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Joined: 26 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:07 am Reply with quote
Naruto vs Pain was animated well? What?

I wasn't aware that blobs moving around on screen was good animation and its definitely not good artwork
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:02 am Reply with quote
Seems like Funimation is the only company that bothers to create dub trailers anymore. They do a pretty great job too. I love that they use original music for their trailers.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:12 am Reply with quote
Hah TRC. I definatly change on that series considering I stopped trying to follow it. I've like most of CLAMP's stuff, namely CCS and Chobits, and I liked Xxxholic and found it nice doing that TRC crossover. But TRC itself was weird hodgepodge plot mix that was a bit hard to follow.

NOw if someone would get Rinne caught up. UYxIY style is still fun for me.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:00 pm Reply with quote
I must take a break from never posting to say thank you Ahren and SCREW YOU TSUBASA! I would also like to apologize to my parents for spending over $100 on the first 15 or whatever volumes of the series I made them buy for me because I was convinced I would love them forever. I don't. I haven't been able to read them in years. Just looking at them reminds me of how freaking confused I was. Probably the first series I ever just gave up on because after all the multiple main character crap began, I just could not follow it anymore.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:18 pm Reply with quote
I've read countless interviews from folks involved with everything from The Angry Beavers to the Super Mario Bros. movie; just folks who've slipped through the cracks of fame and didn't have a whole lot else to do at the time and were willing to take a fan's question about what the hell went wrong

I just discovered the 'Super Mario Bros. Movie Archive' site shortly before this column. And yes, while it did contain interviews with people with comments along the lines of 'what went wrong,' it's still a fansite whose purpose is to shed light on everything, both good and bad. Love or hate the movie (I love it, to be honest), it's a fascinating, comprehensive website.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:18 pm Reply with quote
chrisb wrote:
Seems like Funimation is the only company that bothers to create dub trailers anymore. They do a pretty great job too. I love that they use original music for their trailers.

The only problem I have with their original music is that it's so awesome and then I get annoyed when it's not in the show itself, thankfully since they've started putting up downloads of some of the songs that makes it all better for me.

Think you labeled the Index response as Outlaw Star by mistake and that's actually a pretty good summary of TRC. I remember liking it, liking it more, being so pumped up by the Acid Tokyo arc since some things had changed and some things were explained and then it got bad faaaast. Also, xxxHolic. This one slowly grew on me over time, especially as TRC started making less and less sense but I don't think I've seen anyone who liked the ending spoiler[since there was no point in the timeskip when the story ended. Nothing changed, nothing really happened and then suddenly bam, it's 100 years in the future, some of the characters never got a proper ending and some of the members of Clamp said they weren't quite sure what happened, they would need to re-read.]
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Youkai Warrior

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:31 pm Reply with quote
I've heard often that Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle get worse and worse. I don't know about Bleach, but I was thinking about giving Naruto and One Piece another try, and I thought about trying out Tsubasa Chronicle. I have volumes 1, but I hear those series a re so bad, maybe I should just stick with what I'm familiar with.

The oldest anime that I gave second opinion was Ranma ½. That show is just way too freaking long and it goes nowhere. You could basically swap seasons and no one would notice. Relationships don't advance, characters don't grow, and the episodes are pretty much the same but with a new Character and Fighting Style of the Day. I gave up watching in season 3.

Ranma 1/2 is basically an animated sitcom, thus relationships dont's advance, characters don't grow, and almost every episode has a "guest star". Sitcoms have a tendency to do all of those. Ranma 1/2 has seven seasons, and it is long, but compared to several anime today that go one forever, seven seasons isn't that bad.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:41 pm Reply with quote
I mean Christ, if Peter Beagle can make a decent living reminding people at conventions that The Last Unicorn exists...

Hey now! The Last Unicorn has sold over 5 million copies and has been translated into 20+ languages.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:44 pm Reply with quote
Youkai Warrior wrote:
I've heard often that Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle get worse and worse. I don't know about Bleach, but I was thinking about giving Naruto and One Piece another try, and I thought about trying out Tsubasa Chronicle. I have volumes 1, but I hear those series a re so bad, maybe I should just stick with what I'm familiar with.

Naruto and Bleach I feel just turn into meandering messes, though you can still enjoy them for their popcorn quality, just don't expect them to be anything then quick entertainment. Tsubasa... ergh. I was not prepared to the mess of what it turns into, and rather happy to ignore the entire series entirely.
Don't know who you were talking to about One Piece though, that story is still ongoing and doing great, (granted with some arcs that feel a bit draggy at times), then again I'm an admitted fan of One Piece and eagerly collecting every volume Viz puts out.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:22 pm Reply with quote
Asuron wrote:
Naruto vs Pain was animated well? What?

Yes, it was fine. Naruto VS Pain was probably one of the biggest overblown things in the anime fandom. Some of the stuff I've seen people complain about just have me shaking my head because of how much they're gasping at straws when it comes to it, or just looking for things to complain about. Then again, that describes most people I've met on the internet as a whole.

Youkai Warrior wrote:
I've heard often that Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle get worse and worse. I don't know about Bleach, but I was thinking about giving Naruto and One Piece another try, and I thought about trying out Tsubasa Chronicle. I have volumes 1, but I hear those series a re so bad, maybe I should just stick with what I'm familiar with.

Naruto is doing pretty well right now. The current war arc is very nice. Compared to Bleach and One Piece's war arcs, which didn't feel as impactful, but I kind of stopped Bleach awhile ago..
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Joined: 26 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:37 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Asuron wrote:
Naruto vs Pain was animated well? What?

Yes, it was fine. Naruto VS Pain was probably one of the biggest overblown things in the anime fandom. Some of the stuff I've seen people complain about just have me shaking my head because of how much they're gasping at straws when it comes to it, or just looking for things to complain about. Then again, that describes most people I've met on the internet as a whole.

Youkai Warrior wrote:
I've heard often that Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle get worse and worse. I don't know about Bleach, but I was thinking about giving Naruto and One Piece another try, and I thought about trying out Tsubasa Chronicle. I have volumes 1, but I hear those series a re so bad, maybe I should just stick with what I'm familiar with.

Naruto is doing pretty well right now. The current war arc is very nice. Compared to Bleach and One Piece's war arcs, which didn't feel as impactful, but I kind of stopped Bleach awhile ago..


Pains face literally blurs in one scene and he turns into Roadrunner for another, I'm not sure how that's grasping at straws.
You don't mind it that's fine, but you'd literally have to be blind to not notice that it was terribly animated and had terrible artwork. They seemed to learn a lesson after that as well, since the animation and artwork got alot more consistent later on.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Toaru Majutsu no Index. There are two completed seasons and a spinoff season. I was really enjoying this mix of magic versus science; the characters were sympathetic, the action fun, and the stories interesting.

You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean. Seriously, Index is horrible, I mean Hidan no Aria had a better plot, and that show had Dracula as a fricken werewolf.

And I *enjoyed* The Phantom Menace.

And that explains everything. But at least the Japanese know what the Catholic Church is. They wouldn't recognize Protestantism if you nailed a description of it to their door. (YES!! HISTORY JOKE! My job here is done.)
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Joined: 18 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:34 pm Reply with quote
Nevermind the interview, WHY IS Genocyber so weird and different from the manga anyway?!
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Joined: 18 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:46 pm Reply with quote
The weak animation on the long running Bleach/Naruto animes - it always seems to me that its because they can get away with it. It allows them to make more money, while not hurting their fan base. And that in-turn may allow the series to keep running. Often a series can meet its end because its just too costly to keep producing.

We see it in Bleach with the 5min recaps (save $$), weak animation (save $$), etc...

Though perhaps in defense of some of it - I recall when earlier in Naruto (not Shippuden) around eps 150 (?) they switched to a more rendered animation. I know I hated it - somehow that rough animation made Naruto - and I think it only last that 1 or perhaps 2 episodes. I've never researched it but perhaps fans rejected it too.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:53 pm Reply with quote
Asuron wrote:

Pains face literally blurs in one scene and he turns into Roadrunner for another, I'm not sure how that's grasping at straws. You don't mind it that's fine, but you'd literally have to be blind to not notice that it was terribly animated and had terrible artwork. They seemed to learn a lesson after that as well, since the animation and artwork got alot more consistent later on.

Well for one, if you have to add special/sound effects to a video to get your point across, you're doing it wrong. And terribly animated? That was pretty well animated, actually; it was smooth and everything flowed nicely (are you sure you don't mean art?) The only example in that video that had any kind of merit would be the second to last one where the art looked off for a few seconds... which was kinda silly yes, but if someone really condemns an entire arc/show for a few seconds of off-modelness then animation probably isn't the right hobby for them. For the record, I don't even get their #1 choice which is Pain being slammed into the ground.. how is that bad? It was kind of brutal, actually.
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