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NEWS: Stand By Me Doraemon 3D CG FIlm's New Teaser Posted

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Joined: 08 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:19 pm Reply with quote
I know we haven't had international releases of Doraemon, but this looks too amazing not to!
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Joined: 25 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:35 pm Reply with quote
Zemnort wrote:
I know we haven't had international releases of Doraemon, but this looks too amazing not to!

Funnily enough, Doraemon can be released ANYWHERE, except America.

They think it's because Nobita relies on Doraemon too much, that it doesn't coincide with America's self-reliance rather than "weakness".

Which is BS.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:55 pm Reply with quote
I hope The Weinstein Company or GKIDS brings this movie to the US.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:13 pm Reply with quote
Veniamin wrote:
Funnily enough, Doraemon can be released ANYWHERE, except America.

They think it's because Nobita relies on Doraemon too much, that it doesn't coincide with America's self-reliance rather than "weakness".

Which is BS.

It truly is sad Doraemon hasn't had even a little exposure here.
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Utsuro no Hako

Joined: 18 May 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:35 pm Reply with quote
Veniamin wrote:
Zemnort wrote:
I know we haven't had international releases of Doraemon, but this looks too amazing not to!

Funnily enough, Doraemon can be released ANYWHERE, except America.

They think it's because Nobita relies on Doraemon too much, that it doesn't coincide with America's self-reliance rather than "weakness".

Which is BS.

That may be true for the anime (though I suspect it has more to do with nobody in the US wanting to touch a series that long), but the manga's available on Amazon. They're ebook-only, and unfortunately they're doing three chapters for $2.99 (recent releases seem to be 5/$3.99) instead of full-sized volumes, but it's available.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:08 pm Reply with quote
Utsuro no Hako wrote:
Veniamin wrote:
Zemnort wrote:
I know we haven't had international releases of Doraemon, but this looks too amazing not to!

Funnily enough, Doraemon can be released ANYWHERE, except America.

They think it's because Nobita relies on Doraemon too much, that it doesn't coincide with America's self-reliance rather than "weakness".

Which is BS.

That may be true for the anime (though I suspect it has more to do with nobody in the US wanting to touch a series that long), but the manga's available on Amazon. They're ebook-only, and unfortunately they're doing three chapters for $2.99 (recent releases seem to be 5/$3.99) instead of full-sized volumes, but it's available.

What's also unfortunate is that Doraemon is now a disaster in the US. Only 6 users reviewed the first release, 3 reviewed the second one, only one person reviewed both the respective third and fourth volume. Nothing else after that.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:34 am Reply with quote
Is the story something original? Not being taken from any chap of Doraemon? I mean, like, maybe its story is taken from a chapter in earlier volume where Doraemon did leave Nobita... where spoiler[ a night before, Nobita fights Gian and win, so that Doraemon can leave him and not worry about him anymore. ]
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:54 am Reply with quote
CastMember1991 wrote:
Utsuro no Hako wrote:
Veniamin wrote:
Zemnort wrote:
I know we haven't had international releases of Doraemon, but this looks too amazing not to!

Funnily enough, Doraemon can be released ANYWHERE, except America.

They think it's because Nobita relies on Doraemon too much, that it doesn't coincide with America's self-reliance rather than "weakness".

Which is BS.

That may be true for the anime (though I suspect it has more to do with nobody in the US wanting to touch a series that long), but the manga's available on Amazon. They're ebook-only, and unfortunately they're doing three chapters for $2.99 (recent releases seem to be 5/$3.99) instead of full-sized volumes, but it's available.

What's also unfortunate is that Doraemon is now a disaster in the US. Only 6 users reviewed the first release, 3 reviewed the second one, only one person reviewed both the respective third and fourth volume. Nothing else after that.

Wow, all the many critics of e-book manga didn't bother to review it? Razz

I suspect the reason it still hasn't hit the US is
A) it looks (to the naked eye) like an ultra-kiddy title, for preschoolers who probably wouldn't care about anime in the first place,
B) the comic-strip design is a little too primitive and the characters look like they came out of 1953, and
C) the first thing--the FIRST thing--that most importers hear about what a "legend" the show is back home is that "It ran for thirty years!" Uh, yeah, that's going to get nervous importers interested about jumping in for the long run. (And try telling that to Cartoon Network, who still has nightmares about DBZ.)

At various points, there were talks about bringing just the feature movies over to the US, starting with the big hit at the time, "Nobita and the Green Giant".
Owie. I don't imagine it having much of a future in the US if they started with THAT shark-jumper. Shocked
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Joined: 25 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:03 am Reply with quote
Utsuro no Hako wrote:
Veniamin wrote:
Zemnort wrote:
I know we haven't had international releases of Doraemon, but this looks too amazing not to!

Funnily enough, Doraemon can be released ANYWHERE, except America.

They think it's because Nobita relies on Doraemon too much, that it doesn't coincide with America's self-reliance rather than "weakness".

Which is BS.

That may be true for the anime (though I suspect it has more to do with nobody in the US wanting to touch a series that long), but the manga's available on Amazon. They're ebook-only, and unfortunately they're doing three chapters for $2.99 (recent releases seem to be 5/$3.99) instead of full-sized volumes, but it's available.

Nah, I doubt it's because its long. especially if you're marketing towards kids of all people.

They just don't give it a chance. I'd buy the Blue-rays immediately if it came down here.
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Joined: 08 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:28 pm Reply with quote
lol, I used to watch Doraemon for years (it was being emitted on tv)

and if I remember well most of the movies were released in the theaters (and sometimes on tv too, on specials/festive days and such)

if this is really the "final story" I think I will watch it, even if I hate this kind of weird 3D style
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Joined: 27 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:25 pm Reply with quote
Wow, I haven't even seen the trailer but I bet it's gonna be tearjerking. I must regain manliness again after watching this, like after when I cry bawling upon watching the first movie.

I must say I hate this CG style though. The latter movies were not in my taste either, so I was quite disappointed. But still, it's Doraemon so...

I wonder why Doraemon is extremely unpopular in NA. In my country, if you don't know Doraemon, you must be living in a cave for your whole life. Laughing Too bad this kind of manga isn't appreciated there.
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Joined: 08 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:43 pm Reply with quote
shiranehito wrote:
(...) In my country, if you don't know Doraemon, you must be living in a cave for your whole life. Laughing Too bad this kind of manga isn't appreciated there.

lolol here where I live is the same (I don't know about France though <--- it's my country, that's why I mention it .x)

even when you're a teen you keep watching it before going to school in the morning if you had enough time or when you come back lols

oh man, remembering this is so nostalgic... I wish I could still watch it
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