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The Mike Toole Show - Super Robot Island: Final

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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:15 pm Reply with quote
Transformers: The Great Car Rally, nice. I got that book when I was a kid, seeing Optimus without his mouth plate is like seeing someone you know shave off their beard for the first time.

Only reason I know most of these bots exist is because CM's made figures of them in the last 10 years.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Prime needs the faceplate. It's why we disowned the Machine Wars version.

Also, I've been mostly enjoying the re-construction of the super robot genre over the last 10 years or so. But GaoGaiGar is one of my favorite shows ever, so I'm biased.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:35 pm Reply with quote
I don't know. Prime doesn't always use the mouth-plate in the Animated and Prime cartoons, and those are both really good series.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:54 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
I don't know. Prime doesn't always use the mouth-plate in the Animated and Prime cartoons, and those are both really good series.

This is true, but theres something about G1 Prime smiling with his mouth open like that.....

....It disturbs me to no end.

Put the Faceplate back on Optimus, just...put it back on, your scaring the children!
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:55 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
Prime needs the faceplate. It's why we disowned the Machine Wars version.

Some shows do faceplate-less well and others, well, let's not go there. (I'm looking at you, Cybertron!)

Do you like Godannar, which took robot fanservice to new and strange places?

Believe it or not, despite the fanservice which I normally don't like in my mecha shows, on the robots no less, I actually thought Godannar told a fairly well done story.

Favorite characters were definitely England's Dragliner team. I can totally say the whole 'Knight and why he didn't get the Insania virus' twist at the end of S2 was awesome. Then there was Shadow. I was loving the second season until those middle episodes and then I was all "should I keep on watching or should I drop it, considering what they're doing with my favorite characters?"

So glad I stuck with it in the end.

As for what I'm waiting for;
I'm waiting for Shin Great Mazinger.
Somebody will post and say it's not happening.
Don't crush my dreams, people. Sad
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:02 pm Reply with quote
After all's said and done, we've got something like a hundred ‘pure’ super robot shows, by my reckoning, between 1963 and 2000. That number seems a little low

The vast majority of them are at least 48 episodes long, so even if the show count is low, that's thousands of episodes. And that doesn't even get into sequel OVAs and compilation movies.

Of the postmodern super robot series that I love, it's still gotta be either Diebuster or Gurren Lagann. Sticking to the same 70s tropes while maybe trying to point them out at the same time, and lasting for 50ish episodes of monster/robot-of-the-week format isn't exciting. Better to take quick jabs but still do your own thing, which loads of good animation.

Would Giant Robo and Five Star Stories be super or real? Or one of those "supers in real worlds" like Evangelion or "reals in super worlds" like Escaflowne? Either way, who is even keeping super robots going besides the like of Obari these days?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:35 pm Reply with quote
Still, Prime and Animated Optimus have the option of putting on the plate (and I like the Animated Prime for the most part). You have to give them the option.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
Still, Prime and Animated Optimus have the option of putting on the plate (and I like the Animated Prime for the most part). You have to give them the option.

I'll give you that.

But wait...you mean there are Transformer series/comics where Prime doesn't have the mask at all?
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Joined: 26 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:09 pm Reply with quote
!st I wholly approve of the wardrobe Smile

It's nice to see some of the Mid-range super robots of the 70's and their mecha designers and yes I'm very interested in that upcoming Mazinger Z piece.

and yes I'm more of a fan of Optimus Prime with the mouth plate... he freaking looks like Leader 1 from Challenge of the GoBots and the action figure does have a mouth plate
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:16 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
Beatdigga wrote:
Still, Prime and Animated Optimus have the option of putting on the plate (and I like the Animated Prime for the most part). You have to give them the option.

I'll give you that.

But wait...you mean there are Transformer series/comics where Prime doesn't have the mask at all?

No, unless you count Beast Wars/Machines, wherein Primal's mouth is always seen. In Animated and Prime, however, it's like a mask that opens and shuts. He normally keeps it off whenever he's not in a fight.

Me, I'm quite contemptuous towards the "post-modern" Super Robot shows. Sure, Eva was fun, but not every robot show has to be like it. It's why I like GaoGaiGar so much: screw the trope discussion, here's a robot and here are some monsters and here's some stock footage, now go get'cher Fruit Loops and start watchin'. The attempts at post-modernism just feel insincere to me. I'll have to get around to Gurren Lagann, though, if only for the animation.

I actually have Godannar on my shelf, sittin' on the ol' backburner. I'm not sure when I'll get around to it--probably after I finish Moribito. I'm looking forward to it: you have to hand it to the show that actually titled a DVD "Deep Penetration". I also genuinely dig the character designs (same designer as GaoGaiGar... and a handful of eroge...), but I'm not looking forward to the intrusive fanservice. Oh, well.

I really wish Media Blasters would license GaoGaiGar FINAL. They've done great in licensing Mazinger SKL, and I know that Queen's Blade will always sell better, but darnit, I want my giant robots and Fruit Loops. S'more fun.[/i]
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:18 pm Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:

I really wish Media Blasters would license GaoGaiGar FINAL. They've done great in licensing Mazinger SKL, and I know that Queen's Blade will always sell better, but darnit, I want my giant robots and Fruit Loops. S'more fun.[/i]

Praising Mazinkaizer SKL and dissing Queen's Blade is pretty hilarious, considering that their functionally basically the same damn thing.

Anyway, I'd be interested in Mike's take on Super Robot Wars and Super Robot Wars OG
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:25 pm Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:

I actually have Godannar on my shelf, sittin' on the ol' backburner. I'm not sure when I'll get around to it--probably after I finish Moribito. I'm looking forward to it: you have to hand it to the show that actually titled a DVD "Deep Penetration". I also genuinely dig the character designs (same designer as GaoGaiGar... and a handful of eroge...), but I'm not looking forward to the intrusive fanservice. Oh, well.

I really wish Media Blasters would license GaoGaiGar FINAL. They've done great in licensing Mazinger SKL, and I know that Queen's Blade will always sell better, but darnit, I want my giant robots and Fruit Loops. S'more fun.

There's actually a few GGG references in Godannar in the form of a bunch of magazines Goh reads. My favorite is Guy and Mikoto in wedding clothing. It's easy to miss but if you've seen GGG, it's fairly easy to recognize.

I really want a Final license too but at the same time, I'd love for someone to get the cast back together and actually dub the second half of TV (my personal favorite out of everything GGG) and then a Final dub.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:51 pm Reply with quote
I really want a Final license too but at the same time, I'd love for someone to get the cast back together and actually dub the second half of TV (my personal favorite out of everything GGG) and then a Final dub.

I would love nothing more than for them to dub the whole thing.[/quote]
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:24 pm Reply with quote
Fencedude5609 wrote:
Levitz9 wrote:

I really wish Media Blasters would license GaoGaiGar FINAL. They've done great in licensing Mazinger SKL, and I know that Queen's Blade will always sell better, but darnit, I want my giant robots and Fruit Loops. S'more fun.[/i]

Praising Mazinkaizer SKL and dissing Queen's Blade is pretty hilarious, considering that their functionally basically the same damn thing.

Uh, I wasn't dissing Queen's Blade. Sorry if I gave that impression.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:37 pm Reply with quote
My first anime I ever watched was Voltron when I was 4, and that definitly influenced what I watch in anime. Super Robots are the passion of the human species all rolled into 24 minutes of animation.

Saw Godannar and I was left unimpressed simply because it tries to do the whole international Super Robot series that G Gundam and GaoGaiGar did so well but none of the other pilots stood out. For a super robot show that just kills the series. Where was the personality of the pilots? I like fanservice but you cant base your entire series on it when the other SR series are offering it to me already as a bonus.

Super Robot Wars is simply incredible, just an amazing group of characters, with a massive amount of really cool mechas. OG Gaiden combined super robots and Fist of the North Star.
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