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NEWS: Digimon Xros Wars Anime to Get 2nd Year This October

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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:21 am Reply with quote
I haven't even seen the show yet! Hurry up and get licensed!

Still, i'm happy for the show.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:37 am Reply with quote
Cool. Now Toei USA just needs to hurry up and get this thing dubbed. I don't think anyone else'll go after it unless Saban decides to buy back the rights...

EDOT: Now that I think about it...this would make Xros Wars the longest Digimon series wouldn't it? Interesting.

Last edited by Divineking on Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 10 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:38 am Reply with quote
I am ok with this.
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Nonaka Machine Gun B

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:05 am Reply with quote
So, are they making a sequel series, such as Adventure 02, or are they extending the length of Xros Wars?
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Joined: 03 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:09 am Reply with quote
I would presume it would work as Digimon Xros Wars: Aku no Death General to Shichinin no Oukoku worked. A sequel.

At last they've found something fans seem to be happy with if it's continuing.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:15 pm Reply with quote
I am surprised to learn there is a sequel since i feel like the anime is really rushed as if they want to end the anime as soon as they can, if i compare to others digimon (though it doesn't displease me).But I think this is a good news, Taiki is a great main character and if my memories are correct he is the only main one to be clever Anime smile.
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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:03 pm Reply with quote
Seiya0890 wrote:
I am surprised to learn there is a sequel since i feel like the anime is really rushed as if they want to end the anime as soon as they can, if i compare to others digimon (though it doesn't displease me).But I think this is a good news, Taiki is a great main character and if my memories are correct he is the only main one to be clever Anime smile.

I wouldn't call it exactly a sequel like how Zero Two was for Zero One. They did the same with the Xros Wars from last year and the one that "premiered" this past spring. If anything, longest Digimon series much. First time they will ever break past the original Digimon run of 54 episodes.

To be honest though, the premise isn't all that bad if you get past the first season of 30 episodes...though the protagonist is still annoying as ever.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:18 pm Reply with quote
I wouldn't mind a second season if only.....................they would work on the animation quality.

^this is why I don't focus entirely on an episode. I just put it on and do other paperwork instead.
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Jessica Hart

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:07 pm Reply with quote
Divineking wrote:
Cool. Now Toei USA just needs to hurry up and get this thing dubbed. I don't think anyone else'll go after it unless Saban decides to buy back the rights...

Considering how awful all the previous dubs were, I don't really see how anyone would look forward to it being licensed. We'll all just watch the fansubs anyway and complain about the dub Razz Best to just let it not ever come here to get butchered.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:28 pm Reply with quote
Jessica Hart wrote:
Divineking wrote:
Cool. Now Toei USA just needs to hurry up and get this thing dubbed. I don't think anyone else'll go after it unless Saban decides to buy back the rights...

Considering how awful all the previous dubs were, I don't really see how anyone would look forward to it being licensed. We'll all just watch the fansubs anyway and complain about the dub Razz Best to just let it not ever come here to get butchered.

To be honest I did like most of the dubs even though they were techincally "butchered"(except Savers/Data Squad the edits and voice acting in that one was just terrible). Besides Digimon is a kids' show, and frankly I;d much rather see Digimon on US shores than a lot of the other toyetic anime that airs. I mean for the most part, unless people are super diehard fans of the japanese version, most fans seem to have at least be somewhat tolerant of the dubs because they know their not the audience for them.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:41 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
I haven't even seen the show yet! Hurry up and get licensed!

Apparently it's in motion. According to "insiders" Winckler-Oya Inc test dubbed two episodes under the name "Digimon Fusion Battles" (a real Toei trademark) and it did well with test audiences. Supposedly Toei liked it so much they want to run with it and it'll air on Disney X D next year. How much is fact and fiction remains to be seen, but considering the time frame matches that of the previous series, Winckler is known for this kind of work, and Disney has held Digimon licenses in the past it sounds accurate.

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Jessica Hart

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:03 pm Reply with quote
Divineking wrote:
To be honest I did like most of the dubs even though they were techincally "butchered"(except Savers/Data Squad the edits and voice acting in that one was just terrible). Besides Digimon is a kids' show, and frankly I;d much rather see Digimon on US shores than a lot of the other toyetic anime that airs. I mean for the most part, unless people are super diehard fans of the japanese version, most fans seem to have at least be somewhat tolerant of the dubs because they know their not the audience for them.

I can't stand any of the dubs. From the terrible jokes, writing, dialog, and voice acting, to the changed music, to the edited and mangled plotlines and episodes. Just because we're not the target audience doesn't mean they deserve to get butchered like that. We're not the target audience for any anime, really, but that doesn't mean they should ruin the shows as they come over here just to dumb it down for Americans, because they don't think kids here can handle topics like death.... or good music Confused

I really dislike how kids anime is treated here. We'll never get a proper dub for Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, GX, or 5Ds (and probably ZeXal depending if 4Kids still dubs it), or Pocket Monsters, or Bakugan, or Ojamajo Doremi, or Rockman.exe, or Ryuusei no Rockman, or any other shows I enjoy the original version of. It wouldn't be as bad if they gave us an uncut DVD release as well, but any DVDs are the edited dub only.. it's just a shame anime is still treated that way and they feel the need to tear it apart because kid's can't handle it, or they just view it as a cheap way to fill a timeslot. Artistic merit be danged.

Digimon Adventure is one of my favorite anime, and the dub is one of my most hated because it took out all the magic of it. I think people are only 'tolerant' as you say because of nostalgia and they grew up with the dub; and getting people to look past nostalgia is almost impossible, or maybe they never even watched the original. Objectively, it's a terrible dub.

If it does come over here, they'll probably spend their entire budget on digital paint for Minervamon and Lillithmon. Razz
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Joined: 18 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:59 pm Reply with quote
Complaining about the Adventure dub is like complaining about getting a rain storm instead of a Category 5 hurricane.

Adventure kept the location in Japan. It kept most of the names intact (even more so than the later seasons). It changed a lot of the dialogue to make it more humorous, but the story remained the same. And it was quite violent for a show with the same age rating as Pokemon - Myotismon even said "die" at one point.
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Jessica Hart

Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:26 pm Reply with quote
Jaymie wrote:
Complaining about the Adventure dub is like complaining about getting a rain storm instead of a Category 5 hurricane.

Is it as bad as Card Captors or One Piece? No, but it's still awful.

Adventure kept the location in Japan.

Unless it came to pop culture jokes and Japanese text, then we get 'DigiCode' or 'DigiDollars' Razz

It kept most of the names intact (even more so than the later seasons).

The only names that stayed the same were Mimi and Sora, and arguably Jou. Koushirou, Taichi, Takeru, Yamato, and Hikari were all changed.. even some of their last names for whatever reason. Digimon names were all over the place.

It changed a lot of the dialogue to make it more humorous, but the story remained the same.

But if they cut out a lot of the deaths and change things around, it's not the same. The final villain of Adventures was made into a joke who talked about wanting to rule the world because of pizza Confused Rather than being some sadistic guy who self-mutilates himself to torment kids and poses philosophical questions to them. Same thing with Pinocchimon; who was quite evil and creepy in the original but lame and a joke in the dub since they cut out all his sadistic scenes and gave him a nerdy voice rather than a creepy one. The story's only the same in the sense of 'this guy is bad, we must defeat him'.

And it was quite violent for a show with the same age rating as Pokemon - Myotismon even said "die" at one point.

Considering how much they said 'destroy' and cut out death, I'll say one supposed instance of 'die' isn't much. They butchered Wizarmon's death by adding in comedic music and sound effects like he was in a Looney Tunes cartoon Confused It becomes worse in 02 when they pose and discuss the morality of killing as a major theme and, but can't actually say die or kill, only 'eliminate' or 'destroy', and it loses it's whole impact because of it.

Plus, all you really need to point out is the music. Music is one of the most important aspects of any show; it sets the mood, and scenes that were grim and dark in the original were comedic and light hearted in the dub because of it.. and then there's 'Hey Digimon' and the movie songs, let's not even get into those Shocked.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:33 pm Reply with quote
I rather have the show air here then nothing at all. It gives more people a chance to watch and if ratings are good, perhaps let Toei experiment or continue to air their shows here. No one is forcing you to watch a English version, so let things be. I would like there to be more kids anime over here to bring in more anime audiences. They can always decide if they want to look up information about the shows they view.
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