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INTEREST: Metal Gear Solid: Rising Video Posted Before Spike's VGAs

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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:14 pm Reply with quote
lol pretty awesome
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:44 pm Reply with quote
I love Metal Gear; in fact, it's arguably my favorite video game franchise. And I love Platinum Games, simply because Bayonetta was an absolutely brilliant game. However, this trailer made me groan the entire time. While I'm all for changes in formula, this is such a radical departure from why I love MG, and on top of that, seems to be a rather generic hack-n-slash affair with one novel concept and an over-the-top 'tude.

It's going to take for this to impress me, because as it stands now, I'm despising the utter lack of consistency this game is putting on display. The aforementioned 'tude and creation of a funny novelty word (seriously, WTF is a "Revengence"?!) makes me fear for this game.
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:14 pm Reply with quote
I love Metal Gear and I love Bayonetta. This is a very bizarre mix and may disappoint a few Metal Gear fans, but it sure does look fun.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:08 pm Reply with quote
Metal Gear Rising will be developed by the same guys from Bayonetta?! Shocked
That's epic!! I could see the trailer, and it looked really promising!
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Joined: 25 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:28 pm Reply with quote
And whoosh...the trailer's gone. Nothing to see but a "Content Rejected" notice. "Move along folks...move along."
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:36 pm Reply with quote
Apollo-kun wrote:
I love Metal Gear; in fact, it's arguably my favorite video game franchise. And I love Platinum Games, simply because Bayonetta was an absolutely brilliant game. However, this trailer made me groan the entire time. While I'm all for changes in formula, this is such a radical departure from why I love MG, and on top of that, seems to be a rather generic hack-n-slash affair with one novel concept and an over-the-top 'tude.

It's going to take for this to impress me, because as it stands now, I'm despising the utter lack of consistency this game is putting on display. The aforementioned 'tude and creation of a funny novelty word (seriously, WTF is a "Revengence"?!) makes me fear for this game.

You should take in account that this is spin-off basically not an official sequel to the main series, this is still must buy for some die hard fans though, even it isn't same as the previous installments.

Revengeance and those sounded bit corny and over the top, but i don't expect to see them in game, this is mere trailer.
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The American Average

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:46 pm Reply with quote
-_______- what happened to the "Metal Gear" Looks like a hack-in slash with Raiden in it
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:53 pm Reply with quote
Rysis wrote:
Apollo-kun wrote:
I love Metal Gear; in fact, it's arguably my favorite video game franchise. And I love Platinum Games, simply because Bayonetta was an absolutely brilliant game. However, this trailer made me groan the entire time. While I'm all for changes in formula, this is such a radical departure from why I love MG, and on top of that, seems to be a rather generic hack-n-slash affair with one novel concept and an over-the-top 'tude.

It's going to take for this to impress me, because as it stands now, I'm despising the utter lack of consistency this game is putting on display. The aforementioned 'tude and creation of a funny novelty word (seriously, WTF is a "Revengence"?!) makes me fear for this game.

You should take in account that this is spin-off basically not an official sequel to the main series, this is still must buy for some die hard fans though, even it isn't same as the previous installments.

Revengeance and those sounded bit corny and over the top, but i don't expect to see them in game, this is mere trailer.

I just hope it's an actual spin-off. Up until now, they've been acting like this is a direct sequel. If it's a spin-off that isn't part of the main series, then that's cool. Metal Gear Acid is fine in my book because it doesn't really count as is just for fun. Dropping the Solid part of the title and saying another developer is making it definitely implies spin-off.

But if it really is a sequel, then I'm going to be pretty mad. I'm for changes to the formula, provided they don't go too far, and what I saw here was more akin to Bayonetta than Metal Gear. I loved Bayonetta, but it doesn't translate to Metal Gear.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:06 pm Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
Rysis wrote:
Apollo-kun wrote:
I love Metal Gear; in fact, it's arguably my favorite video game franchise. And I love Platinum Games, simply because Bayonetta was an absolutely brilliant game. However, this trailer made me groan the entire time. While I'm all for changes in formula, this is such a radical departure from why I love MG, and on top of that, seems to be a rather generic hack-n-slash affair with one novel concept and an over-the-top 'tude.

It's going to take for this to impress me, because as it stands now, I'm despising the utter lack of consistency this game is putting on display. The aforementioned 'tude and creation of a funny novelty word (seriously, WTF is a "Revengence"?!) makes me fear for this game.

You should take in account that this is spin-off basically not an official sequel to the main series, this is still must buy for some die hard fans though, even it isn't same as the previous installments.

Revengeance and those sounded bit corny and over the top, but i don't expect to see them in game, this is mere trailer.

I just hope it's an actual spin-off. Up until now, they've been acting like this is a direct sequel. If it's a spin-off that isn't part of the main series, then that's cool. Metal Gear Acid is fine in my book because it doesn't really count as is just for fun. Dropping the Solid part of the title and saying another developer is making it definitely implies spin-off.

But if it really is a sequel, then I'm going to be pretty mad. I'm for changes to the formula, provided they don't go too far, and what I saw here was more akin to Bayonetta than Metal Gear. I loved Bayonetta, but it doesn't translate to Metal Gear.

It takes place between MGS2 and MGS4, so wouldn't that make it a spin-off? As far as I've read, it will focus on Raiden's transformation into a cyborg, so I guess is canonical. As far as the gameplay goes, it looks like it will translate Raiden's cutscenes from MGS4 into gameplay. I think of it as a new fighting style in Metal Gear in the same way Big Boss had hand-to-hand combat in his games.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:12 pm Reply with quote
Looks a bit more like a Devil May Cry wannabe than MGS. Though I did dig the obvious Highlander and Van Damme movie references.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:15 pm Reply with quote
sainta wrote:
Greed1914 wrote:
Rysis wrote:
Apollo-kun wrote:
I love Metal Gear; in fact, it's arguably my favorite video game franchise. And I love Platinum Games, simply because Bayonetta was an absolutely brilliant game. However, this trailer made me groan the entire time. While I'm all for changes in formula, this is such a radical departure from why I love MG, and on top of that, seems to be a rather generic hack-n-slash affair with one novel concept and an over-the-top 'tude.

It's going to take for this to impress me, because as it stands now, I'm despising the utter lack of consistency this game is putting on display. The aforementioned 'tude and creation of a funny novelty word (seriously, WTF is a "Revengence"?!) makes me fear for this game.

You should take in account that this is spin-off basically not an official sequel to the main series, this is still must buy for some die hard fans though, even it isn't same as the previous installments.

Revengeance and those sounded bit corny and over the top, but i don't expect to see them in game, this is mere trailer.

I just hope it's an actual spin-off. Up until now, they've been acting like this is a direct sequel. If it's a spin-off that isn't part of the main series, then that's cool. Metal Gear Acid is fine in my book because it doesn't really count as is just for fun. Dropping the Solid part of the title and saying another developer is making it definitely implies spin-off.

But if it really is a sequel, then I'm going to be pretty mad. I'm for changes to the formula, provided they don't go too far, and what I saw here was more akin to Bayonetta than Metal Gear. I loved Bayonetta, but it doesn't translate to Metal Gear.

It takes place between MGS2 and MGS4, so wouldn't that make it a spin-off? As far as I've read, it will focus on Raiden's transformation into a cyborg, so I guess is canonical. As far as the gameplay goes, it looks like it will translate Raiden's cutscenes from MGS4 into gameplay.

Being between two of the games would make it a sequel, not a spin-off. I'm talking more like Acid, where you had Snake etc. but it was not at all canon, or even necessary for anyone to play. I'm not really concerned with what to call it so much as knowing if this thing actually is supposed to be canon because I expect games that are canon to a series to be within the ballpark in terms of gameplay. Stealth action and over-the-top hack n' slash don't exactly mesh.
And it doesn't look like what we saw in MGS4. Even though Raiden had enhanced abilities, it was nowhere near as over the top as what we see in this trailer. For example, in MGS4 he did something simple to disable a Gekko mech, like slicing one leg and moving on, he didn't slice it over and over and over. And even then, he was still vulnerable. Now he's throwing a Ray around like it's nothing. I'm not seeing anything in the trailer that indicates any focus on stealth.

But yeah, like I said, if it really is just something for fun, and not really part of the main series, then I'm all for it.

Edit: Ok, now it seems that the game takes place after MGS4, which introduces a slew of problems in my mind, but I won't bother people with those unless they want me to.
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:21 am Reply with quote
#1: **** Viacom. By the time you yank it, a good number of your potential customer base would've seen it already. No sense in doing pontless yank moves.

#2: It's being aired on an awards show that is reviled by most of the American gamer populace.

#3: Made by the same company as Bayonetta. ?
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Mr. sickVisionz

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:25 am Reply with quote
This seemed really awesome until I saw the trailer. Who knows though, when I have a controller in my hand maybe it will all click better than watching someone else play it.

Right now it just looks like a slower and clunkier version of Bayonetta where your torture attacks are serious slicing business rather than goofy sadist sexy nonsense.
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:32 am Reply with quote
Mr. sickVisionz wrote:
This seemed really awesome until I saw the trailer. Who knows though, when I have a controller in my hand maybe it will all click better than watching someone else play it.

Right now it just looks like a slower and clunkier version of Bayonetta where your torture attacks are serious slicing business rather than goofy sadist sexy nonsense.

I think the biggest WTF has to be it takes more slices to kill your enemies instead of a few clean shots.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:35 am Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:

Edit: Ok, now it seems that the game takes place after MGS4, which introduces a slew of problems in my mind, but I won't bother people with those unless they want me to.

Oh, please, do tell.

The only ones that I can think off the top of my head after seeing the "takes place several years" part (ed. note: several years?) are:
Didn't Raiden get a more human body at the end of MGS4?
Wasn't it implied that he'd get an early retirement, or at least be more of a family-man, now?
What about Rose?
What about his kid?
Will Snake be gone for sure, now?]

That last one seems one of the more frightening of all to have answered, if they even address his existence (and it'd be weird to see them avoid that issue entirely, if only to save that for a new mainline MGS game set after MGS4). And frankly, I'm not to sure if I want a 110% definitive, blindingly obvious answer in regards to that, at least not just yet, having only bought a PS3 and played MGS4 this past summer.

Unless such questions are answered in a fairly consistent, not plot-holed BS fashion, it might be best to hope that it the game is a simulation. A virtual simulation. ALL OF IT. (So meta!)

Edit: Okay, so maybe the whole Raiden's personal life-thing is the most worrisome aspect after all, the more I think about it.... Sad

Last edited by Animerican14 on Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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