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A Look at Redline with Takeshi Koike

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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:10 pm Reply with quote
I've been wanting to see this since last year. The wait to see this is gonna drive me nuts Very Happy my Oct pre-orders (for both dvd&blu) can't get here fast enough. I hope it lives up to the expectations and does well in the US.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Great article. I can't wait to see it!
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Joined: 28 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:08 pm Reply with quote
Excited for the Blu-Ray release as well even though I've seen it many times. It definitely is a special film that is very hard to describe how insanely fun and epic it is (Japanese track...English dub changes the experience/feel some.) You just have to watch it and take everything in; and that means at least watching it 2 or more times ( there is no way you can catch everything in a single viewing - physically impossible!). Basically the Tron Legacy of anime Blu-Rays, incredible visuals with incredible surround audio track (Japanese track, the English is not quite the same quality [Lower Db mix level and not quite as clear]) that integrates perfectly as a part of the film... It's the Anime Blu-Ray to beat for an incredible HT experience.

First time I watched it I played it immediately for the second time afterward the end credits...

If you like the trailers you'll like the movie, and it will probably surpass whatever expectations you have of it...
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:25 pm Reply with quote
This is a release that I may just consider blind-buying (though granted, that's been more often the case than not for my anime films). Thing is, it might be a while... the $20.00 BD deal on Amazon is great, sure, but there are some other things that are taking priority for me financially at the moment...

Redline might just be a good movie to show to people not so much into anime as well. The thing is, though... just how far does it go as far as "objectionable content" is concerned? It's rated as "significant" on the ANN database, but without qualifiers. I've seen one or two random-odd screencaps showcasing the heroine's bare frontal assets. I assume that there'll be plenty of blood and crazy racing violence as well. Is that just about the gist of what'll be shown in Redline-- showing stylized (but not glorified) blood splatters and physical violence and short bursts of full frontal nudity? Or does the film go beyond that, showcasing ridiculous levels of gore at some moments or sex scenes (or even prolonged scenes of nudity that reaches down into pandering?) Without being given away specifics as to what characters or plot elements are involved, I'd like to get a good idea of what I'd be getting into before showing something like this to my roommates or friends or something...
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Joined: 18 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:48 pm Reply with quote
I've been enjoying a 1080p fansub of Redline for quite a while...I was hooked after the first ten minutes and have rewatched this movie a number of times since the first viewing. Even though I have a blu-ray copy on its way even now and expected to arrive by week's end, I'm still debating with myself whether or not I will pick it up on my way home tomorrow afternoon.

I think that's about as good a recommendation as I could make.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:31 pm Reply with quote
I haven't bought a movie in forever, but I really want this one! Gotta wait till my next payday to get it though. Those darn priorities.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:11 am Reply with quote
Animerican14 wrote:
Redline might just be a good movie to show to people not so much into anime as well. The thing is, though... just how far does it go as far as "objectionable content" is concerned? It's rated as "significant" on the ANN database, but without qualifiers. I've seen one or two random-odd screencaps showcasing the heroine's bare frontal assets. I assume that there'll be plenty of blood and crazy racing violence as well. Is that just about the gist of what'll be shown in Redline-- showing stylized (but not glorified) blood splatters and physical violence and short bursts of full frontal nudity? Or does the film go beyond that, showcasing ridiculous levels of gore at some moments or sex scenes (or even prolonged scenes of nudity that reaches down into pandering?) Without being given away specifics as to what characters or plot elements are involved, I'd like to get a good idea of what I'd be getting into before showing something like this to my roommates or friends or something...
It's violent, but there actually isn't a whole lot of blood, as far as I can recall. A couple dudes lose teeth, there's some boobs shown, and random people get killed by explosions, but there aren't any graphic corpses or anything like that. The main point is the race and the insanity it generates.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:34 am Reply with quote
@ Animerican14, no ridiculous amounts of gore or nudity in Redline - there is literally less than 10 seconds or so of a woman's bare breast (split into different shots) which account for the total nudity (there is no "full frontal nudity" at all either). It's just nudity and not sexually suggestive, unlike the scene immediately after/during (kind of complicated to explain...you'll understand when you see) which is more sexually suggestive while still keeping clothes on some different characters. But that's about it for the nudity/sexually suggestive stuff.

There is a a short, somewhat brutal violent scene towards the end, but it's pertinent to the story and not overdone. But it has no where near the violence content of say Samurai Champloo or Sword of the Stranger. If you have seen Macross Zero I would say Redline is very much that kind of level for nudity/violence.

The language of the English dub definitely deserves an objectionable rating.... The Japanese track can just get away with a PG-13 rating, the English dub cannot and is R for foul language and some perverse dialog. I don't particularly care for the English dub...it takes away from the movie compared to the Japanese track, not to mention the characters have a different feel between the two. In the Japanese track JP is a cool, smooth guy...in the English track JP is a not so cool guy, more annoying actually and would make a better fit in Sengoku Basara... LOL So in a synopsis, watching the Japanese track is the barely PG-13 version and better movie experience whereas the English track is the full R version and not as good...

Redline is very much a comedy as well...has some crazy, perfectly timed humor in it! Think of it as an action/comedy movie that takes place in a Sci-Fi/Fantasy universe and has a love story thrown in...and it works!
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:04 am Reply with quote
@Vracer111: Thanks for clarifying the content, then. (re: the "full frontal nudity" bit-- yeah, I should've used different terminology to describe how the character's assets were shown. Maybe I should've just gone with toplessness...) Gotta wonder, though, why someone went ahead and classified the film as "Signficant." Because what you described just now, it ought to be classified as "Mature" or whatever rating that's one rating lower. Speaking of which, I wonder if anyone has changed the unjustified "Significant" objectional content label for Madoka Magica.... hmmm...

Oh, and that's a bit sad, hearing your take on the dub. I assume that you've seen the whole dub, then? I think I'll be fine with the somewhat "different feel" of a few characters in such a visually-driven movie like Redline (hah, get it? driven? Redline? haha...hah). I just saw a couple of the dub clips (one of them being the most recently posted clip), and JP sounds fine to me, particularly in the recent clip. I also like Stephanie Sheh, so I can get behind her easily. But the extra-crude and perverse language? Man, it kind stinks that the dub script was punched up that way, even if it may suit the reckless and violent atmosphere of the film's race. Guess I'll have to think more carefully of what version I'd like to watch with peers, then.

But... I'm not so sure how much I'll like to see this subtitled, then. This is supposed to be the most visually impacting anime film in years, more or less, right? I'd hate to miss even some of that by having to dart my eyes away from the action just to read the subtitles. Or is the dialogue simple and relatively sparse enough to not distract you so much from the purported awesomosity shown on screen? (I believe that the overall story itself isn't particularly complex or deep...)
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Joined: 28 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:43 am Reply with quote
Watch it both ways, you are going to have to watch it more than once anyways...you can't physically see it all in your first viewing or two. I've experienced Redline about 13 times (once with the English dub, once Japanese with no subtitles, and the rest Japanese W/ English Subtitles) and am still discovering new things in it. It is not a shallow story like some criticize it to be, there is lots of story content to be had if you pay attention. Do not shut your brain off! (Well maybe the first time watching it you are excused... Wink) - use it to look at how the characters relate to each other and all their little physical movements giving off signals.

For the English Dub, JP just comes across more goofy and surfer/greaser than in the Japanese Dub (where he is the personification of cool.) And Sonoshee comes off a little more B**** in the English Dub than how she is in the Japanese Dub. English Dub just doesn't work for me for those reasons and for the excessive language added in for no particular reason. One other thing...you can also watch it in Japanese with subtitles off and get a whole lot out of it...body language is used in this anime unlike any other.

One other reason I like the Japanese track better is because it has an actually better Dolby True-HD audio track: in comparison the English Dub Dolby True-HD track mix is a few Db lower and lacking in clarity...at least the UK version is, which by all accounts I've seen is the same for the US release as well. The Japanese release with its DTS-HD Master Audio is the best audio track of the bunch though, just has somewhat subpar English subtitles. Visually the Japanese and UK release look equally stunning, you can't tell the difference between them. US release is the same as the UK release, just region A instead of region B.
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Joined: 11 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:11 am Reply with quote
After six years in development, five in production, Redline had its world premiere in the summer of 2009 at the prestigious Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland—beneath the stars and balconies of the Piazza Grande, a 10,000-capacity open-air screening venue in the city's historic central square.

I was there, I saw the world premiere on a hot summer night together with some friends. And man, that was a great experience. The screen was huge and the music was LOUD! I wish I could experience the whole thing again, or any other anime at the festival (they had Galaxy Express 999, Akira, Patlabor 2 and many other movies, OAVs and tv episodes on the big screen).
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Joined: 31 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:23 am Reply with quote
Animerican14 wrote:
This is a release that I may just consider blind-buying
Do it. You won't regret it, I promise.
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Ithiel Arcadion

Joined: 18 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:27 pm Reply with quote
I've seen the German Dub two months ago and it was fantastic. Certainly one of the best dubs I've seen so far. Close to Black Lagoon or Cowboy Bebop. The Film itself was far above average as well. Not the best of the best but pretty close by.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:44 pm Reply with quote
I've seen several promo videos for this movie, but was still sitting on the fence as to whether or not I wanted to buy it. After reading this article though, which reminded me its NA release was quickly coming up, I decided to add it to my "purchase" list. This will be a near-blind buy, but then many of the titles I've bought were purchased similarly, and very rarely have I been disappointed.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:18 am Reply with quote
It is beautiful. I've been longing for something like this for... well about 10 years.
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