they either show up or support them. I think Americans and international anime people do know what's Japanese and what's not but if they like something that's cool and worth taking notice then they want to know about it. Newtype, Anime Insider, and Animerica has picked up on this, I should know because as a lowly eigoMANGA intern, I've seen these guys interview Austin and some of the big guys. I'm just saying, if something's anime, it's cool, and you guys like it, then report it. Origin of nationality should not be the deciding factor, especially since anime is such a worldwide phenomenan now. It's food for thought. |
![]() Posts: 925 Location: Seattle |
That's not true. And Dreawave is successful because they have Transformers comics. Transformers comics sell. |
ANN Contributor
![]() Posts: 3904 Location: CO |
Ya know, there's a very simple way to fix that. Send us a press release. If you send us a press release, there's a much higher chance that we'd post something about it. We can't read minds. We can't post news about something that we don't know about. If you'd like to drop us an e-mail every time EigoMANGA does something newsworthy, more articles might appear. But if we don't hear about it-- we can't post it. We try to keep our eyes open for news, but sometimes stuff slips under our radar. Take the Campus Invasion. We DID cover the Campus Invasion. Why? Because Austin told us about it and sent us a link to the website. Cause and effect. =/ I understand that you love your job and you want to promote the company more, but I think you need to change the way you're doing it. Instead of telling us through our forum that we're not covering EigoMANGA properly, you should tell your bosses and have them send us the proper press releases, or even just drop us an e-mail with the information on it. Sure, it won't guarantee that more stuff'll get posted, but at least we'll have the information in our hands, right? Plus, I'm not too sure your bosses would be too happy that you're on a forum crusading for them-- I know you mean well, but what you do under their name reflects on them, too. Send us a few e-mails next time something happens, okay? That's more effective than talking about stuff that's already happened. ![]() Last edited by ANN_Bamboo on Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 13 |
my friend, the main idea is that dreamwave is a north american company that produced transformers.
plus, they had darkminds, war-lands, shimoda, echo(the one that fox bought the film rights to) and some other ones I can't think of right now, way before they had transformers. did the fact that a Canadian company took over a japanese-franchise keep people from buying it? no. Plus do I need to mention Devil May Cry? On the subject, Udon (another north american-manga company) has Street Fighter and that those VERY well in the market-place(Poor Comics One can't even get out Capcom Vs. SNK. That sucks becasue I've been waiting for it for a long time) ![]() The fact that these are home-town guys make it very conviente for north american fans to hop on a bus(if you live locally) to meet them and interact with the crew. eigomanga had a BIG turn out at the Apple store last week for the same reason. Trust me, I've heard feedback from regular otakus wanting good American manga. At fanime their were tons more people in the artists alleys than at the exhibitors alley. These were fans appreciating awesome anime/manga art done by American artists. |
Posts: 13 |
ok, I'll let them.
Thanks, I hope their is no harm done. ![]() |
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