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NEWS: Bakuman Manga Gets 2nd TV Anime Next Fall

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Joined: 30 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:15 pm Reply with quote
Sad Im still waiting for Volume 3 to come out in the states Sad
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Joined: 05 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:19 pm Reply with quote
The anime so far has been kinda hit-and-miss. I hate how they seem to focus more on the love aspect of the manga (which is weak and dumb by moments) than just the manga industry aspect.

Also, the characters seems to get off-model 50% of the time. They should have used Madhouse like Death Note.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Well it is romance story at time, especially in the beginning. The anime is super accurate to the manga, even with the cool little scenes of the manga's in the manga added. As for who does the anime, WSJ doesn't go out looking for anime offers they are made offers. Given that madhouse produces more adult themed anime most of the time means they likely wouldn't have wanted to do bakuman. As for the quality bakuman isn't about the visuals like alot of other manga. Death note was high quality cause it was insanely popular therefore making the anime look better was a no brainer cause the money would easily made back. Bakuman while interesting and popular is nowhere near death note popularity. So for the anime to get better the show would have to show rating number that would allow for better animation. Example Fairy Tail's animation was very sub par when it began but it got really popular and got for funds for better animation.
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Joined: 27 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:16 am Reply with quote
clipeuh wrote:
The anime so far has been kinda hit-and-miss. I hate how they seem to focus more on the love aspect of the manga (which is weak and dumb by moments) than just the manga industry aspect.

Also, the characters seems to get off-model 50% of the time. They should have used Madhouse like Death Note.

That's thanks to Studio DEEN.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:50 am Reply with quote
Sigh why is this getting anther season its not really even good
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Joined: 13 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:16 am Reply with quote
It's a prime time NHK-produced show, so the measure of success differs from many series. For instance, DVD/BD sales are a non-factor, while TV ratings (which have been decent) actually have meaning.

As for quality, NHK has recently become notorious (i.e. contracted studios and animators are complaining) for providing the bare minimum in funding for their shows. There's no extensive production committee or any direct investment from the production studio, so this is about what I'd expect.

I hate how they seem to focus more on the love aspect of the manga (which is weak and dumb by moments)

The relationship aspect is actually what the original authors wanted the anime to expand on. Their hope is that it'll provide a hook for new viewers (who may not necessarily be so interested in the manga aspects from the start) to start following the manga series.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:04 am Reply with quote
I didn't think the ratings were super-awesome, but hey, more power to the fans.

I'm going to check this out...someday.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:14 am Reply with quote
I don't understand. The anime is terrible compared to the manga. The pacing is excruciatingly slow, the animation is cheap, and all the dramatic lighting and poses cannot be reproduced on TV (unless you're Madhouse, who sold their souls to the Lord of Shadow-Drawing). I will watch it again when Hiramaru makes his debut, though. Hiramaru makes everything better.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:09 am Reply with quote
Idk why everyone is bashing this show so much.

Yea, the art isn't as good, but imo, everything else has lived up to the manga.

And, yes they're focusing on the love part, that's how the whole first arc of the manga was. Just the same.

I think you're getting the second arc confused with the first.
They don't really start getting into the manga more until all the "rivals" are introduced.

I think they're doing a great job with the show.
I wish the art could be better, but really, no one can live up to Obata-sensei's art anyways! He's a God!

I for one and very happy it's getting a second season, I just wish some one stateside would license it already!

Urahara Out!!
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:21 am Reply with quote
I'm glad to see this is getting a second season. I'm enjoying it as much as I've enjoyed the manga. Hopefully Viz will actually take the incentive to simulcast this season..
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:25 am Reply with quote
I can understand that the anime moves at a slower pace than the manga (with an average of 2 chapters per episode) but as someone who has read the manga since the beginning, NHK has been very faithful with the source material (with the exception of Jump to Jack for obvious reasons). Besides, unlike Death Note, Bakuman is still ongoing and anime productions are notorious for catching up with the source material too quickly. Too speed up the pace would not only risk the anime from catching up to the manga but also could force the producers to add fillers (which would be suicide for a series like this) or end the series abruptly with copout dialogue from the main cast.

I, for one, am GLAD that the producers are going to continue this series into a second season which only means that the rest of the supporting cast will get their limelight and really help bring out the fun in Bakuman. Smile
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Joined: 05 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:49 am Reply with quote
Having read some of the manga, I was wondering how this show could possibly come close to telling the story in one season. At least with a second season they can go at a reasonable pace and not skip too much story. Of course, there is always the danger of finishing the available source material, but I am not sure they are moving at all fast enough to worry about that!

Does anyone know if the authors have announced how much longer they are going to write this manga?
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:07 pm Reply with quote
clipeuh wrote:
The anime so far has been kinda hit-and-miss. I hate how they seem to focus more on the love aspect of the manga (which is weak and dumb by moments) than just the manga industry aspect.

Also, the characters seems to get off-model 50% of the time. They should have used Madhouse like Death Note.

That's thanks to Studio DEEN.
Pretty sure you mean JC Staff, and it's mostly because JC Staff has 4 shows they're working on in the same season: Bakuman, Otome Youkai Zakuro, Index II (where I imagine most of the budget is going, and chars still look off-model frequently), and Tantei Opera Milky Holmes.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:45 pm Reply with quote
Excellent. Didn't think it'd be this quickly, since we're currently on a double season.
I haven't thought about who's my favorite this season, but Bakuman is definitely on the top 3.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Yep, I'm glad about this news. Bakuman is perfectly fine in how it is drawn, the romance angle is getting some attention (or given its influence, should that be recognition?), and the behind-the-scenes looks into how Manga is made are fascinating. But what really makes the show work are the two leads and the dialogue between them. Not surprising given that the Manga was created by the guys behind Death Note.

Bakuman is one of the best shows this season, hands down. Yes, maybe it isn't as good as the Manga. Maybe. I don't know since I haven't read any of the Manga. But the Anime is telling the story its own way, and that way is very well done. People should stop comparing the two at every opportunity and start enjoying how good the Anime is on its own merits.
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