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NEWS: Fist of the North Star Gets DVD Magazine

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Joined: 14 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:48 am Reply with quote
The narration for the DVD will be done in the screams of the smallfry enemies that Kenshirō defeats.

This is best narration. Also, Discotek released the entire anime on DVD.

Anyway, I think it's depressing that we have yet to get the entire manga here in the states. If a kickstarter popped up for that, I'd throw my money at it in a heartbeat.
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:14 am Reply with quote
Yeah, I'm a little puzzled too. It IS a long series, but you'd think it would sell on fame alone...

What I have seen the art isn't exactly off-putting even by today's standards (anime fares far worse in that department), and the story and setting are universal enough not to be withered by winds of time (just look at Mad Max, the obvious inspiration for Buronson).

We can read it as it's been scanlated in its entirety, as well as its prequel(Souten no Ken/Fist of the Blue Sky) and at least few of the spin-offs.
On the other hand, that's all we've got...

Too pricey to license?
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Majin Tenshi

Joined: 14 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:31 am Reply with quote
Well I would like to see a Bluray release for the original TV series and the new savior saga. I think the latter will benefit more from a BD release since it's more recent than the TV.

I don't mind a new anime for HNK especially if it's based on the last arcs of the manga that were not animated.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Majin Tenshi wrote:
Well I would like to see a Bluray release for the original TV series and the new savior saga. I think the latter will benefit more from a BD release since it's more recent than the TV.

I don't mind a new anime for HNK especially if it's based on the last arcs of the manga that were not animated.

Exactly. Who the hell cares to watch HNK on DVD anymore anyway?
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Joined: 25 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:49 pm Reply with quote
Majin Tenshi wrote:
Well I would like to see a Bluray release for the original TV series and the new savior saga. I think the latter will benefit more from a BD release since it's more recent than the TV.

I'm not so sure. The original TV series were done in the 80s and as such they are cel-animation.

However the OVAs are primarily from the middle of 00s, a ghetto of an era of pioneering digital animation that was largely confined to SD. As opposed to cels, those works usually don't scale very well to HD.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:44 pm Reply with quote
KabaKabaFruit wrote:

Exactly. Who the hell cares to watch HNK on DVD anymore anyway?

Not sure if sarcastic, but...

...Anybody who wants to watch the series at all, period? In high quality comparable to the Dragon Box restorations of DBZ? I, for one, do not want a Blu-Ray of anything FotNS, barring a fully uncut print of the film being found. One look at the egregious animation on some of those filler episodes (and manga-based) would explain why.

Those who would forgo the wonderful Discotek DVDs in favor of streaming because "DVD is liek sooooooooooo ancient lols" might as well not even bother watching, due to the abysmal quality and spotty translation of the streaming copies.

Anyhow, there was some Japanese culture website that did an interview with who they claimed was a veteran in the Japanese manga business and also worked for DC Comics, and asked him to pick 5 unlicensed manga that are being overlooked that would do well over here. The only classic series he mentioned out of those 5 was Fist of the North Star, saying he believes it would sell quite well if it were put out in a special edition (ala the excellent one being published in Japan right about now, I assume). He apparently thought that nostalgia for classic manga\anime would boost sales in the vein of Sailor Moon and Gundam: The Origin. IMO its established cult fanbase nowadays vs. when it was tried even for the second time 10 years ago, would shift the game a bit.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:51 pm Reply with quote
doomydoomdoom wrote:
KabaKabaFruit wrote:

Exactly. Who the hell cares to watch HNK on DVD anymore anyway?

Those who would forgo the wonderful Discotek DVDs in favor of streaming because "DVD is liek sooooooooooo ancient lols" might as well not even bother watching, due to the abysmal quality and spotty translation of the streaming copies.

Seriously. You haven't watched the show until you've seen the DVDs. The audio quality alone is worth purchasing them.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:07 pm Reply with quote
doomy: They already did a special edition of Fist in America. No one bought it.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:27 pm Reply with quote
And yet both video games sold rather well. Weird.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:01 pm Reply with quote
Majin Tenshi wrote:
I don't mind a new anime for HNK especially if it's based on the last arcs of the manga that were not animated.

Buy Ken's Rage 2 then, it was never mentioned when it was coming out but the game's story mode actually covered the end of the manga after the Celestial Emperor & Land Of Asura stages.

Blanchimont wrote:
Majin Tenshi wrote:
Well I would like to see a Bluray release for the original TV series and the new savior saga. I think the latter will benefit more from a BD release since it's more recent than the TV.

I'm not so sure. The original TV series were done in the 80s and as such they are cel-animation.

However the OVAs are primarily from the middle of 00s, a ghetto of an era of pioneering digital animation that was largely confined to SD. As opposed to cels, those works usually don't scale very well to HD.

That doesn't mean anything with Toei because they have started releasing their other older TV shows such as Galaxy Express 999, Slam Dunk & Saint Seiya but they're confirmed to be Q-Tec upscales and those familiar with Q-Tec know that their upscales do not look pretty.

As for New Savior, didn't those get Blu-ray releases in Europe? How did they look?

GATSU wrote:
doomy: They already did a special edition of Fist in America. No one bought it.

If you mean that complete set they put out a while back then of course they didn't because the set was in a case where some of the discs were stacked on top of others (link) so those who bought the previous 4 sets (and some did, myself included) decided to keep what they have.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:18 pm Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:

GATSU wrote:
doomy: They already did a special edition of Fist in America. No one bought it.

If you mean that complete set they put out a while back then of course they didn't because the set was in a case where some of the discs were stacked on top of others (link) so those who bought the previous 4 sets (and some did, myself included) decided to keep what they have.

I think he means the manga, talking about the large "Master Editions" which had each volume colorized in full, from Raijin Comics\Gutsoon. But the thing about using those to judge what sales of the manga today would be like is, for one thing, Raijin in general was a screwy deal and their marketing was horrible, and for another, the books were too big and overpriced, and colorized to appeal to American\European comics fans (factors into their horrible marketing). Also, the time wasn't ripe for classic anime\manga nostalgia in the U.S. Another thing worth noting is that no English release ever made it to Raoh, not Viz or Gutsoon's, or Manga Entertainment's anime release for that matter. Again, I believe that that's because of poor marketing.

With the easy availability of the anime, and recent video games, more people can and have been exposed to the series. If the manga were tried again over here, through Kickstarter or the unthinkable risky investment or whatever have you, the "Extreme Editions" are the perfect choice due to their American tankobon size, original color artwork preservation, and the fact that Raoh shows up in volume 5 of this edition rather than 8 or 9 of the original. A new chapter in the deal isn't so bad either.

But enough of my passionate optimism: if the Complete Series set is doing bad, that's sad. I don't yet own the series, so I'm going to be scooping it up within the next month.

Also, I've been on the fence about the games, but what you said about Ken's Rage 2 makes me want it...
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Joined: 14 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:30 pm Reply with quote
I loved the first Ken's Rage, but Ken's Rage 2 was...weird. I know lots people hated it (fans of the first game included), but, IMO, the gameplay didn't get worse as much as it...went sideways? It was attempting to cater more to the Japanese fans who complained that the first game was too slow, and they replaced jumping with dashing. Essentially, they fixed most of the old problems and created some new ones. For example, they made the graphics worse to try and get the game to play at 60 fps, but it does so fairly inconsistently. The game is painstakingly accurate to the plot of the manga, but most of the cutscenes are in these manga-style still images; it just feels a bit cheap to me.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:16 am Reply with quote
the books were too big and overpriced, and colorized to appeal to American\European comics fans (factors into their horrible marketing).

They're on par with the DB color books. Anyway, I will agree that Hara has at least a chance to upload his manga to DMP or Crunchyroll. Kickstarting it would be insane.
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