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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:03 pm
Huh, I really liked Casshern Sins. Different strokes, I suppose...
Cute kitty in the photo.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:23 pm
To be honest, I'm not really feeling the Casshern Sins love, either. Though I'll try to finish it one of these days, I'd rather Discotek brought out the 70s series, since that seems more aesthetically pleasing, while this upgrade looks like an emo Mega Man Zero, even though MMZ was ironically inspired by the original show. I know people have some sort of jihad against the LA movie, but I thought it was one of the more interesting adaptations. Look for the import and any used copies of the OVA from Streamline. ["Casshan"] Or, just wait for that MGS spin-off game with Mecha Raiden. They really do the character justice.
Quote: | So far, I've sampled everything except Devil Man. |
Yeah, you'll have to import it or get the U.S. Renditions tapes/Manga DVD cheap. Though you could always opt for old sets of Devil Lady, even though it's a slightly different show.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2008
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Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:43 pm
I enjoyed Casshern Sins, but I know that the show isn't for a lot of people. Plus being in the right mood to watch it definitely helps.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:07 am
Wow Erin! Wow!
You hate that show no matter what anybody says? No offense, but that kind of attitude really makes understanding and empathizing things that you'd dislike, that others like, next to impossible.
I've talked to several people about C. Sins after your previous look on it.
I agree with most of your points, but your looking at it the wrong way. Yes, the "bad" is emphasized, but it's not meant to be taken seriously.
This series is... something of a dirge for happiness. In their world, it's harder to think of something to live for/by/from. It's a special kind of dark series that never promotes death, encourages it, or cheapens it.
Saying that the show is idiotic because it has.... blatant symbolism and "not-to-everyone's-liking" pacing, isn't very fair to it's cause.
But... you already said it: You don't like upfront messages.
Truth be told, because Casshern Sins is so boldly different with it's soul-speaking pleading, that I couldn't help but be reminded of Gonzo.
I don't think I'll ever stop loving Casshern Sins. Or at the very least, ever stop having the utmost respect for it.
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Mr Adventure
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:32 am
Your ability to trash down Cass SINS yet adore Gaogaigar explains a lot about where your tastes lie. Its really no wonder you didn't 'get' the appeal Casshern SINS*.
Also generally explains I don't agree with 99% of your reviews.
But we do agree that Kenji Utsumi is amazing as Braiking Boss.
*this isn't, strickly speaking, me trashing down Gaogaigar. Its just a completely different type of show then SINS. But then I'm the sort that can see the appeal in two polar opposite shows.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:32 am
Erin wrote: | And that beer is certainly not PBR. I would never do my job intoxicated, nor would I dishonor anime by drinking cheap, crappy alcohol in front of it. |
*GASP!!!* CHEAP?! CRAPPY?! You wound me.
Economical? Yes, but I assure you Madam, PBR is not "crappy." From the Urban Hipsters to Dirtbag Rock Climbers there is NO finer economy beer. PBR 4 LIFE!
That said -and I admire your professionalism- I'd imagine there are a few anime you wish you could have been intoxicated during. ;3 And speaking of blissfully numb *cough, Casshern, cough* I'm glad you stick to your guns regarding your opinions, especially if they happen to diverge from others. Kudos!
Personally, and I agree with you, Casshern was a sledghammer of a downer.
Gaogaigar, on the other hand, looks interesting.
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Joined: 12 Jul 2005
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:34 am
Quote: | The Sledgehammer School of Filmmaking |
another inductee: Arjuna. God I wanted nothing but to rebel and eat hamburgers for a week after watching that.
Quote: | t's good to know your roots… even when those roots extend back to a country you've never lived in during a time before you were born. |
I can completely understand and agree with this sentiment. Isn't it great to be an anime fan? It saddens me when I talk to a lot of anime fans now who know almost nothing from the 90s. Just today I was talking with a girl who had never heard of Love Hina.
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ANN Executive Editor
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:41 am
SoloButterfly wrote: | Just today I was talking with a girl who had never heard of Love Hina. |
Something tells me this is much more common than you might think.
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Charred Knight
Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:37 am
Otaking09 wrote: | Wow Erin! Wow!
You hate that show no matter what anybody says? No offense, but that kind of attitude really makes understanding and empathizing things that you'd dislike, that others like, next to impossible.
So you think she should bow down to pressure, and say that the show improved just so a bunch of people aren't mad at her?
The only time I ever really get mad at a reviewer is if I think that reviewer isn't paying attention to what happened, and puts out a review full of incorrect information or missed the entire point of the series.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2006
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:30 am
Zac wrote: |
SoloButterfly wrote: | Just today I was talking with a girl who had never heard of Love Hina. |
Something tells me this is much more common than you might think. |
Unfortunately, this is true. I've seen a lot of people claiming to be some of the biggest anime fans, yet have not heard of Cowboy Bebop or Satoshi Kon.(one particular "otaku" was even disrespectful enough to say out loud that "Kon was some unknown anime staff" after his death)
I can sort of see why some people would have issues with Casshern: Sins, especially when contrasted with the glowing review that GaoGaiGar got. While I don't mind people disagreeing with my opinion, reading the review honestly gave me the impression that the reviewer had really high expectations of Casshern, but not so much for GaoGaiGar. Casshern: Sins was reviewed almost solely on its themes and symbols, with virtually no mention of its actual entertainment value.(The only thing remotely resembling a mention of its entertainment value is the short paragraph that criticizes its slow pace)
Last edited by Ryvius213 on Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:48 am; edited 3 times in total
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Mr Adventure
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:33 am
It just ticks me off that Casshern got dumped into 'Perishable' like it has no redeeming qualities of any sort. Its art direction, animation, and action sequences are stupendous at VERY LEAST. Even if you thought the storytelling was obtuse.
Maybe the reviewer didn't watch in high-def blu-ray. Cause, godd--m its one of the best looking animated anything in my Blu-ray collection. Such bold lines of motion, hard sensations of impacting fists, striking color usage, and gorgeous painted backgrounds.
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:22 am
Myeah... Chasshern Sins is perishable, but GGG that is TWO THIRDS REPETITIVE MONSTER OF THE WEEK is shelf worthy. How are those sepia colored nostalgia glasses? That says a lot about your (bad) taste. Yeah... your opinion is worthless to me.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:57 am
I couldn't help but find the idea of that most amusing in my mind's eye, even if it might not have meant to be as such in its context
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:39 am
Please, Erin, do not put spoilers in the reviews!
Okay, I know you don't like Casshern Sins, but a lot of people do like the show and still want to buy the Blu-ray/DVDs. It doesn't matter whether you have put the anime series in the trash bin ("perishable"). Please remove the spoilers, the review of Casshern Sins in this case can do without these spoilers just fine.
As for the shelves, wow, I wish I got the money to buy the whole manga collection of Maison Ikkoku. And Patlabor was my favorite anime back in the days, never watched the movie though. Anyway, a great collection!
Edit: I forgot the letter "h" in Casshern Sins.
Last edited by TC-man on Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:20 am
Otaking09 wrote: | You hate that show no matter what anybody says? No offense, but that kind of attitude really makes understanding and empathizing things that you'd dislike, that others like, next to impossible. |
I disagree. Erin watched the first set, then had a chance to view the second set after considering the forum comments in response to her review. This isn't someone saying they hate something they've never watched. Casshern Sins just isn't something Erin will ever enjoy. I find that completely understandable.
Why? Because while I liked Casshern very much... Baccano drives me nuts. Isaac and Miria got on my nerves by the second episode, and I bailed after the fifth. But the show has a lot of fans, and some of whom have been extremely articulate and persuasive in expressing their enjoyment and appreciation on the forum. So I bought the DVD set in a RightStuf sale. Alas, my improved mindset was shattered by Isaac and Miria, who rendered me speechless with seething homicidal rage with no meaningful outlet because they're inconveniently fictional. The immortality thing would've been a plus. Kill 'em over and over and over until the mood passes. Then kill them again. You can't have Baccano without the puddinghead twins, so yeah, I hate that show, no matter what anybody says.
Erin didn't criticize people who like Casshern Sins - she just hates the show. She gave it a second chance, even. My own, Baccano-tinted impulse would be to punt when a second exposure confirms "hate it", but hey, I don't have a column to put out every week. Sometimes you have to soldier through. That's why it's Work. I'd rather someone be up front with "I hate this and here's why" than mash up a lukewarm review that points out the spiffy art direction but otherwise wastes my time. I'd hate that. No matter what anybody says.
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