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NEWS: Miyazaki's The Wind Rises Does Not Win Awards at Venice

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Joined: 04 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:28 pm Reply with quote
Guess this might make Based Miyazaki a little frustrated and get back into the business again. I guess he might've expected on a high note?
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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:00 pm Reply with quote
Sasukeuzi wrote:
Guess this might make Based Miyazaki a little frustrated and get back into the business again. I guess he might've expected on a high note?

Not necessarily. Personally I've found Miyazaki's films to be not as good recently. He's past his prime a bit and I would think it's better to retire while he's still known to be good before he ends up eventually making something atrocious.

That said, it's not like he's completely gone from the industry as he'll still be providing support and advice.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:32 pm Reply with quote
That sad to hear, but at least it was nominated and shown. I'm sorry if Miyazaki didn't win this one.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:43 pm Reply with quote
Not surprising. The animation was great, but if they saw it in the original Japanese they had to put up with Hideaki Anno's wooden attempts at acting, and even if they didn't... well:
Jiro's Zero fighters were later built at slave labour camps and were used for kamikaze missions, although the film does not mention this. Jiro, for his part, is painted as an innocent, incurious man who perhaps feels that his responsibilities end when his planes are complete. All of which would be fine – a great springboard for a drama about art and its consequences – were it not for the fact that Miyazaki is so incurious too. The film-maker so clearly admires his subject that he never truly stoops to question his vision or hold his man to account.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:32 pm Reply with quote
Who honestly cares lol? There are plenty of movies without any awards or nominations that I enjoy and love more than films that did win awards.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:39 pm Reply with quote
Whatever. Awards are basically a Mafia anyway, does not matter much, awards have no credibility at all.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:08 pm Reply with quote
dan9999 wrote:
Whatever. Awards are basically a Mafia anyway, does not matter much, awards have no credibility at all.

So according to your logic, you're saying this Taiwanese film which won the Golden lion at the Venice in 1989 is horrible:

I guess this film from Korea, Pieta (which won the Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival) wasn't good too, right??

I guess Oldboy sucks, because as you claim, awards has no credibility.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:13 pm Reply with quote
Wow, this article seems to be implying that Miyazaki is so god-like that it's news if he DOESN'T win an award.

It seems to me that it's kind of unhelpful to know who didn't win. Should ESPN start reporting that Kyle Busch DIDN'T win a NASCAR race, or that Tiger Woods DIDN'T win a golf tournament? It seems to me that it would be more helpful to know who did win. But, maybe that's just me.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:16 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
dan9999 wrote:
Whatever. Awards are basically a Mafia anyway, does not matter much, awards have no credibility at all.

So according to your logic, you're saying this Taiwanese film which won the Golden lion at the Venice in 1989 is horrible:

I guess this film from Korea, Pieta (which won the Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival) wasn't good too, right??

I guess Oldboy sucks, because as you claim, awards has no credibility.

Actually, he's not saying that award-winning films automatically suck, he's just saying that there's no guarantee that awards are always given to the most deserving films.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:20 pm Reply with quote
manhiem wrote:
mdo7 wrote:
dan9999 wrote:
Whatever. Awards are basically a Mafia anyway, does not matter much, awards have no credibility at all.

So according to your logic, you're saying this Taiwanese film which won the Golden lion at the Venice in 1989 is horrible:

I guess this film from Korea, Pieta (which won the Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival) wasn't good too, right??

I guess Oldboy sucks, because as you claim, awards has no credibility.

Actually, he's not saying that award-winning films automatically suck, he's just saying that there's no guarantee that awards are always given to the most deserving films.

I like playing with that person's logic. Just because Miyazaki's recent film didn't win the award doesn't mean you should attack the award and calling them liars and say they have no credibility. The Wind rises is going to face competition so of course it may or may not win. But at least the film got nominated and recgonized, that still good to me.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:33 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
Not surprising. The animation was great, but if they saw it in the original Japanese they had to put up with Hideaki Anno's wooden attempts at acting, and even if they didn't... well:


Of course, you quoted from the reviewer who called the Zero a "jet fighter".

Here's a more positive review:

Widya Santoso
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:44 pm Reply with quote
dan9999 wrote:
Whatever. Awards are basically a Mafia anyway, does not matter much, awards have no credibility at all.

Awards can drive sales, which means filmmakers can get more funding for future products for being successful in multiple ways with what they release today. Probably not an issue with the stranglehold Ghibli has on Japan's box office, but I imagine winning for recognition is a big deal to other filmmakers.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:19 pm Reply with quote
Jiro's Zero fighters were later built at slave labour camps and were used for kamikaze missions, although the film does not mention this. Jiro, for his part, is painted as an innocent, incurious man who perhaps feels that his responsibilities end when his planes are complete. All of which would be fine – a great springboard for a drama about art and its consequences – were it not for the fact that Miyazaki is so incurious too. The film-maker so clearly admires his subject that he never truly stoops to question his vision or hold his man to account.

I find this point of view curious. It seems to be saying that an inventor should be held accountable if his invention is ever used to injure or kill a human being. By that logic, manufacturers of hammers, knives, ropes, and fireplace pokers should be held accountable for the way their products are misused.

A tool is just that - a tool. It is the person who uses the tool who should be held accountable for how he or she uses it, not the person who made it.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:37 am Reply with quote
manhiem wrote:
Jiro's Zero fighters were later built at slave labour camps and were used for kamikaze missions, although the film does not mention this. Jiro, for his part, is painted as an innocent, incurious man who perhaps feels that his responsibilities end when his planes are complete. All of which would be fine – a great springboard for a drama about art and its consequences – were it not for the fact that Miyazaki is so incurious too. The film-maker so clearly admires his subject that he never truly stoops to question his vision or hold his man to account.

I find this point of view curious. It seems to be saying that an inventor should be held accountable if his invention is ever used to injure or kill a human being. By that logic, manufacturers of hammers, knives, ropes, and fireplace pokers should be held accountable for the way their products are misused.

A tool is just that - a tool. It is the person who uses the tool who should be held accountable for how he or she uses it, not the person who made it.

Like Einstein's letters and the atomic bomb.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:21 am Reply with quote
manhiem wrote:
A tool is just that - a tool. It is the person who uses the tool who should be held accountable for how he or she uses it, not the person who made it.

Unlike a hammer or a rope, a fighter plane is specifically a tool of war, meant to destroy offensively or defensively. The question here is different - is Miyazaki expected to explore that person's responsibility and thoughts about the war if he wants to make a good movie about a wartime weapon-maker? I'd rather everyone watch the movie first before starting to argue.
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