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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:21 am
Strike 1: No Budokai 2
Strike 2: No Shin Budokai 1 & Another Road (at least Another Road would've been nice)
Strike 3: New music score because of Kenji Yamamoto
I think i'll wait until the price drops to $30 or even $20 before i start to give a damn about this collection.
As for DBZ Kinect, it's a good thing that i've seen Episode Of Bardock already because while it was ok, it's not worth going on a rage over just because it's exclusive to this pathetic excuse of a game so whoever has a 360 & a Kinect, i say get it and enjoy watching it while trying to "Become A Super Cyan".
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:25 am
Choosing the original Budokai for the collection (and not even showing it in the trailer) is weird. Probably would have better to go for Budokai 3, Tenkaichi 2 and Tenkaichi 3... especially since its a physical release. I'll wait until its like 20, because Budokai 3 was still a great game.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2012
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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:05 am
I love how they continue to pronounce 'Saiyan' correctly.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:14 am
I wish they would stop glorifying Bardock.
Episode of Bardock is such bullshit. Since when does Freeza's Death Ball send people back in time? What is he, Darkseid?
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Joined: 26 May 2011
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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:34 pm
JacobYBM wrote: | I love how they continue to pronounce 'Saiyan' correctly. |
If you pay attention, you will notice that Namco Bandai is using the exact same voice recording from before to promote their game. Hence, no speech promoting Bardock and they are still using much of the same footage.
Pretty damn lazy considering that most of the comments on the last one were about pronounciation of the term... Oh and I don't want to be a spoilsport since you seem pleased but... They said it wrong. >_>
Either you do it in the Japanese fashion: "Sai-ya-jin"
Or in the FUNimation/Ocean/English fashion.
On the note of Bardock's first Super Saiyan appearance...
Wasn't he first in Dragon Ball Heroes or something...
As for Episode of Bardock, it isn't even something that is exclusive to the disc (on the other hand, many including myself read the manga and watched it online long ago). So it probably won't mean much especially with how odd the project is and the fact you need a Kinect.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2006
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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:51 pm
The whole Saiyan pronunciation is actually just as correct (arguably even more) as what we know it as today. It's just being with dub terminologies/misspellings/pronunciations that have been hammered down since the mid 90s' from then on, we come to accept that as being true. Especially considering "Saiya" is a wholly Japanese anagram for "Yasai", a Japanese word for vegetable that pretty much cannot pronounced in our understanding of vowels (at least when it comes to American English). If you want to be more literal to the American English language, we could just call them "Tablevegians" or something. That would be close to what the Japanese were doing, but likely too weird for American audiences.
Either way, I think both are acceptable if people are willing to realize that Dragon Ball Z was never exactly properly adapted when it came to some of the very Japanese word plays and puns Toriyama has infested the series with.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2003
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:25 am
thelastgogeta wrote: | As for Episode of Bardock, it isn't even something that is exclusive to the disc |
Yeah, but how many other folks imported the March 2012 issue of Saikyō Jump for the bonus DVD with it (where it was clearly mastered from a Flash video file encoded at somewhere around a VCD bitrate), never mind the fact that it'll likely also be subtitled on the international release of the game a la Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans back in 2010 on Raging Blast 2...?
thelastgogeta wrote: | (on the other hand, many including myself read the manga and watched it online long ago). |
By "watched it online" do you mean the lovely (albeit raw Japanese) legal stream provided by Shueisha after Jump Festa last year, or do you...
Oh, who am I kidding... of course you do!
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