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REVIEW: Eden of the East BLURAY

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Mr Adventure

Joined: 14 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:35 pm Reply with quote
The one issue is Funimation's odd decision to keep Oasis's original opening song "Falling Down" only for the first episode. "Falling Down" is perfect for the series—both lyrically and sonically—and the quieter Japanese tune that replaces it just doesn't compare.

This wasn't an 'odd decision' at all. Considering how prohibitively expensive it's been implied licensing the song for all 13 episodes would have been. We're probably very lucky we got it at all.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:43 pm Reply with quote
I really hate the idea of more anime going to an inconclusive series ending just to cash in on movie(s) to finish the story.

I want my anime to be complete, unless the source itself isn't complete of course.

Last edited by Megiddo on Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:43 pm Reply with quote
I actually seem to be in the minority here but I actually prefer the quieter international version of the op. The show doesn't have much action scenes and moves at a slow place to reveal everything to you one puzzle piece at a time. The fast paced and loud Oasis just doesn't seem to click with me.

I just discovered this show on friday and watched it 3 times already it's that good. Movies are also awesome IMO, thought I seem to also be in the minority about that also. The blu ray was GORGEOUS, the picture quality was top notch.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:43 pm Reply with quote
Mr Adventure wrote:
The one issue is Funimation's odd decision to keep Oasis's original opening song "Falling Down" only for the first episode. "Falling Down" is perfect for the series—both lyrically and sonically—and the quieter Japanese tune that replaces it just doesn't compare.

This wasn't an 'odd decision' at all. Considering how prohibitively expensive it's been implied licensing the song for all 13 episodes would have been. We're probably very lucky we got it at all.

What I don't get is that record companies don't realise that a small 1min30sec of a song would be ideal promo material. Worst case scenario strike a deal like "you can use the song for all episodes but put a sticker on the box with Falling Down available online at www.xyz.com". I think that alone would drive sales and would not be expensive for the record label to deal with.
But I'm not one of those suits taking the decision so what do I know....

Anyway I'm definately getting this on Blu-Ray. Already saw the series but it's really quality anime material and this definately one that is worth every penny especially in Blu-Ray quality.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:58 pm Reply with quote
Megiddo wrote:
I really hate the idea of more anime going to an inconclusive series ending just to cash in on movie(s) to finish the story.

I want my anime to be complete, unless the source itself isn't complete of course.

As stated before, it was originally planned to be two seasons, they just decided to turn the second season into two films

As reported on this very site in fact!
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:04 pm Reply with quote
I knew I wasn't the only one who thought so; Kenji didn't do the best job here... in addition with Gundam 00.

That being said, Carl you actually make me want to rewatch this anime again.
While I think an A is pushing is a bit, I have to remind myself: this IS different from the norm. Plus... I had fun.

I do want to get this on Blu-ray. Another reason for me to buy would be, obviously, the dub. It's been a while since I've seen Jason take a leading role, that's also distinct.
While my favorite(and most memorable) role of Leah Clark was Eri from School Rumble, I am curious to see her in a lead role(haven't seen Bamboo Blade yet).

I guess my only concern for not thinking so high of this series when I first watched it was... I didn't know what to expect. I should've said to myself "oh wait, that's a GOOD thing!"

Excellent review Carl.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:17 pm Reply with quote
i've only seen the first 2 episodes of this series and i gotta say that i'm very interested in seeing the rest. i wanted to watch it sooner actually because umino designed the characters (i love honey and clover) so i'm glad i finally got a chance to see some of it

unfortunately i gotta wait to see the rest in december when my first semester of college is over (jeez, i hate having no time for things Crying or Very sad )
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:34 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:
I knew I wasn't the only one who thought so; Kenji didn't do the best job here... in addition with Gundam 00.

Here you can see the danger of calling people by their first name only, Otaking: at first I thought you were talking about Kamiyama Kenji rather than Kawai Kenji.

I am still so torn... I want this series, but the more I hear about the quality the more I know I'd love it in BluRay, only I have neither a BluRay player nor an HD TV. So... double-dipping sounds like my only real option, at least for a few years. And I don't want to wait a few years for Eden of the East.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:34 pm Reply with quote
I like how Kenji Kawai has apparently gotten to the point where, around here at least, the most anybody can say to criticize the man lately is basically a "weeeelllll...he didn't do quite as awesome a job in this" reaction. The man's pretty much become my favorite composer outside Yoko Kanno between this, Gundam 00, and Fate/Stay Night alone.

I think the comment that "This is quite possibly the year's only truly great anime" is a bit much, but I do like Eden quite a bit. I was fascinated by the 4-5 episodes that I saw, so I'm waiting on my Blu-Ray with much anticipation in order to see the rest. The core premise is just a stroke of genius.
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Joined: 08 May 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Is this the part where I tell the reviewer that they are objectively wrong and their mistaken review is a sign of their questionable taste? It seems to be in vogue these days. Wink Well, I promise I won't take it anything other than a difference of opinion.

I consider Eden of the East by far the weakest Kenji Kamiyama work. I started extremely interested and thought it would be amongst the best of the season, if not the year, was losing interest a bit past the midway point, and thought the end was actually actively stupid. spoiler[Uh oh, problem, I've got missiles flying at me. Let me ask 20,000 NEETs for a solution. And then I blew up a minute later, err, I mean the NEETs saved me.]

But then there are the two movies. One of the few cases where I watched something and really wish I could have that time back. But they do make for a decent substitute to Valium.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:05 am Reply with quote
Here you can see the danger of calling people by their first name only, Otaking: at first I thought you were talking about Kamiyama Kenji rather than Kawai Kenji.

Yeah. I see what you mean. But, considering the reviews contents, people should get what I mean... especially the comparison in grades in mind.

I like how Kenji Kawai has apparently gotten to the point where, around here at least, the most anybody can say to criticize the man lately is basically a "weeeelllll...he didn't do quite as awesome a job in this" reaction. The man's pretty much become my favorite composer outside Yoko Kanno between this, Gundam 00, and Fate/Stay Night alone.

I think the comment that "This is quite possibly the year's only truly great anime" is a bit much, but I do like Eden quite a bit. I was fascinated by the 4-5 episodes that I saw, so I'm waiting on my Blu-Ray with much anticipation in order to see the rest. The core premise is just a stroke of genius.

I thought the score in 00 was rather... subdued. It didn't stand out, and it didn't serve to accent the intense battles very well.
My favorites of his are Zaion, Moribito, Sky Crawlers, and When They Cry. That's what stands out in my mind right now anyway.
My favorite composer is Taku Iwasaki.
He's been more consistent with his stuff. Even his early work is something to write home about!

To quote Carl's "the year's first great anime". One would have to take a look at Key's review on Toradora.
They both have "A"s yet the type of series it is, isn't.
Put simply, Carl is saying that, on a level of wonderful difference a.k.a. great, it's a home-run.

That being said, Eden of the East is as fun and as it is good.
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Joined: 18 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:06 am Reply with quote
Great series, great review. I pre-ordered it and can't wait to watch it again on Blu Ray. I love the fact that it ends in not one, but TWO films too. I always thought the best way to end a series is with theatrical films just like Eva did. I wish more shows jumped on that trend.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:09 am Reply with quote
Mr Adventure wrote:
Considering how prohibitively expensive it's been implied licensing the song for all 13 episodes would have been. We're probably very lucky we got it at all.

No kidding. This was a song from Oasis' final album. Imagine what it might have cost, if I.G (or Kamiyama) wanted something from their earlier catalogue? Oh boy.

Don't get me wrong. I rather enjoy it, when Japanese producers and directors eschew the usual J-pop "flavor-of-the-month" in favor of something else. I mean, I owe Lain and Gunslinger Girl for introducing me to Bôa and The Delgados. It's a trend I hope continues, even if the Japanese continue picking songs from world-renown bands like Duran Duran and Oasis.

Otaking09 wrote:
I knew I wasn't the only one who thought so; Kenji didn't do the best job here... in addition with Gundam 00.

As much as I liked some of the cues on this score, with my favorite piece being the Iwasaki-like "JUIZ", I agree that it wasn't Kenji Kawai's strongest. I guess the previous team-up he had with Kamiyama on Moribito really spoiled me for Eden of the East's score. I'm just grateful it wasn't Zaion or Starship Operators levels of bad.

I look forward to picking up the blu-ray for the re-watch, but I'm going to hold off, until the two follow-up films are released.

And I also enjoyed listening to both the Japanese and English dubs. Although, if I never have to hear the word "johnny" used to describe a penis again, it'll be too damn soon. :P
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:16 am Reply with quote
And I also enjoyed listening to both the Japanese and English dubs. Although, if I never have to hear the word "johnny" used to describe a penis again, it'll be too damn soon. Razz

Then I must warn you good sir, beware of The Tatami Galaxy! Laughing
spoiler[I hope Funi announces a release for that title too... As good as Eden of the East is, I feel that T. Galaxy is in a WHOLE other league!]
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Joined: 27 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:46 am Reply with quote
I have heard quite polarized reviews of this series; that is, for everyone (including now Carl) praising it as the best series of 2009, I hear another person (including one of my roommates) say that while it starts off very intriguing, it kind of loses its focus around the halfway point and quickly becomes unnecessarily nonsensical. As for myself, being more or less generally in agreement with Carl and Zac Bertschy's views, as well as a big fan of pretty much everything Kenji Kamiyama has worked on, I am more than willing to give this series the benefit of the doubt. And at episode four, I am still enjoying it, but just to be on the safe side I will probably finish the whole thing subbed before I go ahead and buy the BD.

I would, however, like to respond to one particular point which Carl made in his review:
Line that up next to the frigid soldier types in Stand Alone Complex and you'll see just how far Kamiyama has come.
Now granted I have not seen the whole series, but labeling Eden of the East's warm, adorable characters as a directorial improvement over SAC's "frigid soldier types" seems like comparing apples and oranges, i.e. judging an element of the show outside of its natural context; one character motif works well for one title while an entirely separate one works well for another title, and I see no reason, provided that both titles are an overall success, to consider one qualitatively "superior" to the other.
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