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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:28 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:00 pm Reply with quote
Alright a section where I can....elaborate? No I haven't seen all of them but I am interested in the titles!

First off with Toriko I've only seen a small amount and intend to just go with the manga version of it for the time being since most shounen anime other than Hunter x Hunter get screwed over in some way shape or form wether its a ongoing long runner or condensed into seasons (unless Magi dosn't disappoint, but thats a hurdle to jump over later) What I have seen has been fun in that sort of kid reverting way as you said, I rember scenes of Toriko eminating his precense to the point where the monster was at a stand still appearing to be on the plate as the presence Toriko was about to eat it and Komatsu shitting himself. I also recall a guy who can manipulate poison a battle wold and a scene where Toriko wakes up from his entirly edible house and as he gets ready to depart for the day he never stops eating. The logical sie of me stated that as stupid, but the manchild in me just yelled: THAT WAS AWESOME! so I think I'll rent if not buy some of the anime volumes as I make my way though the manga and decide if its a buy for me or not.

Moretsu pirates! Yeah I haven't seen jack squat of this yet, but the article written here about it seems promising enough so I'll give it a try on crunchyroll, my inner One Piece fanboy is curious as to how well pirates hold up for me without Luffy.

And for Shana the movie, as a guy who saw season one, it was alright for a few scenes but otherwise its a retelling movie for me, and I'm usually not a fan of those, unless its gintama, but that was because I never saw the arc in question. I won't speak for anyone who hasn't seen shana and saw the movie but as far as I'm concerned I'm just as good with getting season 1 and calling it a day.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:40 pm Reply with quote
The fun description a number of people seem seem to push with Toriko got me to blind buy the first volume, good to see yet another Smile

Hell yes, really liked Bodacious Space Pirates. Definitely agree with the review, great show and Marika makes a great lead. Also, could not agree more, the show is pretty freaking gorgeous on Blu-ray.
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Joined: 11 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:42 pm Reply with quote
I'm just glad the review of Shana movie didn't say it was bad. I watched season 1 years ago so I plan to watch the movie to catch up, then season 2, and finally season 3 when that is released.

Bodacious Space Pirates is on my when-I-have-some-money-I'll-buy it list.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Im sorry I dont see how you can make Toriko a shelf worthy show let alone why that of all the SJ shows made it here, while something like Sket Dan which would probably do better here did not.

Toriko is more of a gag show than a true SJ. Its not quite as bad Bo Bo Bo Bo, but if shows like Shaman King and Mar could not work here, I dont see how this show will either. Fairy Tail seems to be only doing marginally well here. And all that does really well here is the fading SJ trinity.

I think the show is interesting, but there are a. better shows involving food (where the heck is Yakitate Japan, or even Oishinbo), and its not a show too many people would watch more than once. Plus this shows get more tired, and more power level trippy than dbz, with little over arching plot and your ever increasing gourmet hunter rank animal each week.
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Maize Hughes

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:53 pm Reply with quote
Can you comment on the voice acting on Bodacious Space Pirates? I love the series from watching it on Crunchyroll, so I'm fine with subs, but I'm thinking of getting this as a gift for a friend's kid who's really not old enough to be enthused at reading a bunch of text. Do you think you'd say it's PG-ish? I've totally lost perspective as a jaded anime fan, but I'd think it's around there.

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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Wow Bamboo, I am rather sorry to see you give Toriko, of all the crappy anime, a shelfworthy rating. In my opinion it is a shitty, perishable series. I honestly thought you had better taste, but I guess nobody is perfect. I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one.

For one thing, the whole premise is stupid, really stupid. I think Zac summed it best in his preview of the series when it first came out why I hate it. For me, it's ok for the first couple of hours, but man does it get old fast and even rather offensive at times (more on that later). Second, the animation and art is terribly ugly, even for a shounen series.

I like plenty of shounen action series, but Toriko is simply juvenile crap that doesn't even try. It should be flushed quicker than the turds that the steroid-macro main character must have after eating so much. It is no better than the boobshows, with all their rampant fanservice, but this one I think has some inherent food fanservice built in. Japan really has no shame, especially when it comes to killing endangered species to eat, so as far as this is concerned, Toriko can go f&*k himself. Seeing that horribly ugly site wrapper the other other day was worse than even when funimation boob shows get their turn: it made me ill.

Fortunately, it is subject to the same Shounen Jump voting system, as every other series in WSJ, which means that it may be gone soon.
CrownKlown wrote:
Im sorry I don't see how you can make Toriko a shelf worthy show let alone why that of all the SJ shows made it here, while something like Sket Dan which would probably do better here did not.

Toriko is more of a gag show than a true SJ. Its not quite as bad Bo Bo Bo Bo, but if shows like Shaman King and Mar could not work here, I don't see how this show will either. Fairy Tail seems to be only doing marginally well here. And all that does really well here is the fading SJ trinity.

I think the show is interesting, but there are a. better shows involving food (where the heck is Yakitate Japan, or even Oishinbo), and its not a show too many people would watch more than once. Plus this shows get more tired, and more power level trippy than dbz, with little over arching plot and your ever increasing gourmet hunter rank animal each week.

Yes, this so much. Sket Dance is far better in the comedy area, plus it has compelling serious moments, too. There are so many better SJ shows out there, but they always get shoved into the mediocre category. How is Toriko better than they are? Are you really saying you would watch Toriko again and again? To me that is the what Shelfworthy means.

Last edited by dragon695 on Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:41 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:02 pm Reply with quote
The word "bodacious" reminds me more of Bill & Ted-isms rather than anything having to do with fanservice.

Either way, the only title translation I found cringeworthy was Cat Planet Cuties. Bodacious Space Pirates is perfectly fine.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:22 pm Reply with quote
dragon695 wrote:
For one thing, the whole premise is stupid, really stupid. I think Zac summed it best in his preview of the series when it first came out.

Are you talking about the same Zac who also stated that he likely would have really enjoyed Toriko & been a fan of it if it wasn't for the whole "hunting animals" aspect? Yeah, Zac really hated the entire show in its entire execution & not just a plot aspect of it. Great job at ignoring an important detail to simply conform something to your POV.

CrownKlown wrote:
Toriko is more of a gag show than a true SJ.

I fail to see the reasoning behind this. Sure, there is comedy in Toriko, but it's not a gag series. It's not anywhere near the vein of Bobobo, Sexy Commando Gaiden, Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar, or Gintama. It's an action series in the vein of DBZ & Fist of the North Star, and also acts as a love letter to the action titles of the 80s, i.e. the titles that gave SJ its biggest popularity ever. If that's not a "true" SJ title (What is a "true" SJ title, anyway? Isn't that simply a manga that ran in WSJ?), then I don't know what is.
Oh wait, this is just another person who thinks that over-the-top ≡ parody... Well, there goes any attempt at an actual conversation regarding this topic.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:35 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
dragon695 wrote:
For one thing, the whole premise is stupid, really stupid. I think Zac summed it best in his preview of the series when it first came out.

Are you talking about the same Zac who also stated that he likely would have really enjoyed Toriko & been a fan of it if it wasn't for the whole "hunting animals" aspect? Yeah, Zac really hated the entire show in its entire execution & not just a plot aspect of it. Great job at ignoring an important detail to simply conform something to your POV.

Except, he said it was pretty average values, something that would only be entertaining to marathon when you were sick. That's even before the whole other environmental aspect. It is hard to say if he really meant to say it should get a 4, if not for that "drawback", since he usually likes to play these ratings in a cheeky way. However, I would not say his praise is much more than damning, in my opinion. However, I do not claim to speak for him, so I'll leave it up to him to correct me if I am mistaken.
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Ryu Shoji

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:09 pm Reply with quote
There are a few slight departures, which I'll get into later, but not enough that fans of the series might have a reason to watch this re-telling.

Don't you mean it went back and fixed what JC Staff completely cocked up in their first adaptation of the first light novel? Seriously, the way the events of the first 2 novels were handled in the first anime series was horrible. JC Staff took the two novels and smashed them together.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:35 pm Reply with quote
dragon695 wrote:
It is hard to say if he really meant to say it should get a 4, if not for that "drawback", since he usually likes to play these ratings in a cheeky way.

I'm pretty sure that Zac's ratings, as un-serious as they can be, are 100% honest. If Zac said he would have given it a 4 if not for that drawback, then he honestly meant that he would have given it a 4. What's the point of doing the previews if the people doing it aren't being honest? Zac might be snarky & joking with his previews, but he is still being truthful to how he feels with them.

But, like you admitted, I can't speak for another, so I'll leave it here. I just find it in "bad taste", ironically enough, for one person to say that he/she felt that another had "better taste" when something that person doesn't like gets praise. If another person likes something I don't then all the more power to them, because they found something in it that I personally couldn't. Personally, I love series like Toriko, and I do take offense when someone else feels the need to tell a show like that to "f&*k himself". Oh, and one other thing:

Fortunately, it is subject to the same Shounen Jump voting system, as every other series in WSJ, which means that it may be gone soon.

You seem to not recognize that Toriko is a very popular title in WSJ, and seems to have surpassed Bleach in popularity (not to mention that the anime tends to have some of the higher ratings on Japanese TV right now), so sorry... Toriko is here to stay for the forseeable future. If you don't like that fact then that's fine, but at least be respectful of others who are happy with that fact.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:54 pm Reply with quote
dragon695 wrote:
Wow Bamboo, I am rather sorry to see you give Toriko, of all the crappy anime, a shelfworthy rating. In my opinion it is a shitty, perishable series. I honestly thought you had better taste, but I guess nobody is perfect. I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one.

For one thing, the whole premise is stupid, really stupid. I think Zac summed it best in his preview of the series when it first came out why I hate it. For me, it's ok for the first couple of hours, but man does it get old fast and even rather offensive at times (more on that later). Second, the animation and art is terribly ugly, even for a shounen series.

Welp, I guess my taste just isn't as good when it comes to Toriko then!

Zac and I have fundamentally different ideals when it comes to hunting. I even mention in my review that, if you despise the very idea of hunting, like Zac does, you will not like the show. It is a very central part of the show.

I stand by my assertion that Toriko is a really fun, enjoyable show. I like food, I like hunting. And yeah, it's pretty ridiculous and over-the-top, which I also mentioned. AND I mentioned it was a monster-of-the-week show which will mostly appeal to SJ fans. I mean, if you don't like these elements (monster-of-the-week is, by it's nature, formulaic, but I even explained that I was entertained because I loved the creativity of the animals), then presumably you would be able to extrapolate that you wouldn't like this show.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:59 pm Reply with quote
Sentai is on a roll! Last week Bamboo deemed the wonderful Penguindrum Shelf Worthy, and this week the distinction goes to Bodacious Space Pirates.

I have a good opinion of BSP. But I have a gripe with spoiler[the fact that throughout most of the series the protagonists are just pretend pirates]. Hopefully, the upcoming movie will pick up right where the tv series ends.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:01 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
Fortunately, it is subject to the same Shounen Jump voting system, as every other series in WSJ, which means that it may be gone soon.

You seem to not recognize that Toriko is a very popular title in WSJ, and seems to have surpassed Bleach in popularity (not to mention that the anime tends to have some of the higher ratings on Japanese TV right now), so sorry... Toriko is here to stay for the forseeable future. If you don't like that fact then that's fine, but at least be respectful of others who are happy with that fact.

I do believe the TOC of a few issues from recent times have had it trending towards the back, which is bad news for Toriko.
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