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Astro Toy - Figutto Hitagi Senjougahara

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Joined: 19 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:08 am Reply with quote
I'm gonna have to disagree here. The Figma looks quite a bit nicer. Perhaps its the high angle pictures, but the Figutto feels like the height to width is a bit odd, and the general facial expressionless-ness isn't too exciting. The Figma seems better proportioned, expressioned, and even has an alternate, ponytail hairstyle. The skirts seem equivalently wavy, and the only thing really superior in the Figutto seems to be the detail on the shirt and pocket pens.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:49 am Reply with quote
Yeah, in the Anime Hitagi may have had subtle expressions (one thing I love about her), but she was never as downright bland as she is here. The sculpt seems nice (besides that one weird strand of hair), the pens and scissors look good, but a boring Hitagi is one oxymoron I don't want to deal with. Especially at that price. They've taken a genuinely scary girl and given her Generic Anime Faces #11, #51 and #58 Part B.

If I was a diehard Hitagi fan I might consider buying it, but I'm not (I prefer Tsubasa, but that's neither here nor there). As David said, the price is outside of the normal impulse-buying zone for most people, and when I look carefully I just cannot see what on the figure is worth forking over that much money for.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:59 am Reply with quote
Good timing there. I know David doesn't like to review static figures, but for Senjougahara fans her Good Smile figure $68 (- $2 from points) at Hobby Search (40% off). It qualifies as SAL, which means the shipping will be around $20 (waiting for order confirmation to confirm it).
Actually, the one in the review is also going for 50% off. Doubt stock will last long with this price.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:06 am Reply with quote
Yeah, granted I'm a diehard figma fan, I'm not exactly seeing the superiority here. The faces and hair aren't even close to being as nice as the figma version promises to be. Those big, round, exposed joints in the elbows and shoulders are inexcusable for a figure of this price. Even the laughably bad mobip line did a better job at hiding the joints. The stand is nice, but who buys a figure for the stand (not SHFiguarts fans, that's for sure!), for an extra $6 you can just get a di:stage to go with your figma that has far more features and parts than the Figutto stand and you'd still be sitting at about half the price. Just not seeing where the extra $30 or so is reflected in the quality of the figure.

If I was going to spend this kind of money on a figure I'd probably just go all the way and get one of the articulated 1/8 Gutto Kuru figures like Taiga Aisaka (if I could just get over the darn riveted joints...).

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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:44 am Reply with quote
Let me see if I get this right. Figutto spends a great deal on paint, magnets, and packaging, but still uses a goddamn pin to hold the character in place?

I couldn't help but notice the hair piece on the back also pops out, just like the figma character does, so we can inject a pin through their skull to stand them up.

I'm very disappointed magnets weren't used on the base, or at least, something which doesn't require a pin.

Figma is notorious for those pins not matching and it's just a matter of time before repeated insertions (moving, cleaning, etc.) will strip them to the point they won't hold.

A good review, but certainly not enough to get me to fork over more money for a figure which, aside from the magnets and case (which is just stupid when it comes to storage), is really not much better than figma.

One day, someone will get this right. Maybe it'll be Clayz and they'll actually shock the world with a great product... for once.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:35 am Reply with quote
I've finally figured out what this column needs: more Maru. :3

I'm not sure if I have $60 worth of character love in me for anything. I certainly don't have it for Bakemonogatari.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:54 am Reply with quote
So, David is clearly familiar with the series Hitagi's from, but complains she doesn't have a "fierce" face. Hitagi doesn't do drastic emotions.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:19 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
So, David is clearly familiar with the series Hitagi's from, but complains she doesn't have a "fierce" face. Hitagi doesn't do drastic emotions.

While she never suffered from Anime Overreaction Expression Syndrome that afflicts so many other characters, Hitagi certainly displayed more emotion than the, "I wonder what if it will rain today?" faces this figure gives her. What I would have loved to see is a piercing stare as if she was looking directly into your soul and sizing it up. And of course, a subtly menacing one, the expression she used whenever making death threats (without even raising her voice).

But yes, I agree with you that a normal "fierce" expression would not do her character justice. She's so much more scarier than that.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:30 pm Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
I know David doesn't like to review static figures, but for Senjougahara fans her Good Smile figure $68 (- $2 from points) at Hobby Search (40% off).

Oh, dammit. I mustn't buy, I mustn't buy, I mustn't buy...
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:23 pm Reply with quote
Big Hed wrote:
Oh, dammit. I mustn't buy, I mustn't buy, I mustn't buy...

I'd kick in with you if I could have the crab. I never got into Bakemonogatari, but that little bit of plastic is oddly alluring. Especially in the closeup photo at Hobby Search. (I don't know whether to thank egoist for the link or just sedate myself until they're all gone.)
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:37 pm Reply with quote
rabrek wrote:
Big Hed wrote:
Oh, dammit. I mustn't buy, I mustn't buy, I mustn't buy...

I'd kick in with you if I could have the crab. I never got into Bakemonogatari, but that little bit of plastic is oddly alluring. Especially in the closeup photo at Hobby Search. (I don't know whether to thank egoist for the link or just sedate myself until they're all gone.)

In my case, finances may make the decision for me. Time will tell...

Add: Okay, it's gone. I'd like to thank the Japanese otaku market for saving my wallet.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:32 am Reply with quote
Received the invoice from Hobby Search today. Shipping by SAL will cost me 1080 yen, added to 5600k which is the figure's discounted price, and then minus the points. Roughly 6.5k yen total. Not bad if you consider the regular price of 9.3k.
Well, those who got it, enjoy! Wink
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Joined: 21 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:20 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
So, David is clearly familiar with the series Hitagi's from, but complains she doesn't have a "fierce" face. Hitagi doesn't do drastic emotions.

While she never suffered from Anime Overreaction Expression Syndrome that afflicts so many other characters, Hitagi certainly displayed more emotion than the, "I wonder what if it will rain today?" faces this figure gives her. What I would have loved to see is a piercing stare as if she was looking directly into your soul and sizing it up. And of course, a subtly menacing one, the expression she used whenever making death threats (without even raising her voice).

But yes, I agree with you that a normal "fierce" expression would not do her character justice. She's so much more scarier than that.

My first impression is that her expression was poorly executed. It's hard to tell from the photos, but there seems to be little definition to it... it seems very blurry or muted, not just emotionless.
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Joined: 08 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:10 pm Reply with quote
I can't believe no one mention how bad the legs look....granted, the detail and paintjob in her clothes are superior to the figma counterpart, but everything else? what about the incredibly weird looking neck joint?

Sometimes I agree with Astroy Toy Reviews but this time I'm really surprised he omitted those glaring problems in such an expensive figure.
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