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Joined: 22 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.
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Key Lime Pie

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:35 pm Reply with quote
BrainBlow wrote:
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.

Don't kids love them so much that they have to do more and more to mollify them?
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:38 pm Reply with quote
BrainBlow wrote:
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.
I have to agree.

If Gargantia is going to have more eps, which I think can only make matters worse, they should take place in the time span between eps 1 - 13 to fill in the gaping holes in the story. They should also "retcon" the parts of the original that made absolutely no sense...but that would amount to redoing the whole show.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:40 pm Reply with quote
BrainBlow wrote:
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.

Gargantia was amazing, you're drunk, go home.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:22 pm Reply with quote
I quite liked Gargantia, it was by no means a perfect series but it was still a good, fun series.

I'm really looking forward to the OVA's because one of my favorite parts of Gargantia was the world that it took place in, so I hope the OVA's expand on it.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:13 pm Reply with quote
0:54 "Dammit bitch, what is it THIS time?"
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:25 pm Reply with quote
BrainBlow wrote:
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.

season 2 please, I love to see hates. I found more entertainment in those hate topics than most shows.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:57 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
BrainBlow wrote:
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.
I have to agree.

If Gargantia is going to have more eps, which I think can only make matters worse, they should take place in the time span between eps 1 - 13 to fill in the gaping holes in the story. They should also "retcon" the parts of the original that made absolutely no sense...but that would amount to redoing the whole show.

I agree. Such a disappointment, ugh.

And then they go and cast my favorite seiyuu for an ova. Well, if I could put up with this for 13 eps, one more isn't going to kill me...
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Ugh, so the OVA's just gonna be more shenanigans? Pass.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:18 pm Reply with quote
The nurse is supposed to be Ridget's close friend?! We barely got to see any of Ridget as a character (and what we did see was disappointing IMO), her development as a character didn't really happen, and now we're supposed to believe that she has a close friend, a friend who was never seen or mentioned during the entirety of 1-13?! Where was she?

Why wasn't Ridget's "close friend" the one giving her the "you're (in name only) the boss so please attempt to almost act like it" pep talk instead of Bellows?

Why wasn't she at the fleet commander's funeral? Why wasn't she there to aid her "close friend" Ridget through the grief caused by that?

Normally when a character shows up in an anime and convinces (brainwashes) other characters that they've known him/her for years and years the show doesn't attempt to similarly con the audience. Yet Gargantia is trying to do just that.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:48 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
If Gargantia is going to have more eps, which I think can only make matters worse, they should take place in the time span between eps 1 - 13 to fill in the gaping holes in the story.

I would actually like to see more episodes with Chamber interacting with the people of Gargantia since I feel like that was a big part of the ending that kinda got glossed over by the show.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:57 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
Normally when a character shows up in an anime and convinces (brainwashes) other characters that they've known him/her for years and years the show doesn't attempt to similarly con the audience. Yet Gargantia is trying to do just that.

I think you're jumping the gun/Gargantia.

Anyway, more Gargantia is good. I will savor the hate.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:58 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
The nurse is supposed to be Ridget's close friend?! We barely got to see any of Ridget as a character (and what we did see was disappointing IMO), her development as a character didn't really happen, and now we're supposed to believe that she has a close friend, a friend who was never seen or mentioned during the entirety of 1-13?! Where was she?

Considering that part of the OVA takes place in the past (evident if you watch the PV), I can think of at least one very good reason for the above and all the other questions you put forward.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:28 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
BrainBlow wrote:
Please, Gargantia, no more. You're already enough of a trainwreck of a show.
I have to agree.

If Gargantia is going to have more eps, which I think can only make matters worse, they should take place in the time span between eps 1 - 13 to fill in the gaping holes in the story. They should also "retcon" the parts of the original that made absolutely no sense...but that would amount to redoing the whole show.

In this interview that was posted on ANN when 5 eps was out, Murata explains where he wanted the show to go and how he wanted it to get there.
From what I can tell, the show pretty much delivered. Both what was promised in the interview, and what was promised when the synopsis was revealed.
If everything made "absolutely no sense" to you, then I'm sure you watched it without using your brain.
Echo_City wrote:
The nurse is supposed to be Ridget's close friend?! We barely got to see any of Ridget as a character (and what we did see was disappointing IMO), her development as a character didn't really happen, and now we're supposed to believe that she has a close friend, a friend who was never seen or mentioned during the entirety of 1-13?! Where was she?

Why wasn't Ridget's "close friend" the one giving her the "you're (in name only) the boss so please attempt to almost act like it" pep talk instead of Bellows?

Why wasn't she at the fleet commander's funeral? Why wasn't she there to aid her "close friend" Ridget through the grief caused by that?

Normally when a character shows up in an anime and convinces (brainwashes) other characters that they've known him/her for years and years the show doesn't attempt to similarly con the audience. Yet Gargantia is trying to do just that.

There's obviously a reason why Storia wasn't in the TV anime.
Gargantia isn't trying to "brainwash" the audience into thinking they've known each other for years and years. The show is telling a story, and the OVA's are telling the backstory. The creators trust the audience to not jump to the same stupid conclusions you and many others have made.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:55 pm Reply with quote
Considering that part of the OVA takes place in the past (evident if you watch the PV), I can think of at least one very good reason for the above and all the other questions you put forward.
While I did watch the PV and agree that it is all but certain to take place somewhere between eps 1-13 (and saw their "moe-fication" of Ridget, where she wears the Genshiken helmet lol) I believe that if this does in fact take place in this time period then it will raise more questions than it answers and will just "feel cheap" as we already know that these characters do not meaningfully contribute to the plot as presented in 1-13. If these 2 new characters show up here then where were they in episodes X-13, where X is the episode after (by show chronology) this ep? Where were they in the preceding eps? I can't imagine any way they could remove these characters from the picture without it feeling cheap. The worst thing that could happen is if these new characters turn out to be interesting, considering.

Also, this shows that Ridget is ultimately a static character as she is shown to be the same vacillating bureaucrat here that she was always shown as being in eps 1-13. So if something should happen in this that develops her as a character, if something should make her more interesting, it will immediately vanish after the ep ends (and if they include it in any subsequent OVAs then it'll be weird as, when compared with 1-13, we'll have essentially 2 different Ridgets). That's one of the things that irks me about most Western TV shows.
If everything made "absolutely no sense" to you, then I'm sure you watched it without using your brain.
Watching Gargantia with the brain "switched off" must be done for its own protection as the deus ex machina, lapses in logic and mercurial morals of the Gargantians would otherwise damage it. Just because they wanted to create some allegory for young Japanese males entering the workforce doesn't mean that they had to tell it via a poorly-constructed story. Yet they did and the show was worse for it.

I feel that I've used a lot of words and posts just to say what the OP herein succinctly stated. Laughing
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