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NEWS: Adult Game Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete Gets Anime

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:17 am Reply with quote
I haven't heard much about this game before this looks interesting. Hope they can adapt it well.
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:38 am Reply with quote
Adapted h-game... I'm guessing that this will be another one of the generic harem fanservice fests that come out each season. Some day one of those will be great.
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Joined: 24 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:08 am Reply with quote
Ahh, the artwork is gorgeous. That's how I found out about this VN in the first place - I saw the artwork and had to look it up. Pretty cool that it's getting an anime, although I dunno if it would be anything I would like. The rating on VNDB is pretty good, at least.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:32 am Reply with quote
...funny how this sort of thing never gets adapted in the US...

Honestly, if the story was that good, why wasn't the game non-pornographic to begin with?

The adult content was completely non-consequential in most of these stories, i.e. Utawarerumono, the Fate series (and Tsukuhime).

If anything School Days is the only decent adaptation because the main character boinks all the female characters and ends up with the game's worst BAD END.

Not knocking ero-games, just saying that the genres (porn and non-porn) should be distinct.
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Ojamajo LimePie

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:53 am Reply with quote
Because sex is totally not a part of romantic relationships, right? Rolling Eyes

I wonder why this specific game is getting an anime adaption? The visuals are pretty, but it's a middle-of-the-road game that was quickly forgotten. There are plenty of other titles more deserving of an adaption.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:27 am Reply with quote
and Shinobu Kurota designed the characters. (Kurota drew the illustration above.)

That should be Shinobu Kuroya.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:39 am Reply with quote
EnigmaticSky wrote:
Adapted h-game... I'm guessing that this will be another one of the generic harem fanservice fests that come out each season. Some day one of those will be great.

It's not an official news-related thread on ANN until we get an ultra super dose of cynicism and sarcasm............ Rolling Eyes

Banken wrote:
...funny how this sort of thing never gets adapted in the US...

Honestly, if the story was that good, why wasn't the game non-pornographic to begin with?

The adult content was completely non-consequential in most of these stories, i.e. Utawarerumono, the Fate series (and Tsukuhime).

If anything School Days is the only decent adaptation because the main character boinks all the female characters and ends up with the game's worst BAD END.

So many things wrong with this post.............

Not knocking ero-games, just saying that the genres (porn and non-porn) should be distinct.

Based on what you stated in your post, It sure sounds like you are ripping on them.

Last edited by Himeko90 on Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:44 am Reply with quote
Ojamajo LimePie wrote:
Because sex is totally not a part of romantic relationships, right? Rolling Eyes

Yes? You're confusing sex in the story with what is essentially pornography. The fact that most of the "big" games that got anime adaptions had their adult content removed for the general audience versions proves my point... having graphic pornographic content (not just sex) in a visual novel that is primarily story-oriented is pointless. If your story is worth telling, there's no reason to pander to the eroge market.

If you want to make an eroge, make an eroge. If you want to tell a story, tell a story. And if graphic sex is that important to the story, the anime adaptation should be an OVA and keep it.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:51 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
Yes? You're confusing sex in the story with what is essentially pornography. The fact that most of the "big" games that got anime adaptions had their adult content removed for the general audience versions proves my point... having graphic pornographic content (not just sex) in a visual novel that is primarily story-oriented is pointless. If your story is worth telling, there's no reason to pander to the eroge market.

If you want to make an eroge, make an eroge. If you want to tell a story, tell a story. And if graphic sex is that important to the story, the anime adaptation should be an OVA and keep it.

Yeah.....this isn't about issues associated with making a visual novel that features adult content (hint: there aren't any issues with that). This is about you having a personal problem with sexual content in games at some level and hating on eroge (in other words, you are being a prude).
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:37 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
having graphic pornographic content (not just sex) in a visual novel that is primarily story-oriented is pointless.

It is pointless to you. There are quite a few people in this world who are not you. In fact, there are many, many, many more people who are not you than there are of you. Because they often tend to buy things, and few businesses like to turn down perfectly good money solely because it came from people who are not you, sometimes there will be products that don't accommodate you. They are not defective, just made for interests and preferences different from your own.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:58 am Reply with quote
Himeko90 wrote:

Based on what you stated in your post, It sure sounds like you are ripping on them.

Not really. Erogames are fine as long as you don't treat them like they're something else... they are by and large games or stories that wouldn't be very interesting without the adult content. Basically, interactive pornography

I'm not against adult content, I just think it's weird how many adult games have been adapted into non-adult anime, which proves my point: the adult content doesn't add anything to those stories. If something doesn't add to a story, it shouldn't be added.

On the other hand, if you took the erotic content out of more traditional erogames, then they wouldn't be very interesting.

Like I said, if you're going to spend the time to write a story there's no reason to use x-rated content. R-rated stuff is almost always sufficient. Using graphic erotica in visual novels is just pandering to erogame fans so they'll buy your overpriced pseudogame (the average erogame costs around $70-80... nowadays you can get more content out of a $2 indie game from Steam). On the other hand, if you're going to make an erogame, removing the erotic content so it can be mass-marketed is akin to selling out.

So basically, erogames are fine, and visual novels with good stories are fine, but you shouldn't half-ass it either way. Either make an erogame or a visual novel.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:06 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
Himeko90 wrote:

Based on what you stated in your post, It sure sounds like you are ripping on them.

Not really. Erogames are fine as long as you don't treat them like they're something else... they are by and large games or stories that wouldn't be very interesting without the adult content. Basically, interactive pornography

I'm not against adult content, I just think it's weird how many adult games have been adapted into non-adult anime, which proves my point: the adult content doesn't add anything to those stories. If something doesn't add to a story, it shouldn't be added.

On the other hand, if you took the erotic content out of more traditional erogames, then they wouldn't be very interesting.

Like I said, if you're going to spend the time to write a story there's no reason to use x-rated content. R-rated stuff is almost always sufficient. Using graphic erotica in visual novels is just pandering to erogame fans so they'll buy your overpriced pseudogame (the average erogame costs around $70-80... nowadays you can get more content out of a $2 indie game from Steam). On the other hand, if you're going to make an erogame, removing the erotic content so it can be mass-marketed is akin to selling out.

So basically, erogames are fine, and visual novels with good stories are fine, but you shouldn't half-ass it either way. Either make an erogame or a visual novel.

Oh god, you're THAT kind of peroson.

You do know that the world is not in black and white, it's entirely possible to have an 'Eroge' with a good story and a visual novel with a bad one.

Or rather, you can have a visual novel with a lot of sex in it, it entirely depends on how the main characters interact with each other and if the sex is a pertinent part of the story. A lot of the time (at least in games that I've played) the H stuff will be in the after story rather than the main game, or at least the majority will. Does this not make the story both an eroge and a Visual novel? Since the after story is still part of the characters stories, even if it's not in the same save file -.-
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:07 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
I just think it's weird how many adult games have been adapted into non-adult anime, which proves my point: the adult content doesn't add anything to those stories.

That's more of a marketing decision than an artistic one. Retaining the sexual content would severely restrict the exposure the adaptation would get, so because they whole point of making the anime is typically to promote the source material, it usually gets skipped out of sheer necessity.

Besides, the sex scenes don't have to add anything to the story. The story is there to provide a buildup to and context for the adult content, because some people want more than just random, hollow, standalone sex scenes.
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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:25 am Reply with quote
Kreion wrote:

Oh god, you're THAT kind of peroson.

You do know that the world is not in black and white, it's entirely possible to have an 'Eroge' with a good story and a visual novel with a bad one.

If it had a really good story it wouldn't need to be an eroge in the first place. It's possible to have anything with a bad story, obviously.

I'm not talking about black and white, but at a certain shade of grey, it's pretty much black. Basically, I draw the line at body fluids, visible penetration, and any act the bible wouldn't approve of. At that point it's just porn, and should be enjoyed as such.


Or rather, you can have a visual novel with a lot of sex in it, it entirely depends on how the main characters interact with each other and if the sex is a pertinent part of the story.

I don't have any problem with sex in the story, I just think that seeing Shiro spooge on Sakura's chest isn't something that needed to be in Fate/Stay Night. The way it's depicted is the issue.


A lot of the time (at least in games that I've played) the H stuff will be in the after story rather than the main game, or at least the majority will. Does this not make the story both an eroge and a Visual novel? Since the after story is still part of the characters stories, even if it's not in the same save file -.-

That's the worst kind of erotic visual novel at all. Having to play an eroge where nothing erotic happens until the end of the story is sooooo boring. Erogames are essentially interactive pornography. If you haven't banged half the female cast half way through the story, what's the point?
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:50 am Reply with quote
Most sex scenes in non-nukige eroge are really, really terrible

Granted, most sex scenes in nukige are terrible, but they're the actual point so...
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