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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:39 pm Reply with quote
If we would be talking about the japanese releases, the mangaka usually gets a 10% slice of the price of every sold tankobon.

But yeah, not that it matters when we're talking about licensed releases.

Last edited by ptj_tsubasa on Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:40 pm Reply with quote
I think Funi is aware of how much people liked the dubs for Black Lagoon and Hellsing, so I'm not that worried about whether they'll outsource. Although, I'm somewhat concerned about getting particular actors back since several of the cast members in Hellsing don't do much voice acting, so they might be unavailable after this long. But then again, they got them all back once before, so it might not be a problem.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:19 pm Reply with quote
Anybody know anything about this supposed "Bad Blood" between Funi and Ocean?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:21 pm Reply with quote
My home theater is more enjoyable for a variety of reasons than any cineplex so I don't really go out to watch movies for the most part; I'll go to something like Inception as a social event with friends two weeks after opening, but that's it. As for this summer's anime....most I would never consider watching and the very few I have watched left me bored out of my frickin' skull. So, when I do finally get around to watching the movies of this summer, they can only be less of a disappointment.

Oh, and I've said this before, but...I love your cartoons.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Oneeyedjacks wrote:
Anybody know anything about this supposed "Bad Blood" between Funi and Ocean?

Well, from what I've gathered on the forums, it supposedly has to do with Funimation getting DBZ away from Ocean. However, the first I've heard of this supposed bad blood was on the forums, so I'm not so sure it exists. It probably did exist back when this happened, but that was years ago, and I don't think that Ocean Group is in a position to deny a chance to get paid because of something from so long ago.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:47 pm Reply with quote
Since I'm watching five summer anime and only three summer movies I'm more disappointed with the movies. Normally there's more like five or seven I'm interested in (don't see all of them in theaters but they at least sound interesting). But five anime in a season is more like what I get out of a fall/spring season instead of a winter/summer one so I guess this just isn't a normal summer for my viewing tastes.
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Wrial Huden

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:10 pm Reply with quote
The girl in the video playing Rush's "YYZ"...was this at a recital?

How cool is that! Beats hearing "Blue Danube" for the umpteenth time!
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Funimation is just as happy to have it around simply as a means of advertisement for their DVDs.

Um, if the advertising gains are negligible and the main goal of streaming is simply to raise awareness of the show in the hope of future DVD sales, then wouldn't the pirate sites actually be a massive help to Funimation et al? You seem to be saying on the one hand that Funi streaming a show leads to more DVD sales leads to profit, whereas on the other hand pirate site A streaming it leads to people not wanting to buy the DVDs leads to loss... Surely which particular website someone watched a stream at wouldn't affect whether they went on to buy the DVDs or not?
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:18 pm Reply with quote
Showsni wrote:
Funimation is just as happy to have it around simply as a means of advertisement for their DVDs.

Um, if the advertising gains are negligible and the main goal of streaming is simply to raise awareness of the show in the hope of future DVD sales, then wouldn't the pirate sites actually be a massive help to Funimation et al? You seem to be saying on the one hand that Funi streaming a show leads to more DVD sales leads to profit, whereas on the other hand pirate site A streaming it leads to people not wanting to buy the DVDs leads to loss... Surely which particular website someone watched a stream at wouldn't affect whether they went on to buy the DVDs or not?

I'm not so sure that it doesn't make a difference. A person makes a choice when they decide if they're going to watch a legal, licensed stream that might take a couple of days after the Japanese airing to come out or if they opt to go for the first thing available regardless of legality. If they're willing to take the initial step of waiting a little bit to watch legally, then maybe they'll be willing to go another step and buy the DVD?
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Joined: 22 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:25 pm Reply with quote
Well unfortunately I guess the Answerman is right about Funimation and their dubbing practices with these new shows. We have no way of knowing what they will do at the moment so I guess it is pointless to speculate. However, it is probably true that Funimation wouldn't lose much if they chose not to outsource and to change VAs. I'm actually disappointed by that because now I'm thinking that's what they'd actually do. I guess I'm just saying that I wouldn't put it past them. It would really make me, and I'm sure several others, very mad but in the end I'm still going to buy the DVDs cause I don't really have a choice. And in the end I'd say that's all Funimation cares about. I hate that because dubs are very important to me, and to change up the voices midway through the shows won't seem at all right to me. I know that Brian suggested not to get to attached to a dub but I disagree, especially if it is one that you love. It's a very weird transition that I've always hated.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:37 pm Reply with quote
CG-LOVER wrote:
Well unfortunately I guess the Answerman is right about Funimation and their dubbing practices with these new shows. We have no way of knowing what they will do at the moment so I guess it is pointless to speculate. However, it is probably true that Funimation wouldn't lose much if they chose not to outsource and to change VAs. I'm actually disappointed by that because now I'm thinking that's what they'd actually do. I guess I'm just saying that I wouldn't put it past them. It would really make me, and I'm sure several others, very mad but in the end I'm still going to buy the DVDs cause I don't really have a choice. And in the end I'd say that's all Funimation cares about. I hate that because dubs are very important to me, and to change up the voices midway through the shows won't seem at all right to me. I know that Brian suggested not to get to attached to a dub but I disagree, especially if it is one that you love. It's a very weird transition that I've always hated.

I get attached to them too, since certain voices become those characters, in a way. But, we have a couple of recent examples of Funi making the effort to go for the original cast with Eva 1.0, where they brought in who they could, and Slayers, where they outsourced in order to keep the cast. Brian also pointed out that it might not actually cost them more to outsource. If that's the case, then it would certainly be worth it in order to avoid negative responses.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:55 pm Reply with quote
Answerman wrote:
In fact, outsourcing is usually cheaper all around.

That's really interesting. I always just assumed they did it in house since it'd be cheaper than paying another company to do it, but when I really think about it, it does make sense since it's probably cheaper or about even to pay one company vs 20+ actors. That certainly does make me wish they'd outsource more so that they could clean some stuff off their plates faster. Not to sound too racist, but is that idea of keeping everything "close to their vests" the result of having a Japanese owner?

Answerman wrote:
It angries up the ardent fans, sure, but they still buy the damn things.

CG-LOVER wrote:
It would really make me, and I'm sure several others, very mad but in the end I'm still going to buy the DVDs cause I don't really have a choice.

Actually, I probably won't and just do without since I really liked the old dubs and love continuity. I mean, I hate it when two art boxes from the same show don't have the same design i.e. Kodocha, Ikki Tousen, Ai Yori Aoshi, and probably Haruhi. I won't die by not seeing the Black Lagoon OVAs and while I haven't seen any of Hellsing Ultimate, I love the TV Series' dub.

Answerman wrote:
We ought to remember well Manga's dubs of the original Evangelion movies. Shudder, shudder.

What's wrong with those dubs? I didn't notice anything too terrible. The video was horrendous, but that's it.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:03 pm Reply with quote
The King of Harts wrote:
Answerman wrote:
In fact, outsourcing is usually cheaper all around.

That's really interesting. I always just assumed they did it in house since it'd be cheaper than paying another company to do it, but when I really think about it, it does make sense since it's probably cheaper or about even to pay one company vs 20+ actors. That certainly does make me wish they'd outsource more so that they could clean some stuff off their plates faster. Not to sound too racist, but is that idea of keeping everything "close to their vests" the result of having a Japanese owner?

Answerman wrote:
It angries up the ardent fans, sure, but they still buy the damn things.

CG-LOVER wrote:
It would really make me, and I'm sure several others, very mad but in the end I'm still going to buy the DVDs cause I don't really have a choice.

Actually, I probably won't and just do without since I really liked the old dubs and love continuity. I mean, I hate it when two art boxes from the same show don't have the same design i.e. Kodocha, Ikki Tousen, Ai Yori Aoshi, and probably Haruhi. I won't die by not seeing the Black Lagoon OVAs and while I haven't seen any of Hellsing Ultimate, I love the TV Series' dub.

Answerman wrote:
We ought to remember well Manga's dubs of the original Evangelion movies. Shudder, shudder.

What's wrong with those dubs? I didn't notice anything too terrible. The video was horrendous, but that's it.

The dub for the show and those movies has been a hot topic for quite a while. Personally, I liked them but a lot of people don't. Fortunately, I don't see that being relevant to Hellsing or Black Lagoon since those two are widely viewed as having great dubs.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:06 pm Reply with quote
Showsni wrote:
Funimation is just as happy to have it around simply as a means of advertisement for their DVDs.

Um, if the advertising gains are negligible and the main goal of streaming is simply to raise awareness of the show in the hope of future DVD sales, then wouldn't the pirate sites actually be a massive help to Funimation et al?

In per view revenues, ad-streaming is tiny - I've seen figures of one penny per view of a half minute streaming video ad. But Hulu will have as many as five of those on a show, so maybe five cents revenue, split 70% rights owner, 30% Hulu or when Funimation streams as a Hulu partner, 70% rights owner, 20% Hulu, 10% partner site, would be 3.5 cents for the rights owner, and an extra 0.5 cent when it streams off Funimation.

If Funimation has 70m+ views per month, and at least 50m of those are monetised, that'd'be $1m+ per month to be split according to the streaming contract between Funi and the rights owners. While not the big windfalls that the industry was getting from US DVD sales back when the US was a $500m, with somewhere in the range of $25m~$50m getting back to Japan ... if it keeps growing at current rates, it'll be getting up there in two to three years.

It makes sense that Funimation would be handing the majority of revenues to the Japanese rights owner to make it easier to license shows with lower or no up-front license fees, and take their benefit in hoped for improved DVD sales, given that DVD's have a threshold they have to clear before they show a profit. By contrast, the streaming companies that do not have DVD sales,, Crunchy and The Anime Network, both have a form of subscription model.

For Funimation, unlike leech streaming sites, they can actually market their DVDs at their site ... both promote them and sell them. And they can link back to their site at Hulu and YouTube and link "buy" links back to their direct order system.

By contrast, the leech streaming sites are useless for marketing DVD's ... they pull viewers into a social network that revolves entirely around getting shit for free and deliberately excludes the legit sites from their system of cross-links.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:07 pm Reply with quote
@King of Harts: Well outsourcing is well and good unless you want to build up the skill required yourself. This leads to having more control and a chain of "quality" if you will, so if something goes wrong, because it's your system, your processes, and your employees you can change them quickly. It costs more but in terms of building up long-term it has the potential for larger pay-offs and benefits. You loose them by outsourcing (Where another company gets the expertise and you don't potentially leaving you obsolete and unchanging.)

Last edited by LordRedhand on Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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