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Shelf Life - xxxHol & Oates

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Joined: 31 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:33 pm Reply with quote
I laughed so hard at the DBZ review. Definitely an interesting way of explaining DBZ Laughing .

And to Jerome: you need to get on completing your Samurai Champloo dvds ASAP, that show is pure win. Wink
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Sea Lion

Joined: 07 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:37 pm Reply with quote
I too love Yuuko, and I've previously extolled the virtues of Colleen Clinkenbeard's sexy take on her. Sayaka Ohara's Yuuko is good, too, but she sounds too sweet and nice to me. When I think of Yuuko, the first word that comes to mind is sultry, and Clinkenbeard pulls that off well. Oh, and I love the dynamic between Watanuki and Doumeki.

Can I make a suggestion to Shelf Life posters? Please, for the love of aging eyes, keep the camera steady! If you notice there's motion blur, take another picture. I'm betting most, if not all, pics posted are digital, and it takes no time at all to snap a clear picture and delete the blurry ones.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:11 am Reply with quote
I'm finding the third Dragon Box the hardest to get through because of padding and that Garlic Junior filler, but the battle between Goku and Freeza can be pretty awesome at times. I think arcs like this are what Kai was intended for, a faster alternative, but Kai isn't really a substitution. At the price I bought this set, I don't regret it. The Dragon Boxes have the best video quality for the show thus far and the Dragon Books are a great extra.
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Joined: 08 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:22 am Reply with quote
Regarding the Funimation BD release of the xxxHOLiC/Tsubasa double feature, there's nothing HD about it. It's another relatively poor upscale to add to Funi's collection. The xxxHOLiC movie at least was produced in HD, and it's likely the Tsubasa movie was as well. There's no Japanese BD release for either movie, but the xxxHOLiC movie was broadcast in HD. I posted comparison screencaps on AOD a while back. The rip of the HD broadcast looks far better than Funi's BD, which is rather sad. In addition, the Japanese DVD release of the xxxHOLiC had 5.1 audio, while the Funi BD has 2.0 only. I don't think they put much effort into this release.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:27 am Reply with quote
Gotta level with ya' I wasn't all that keen about seein' yet another Dragonball review, but since you wrote on the up n' up for all us crashers, dewdroppers and lollygaggers out here, I guess we're jake. Gotta say, you hit it on all sixes!

Good job. Treat yourself to skee at the juice joint. Alls' good.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:48 am Reply with quote
Sea Lion wrote:
I too love Yuuko, and I've previously extolled the virtues of Colleen Clinkenbeard's sexy take on her. Sayaka Ohara's Yuuko is good, too, but she sounds too sweet and nice to me. When I think of Yuuko, the first word that comes to mind is sultry, and Clinkenbeard pulls that off well. Oh, and I love the dynamic between Watanuki and Doumeki.

Erin Finnegan wrote:
Yūko is one of my favorite characters ever.

I second that, heartily! I LOVE Yuuko, if only because she's a character I don't see very often in Anime, which is often too rife with the "cute," or other female/anime tropes.

Yuuko puts the "S" in sultry. Mature, smart and powerful/capable women FTW!

And as far as dubs go, I really like the english dub. Yuuko, Doumeki and Watanaki are all especially well balanced and play well off each other. I love the casting for that show, sadly, it often plays second fiddle to Tsubasa, which I think is a crime.

Switching gears... Sgt. Frog is hilarious and very well "revamped" by the good people at Funimation and well worth the shelf space, just like xxxholic.

Nice Hall & Oates reference.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:53 am Reply with quote
I find CLAMP's works to be pretty hit-and-miss as well. Some of their stuff is excellent visually and narratively, but some of it looks pretty but is just too shallow or convoluted or whatever for the actual story to really work. Cardcaptor Sakura is hands-down one of the best series I've ever seen/read, but Tsubasa doesn't work because after a while it just gets too freaking complicated for its own good spoiler[ (wait, how many Shaorans are there? And he's a clone, but also his dad, and Sakura is his mother but there's reincarnation and... what??)] but I like xxxHOLiC because of the atmosphere of the whole thing. Chobits would be pretty good if it weren't weighed down by so much unnecessary fanservice. Magic Knight Rayearth is excellent, though it goes a bit too fast at first. Clover is another series that's all looks, but it works because CLAMP milks it for all that it's worth and makes every page an individual work of art. Kobato is pretty good so far, being refreshingly simple and sweet. Most of their other stuff is off my radar, but in general I like the way it looks, if not always the way it's told.
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:06 am Reply with quote
I recently started Sgt Frog on Erin's recommendation and have been getting a kick out of it. Has FUNI given any hints about whether they will be continuing past season 2.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:38 am Reply with quote
That DBZ review was priceless. Bravo, good lady. Bravo.

So glad to see Sgt Frog getting good reviews! Hope Funimation continues releasing it, there's some great stuff ahead...
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:48 am Reply with quote
I also find CLAMP's works to be hit-and-miss. I love RG Veda with its dark story and great ending, I like a lot X, Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth and XXXHolic. Some of their works are so-so, for example: Angelic Layer, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. The latter would be much better if the main characters, Sakura and Syaoran, were more developed and there were fewer stupid plot twists. Some of their works are downright awful – Chobits, Kobato. The former has too much fanservice and the fact that Chi is mentally a 3 year old girl makes any romantic relationship with her creepy. The latter has an awfully stupid heroine who is basically a brainless klutz, even the children from kindergarten that she is supposed to look after are smarter.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:49 am Reply with quote
Erin wrote:
I have one fond farewell and someone to congratulate, but that stuff is a secret until at least next week, maybe later.

Great. Erin's going "moe" on us. Maybe I'm odd, but I half-pictured her dolled up in a school girl uniform giggling "It's a secret!" while winking at me.

Though a snapshot of this included in the article would have been priceless. Razz

Read the commentary (haven't seen Dragonball Z, btw) and Sgt. Frog is looking to be a future purchase. Though, truthfully, going to wait for a little more change to fall off the price.

Now I'm curious to know how many people will get this week's Shelf Life title. Just when they were completely out of memory, now their crap 80s music once again haunts me. Oh well. Still better than rap.

See you on the next column!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:47 am Reply with quote
Did you really make a Brett Hull and Adam Oates reference?? You are the BEST, Erin! Very Happy As a St. Louis Blues fan, that made my day. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:11 am Reply with quote
LordPrometheus wrote:
Did you really make a Brett Hull and Adam Oates reference?? You are the BEST, Erin! Very Happy As a St. Louis Blues fan, that made my day. Very Happy

Finally, a St. Louis fan. I have a question. Earlier this year I was at a Blues game watching my Red Wings trounce your Blues, and up on the big screen they showed a series of pictures of things from Detroit then things from St. Louis, which were met with cheers or boos accordingly. Then came picture of Brett Hull and then one of Bobby Hull. This makes no sense on several levels. Brett won Stanley Cups with Dallas and Detroit, but not St. Louis, and Bobby played for mostly Chicago, but never for Detroit. So my question is this: Is the Blues organization stupid, or is there a joke in there that I'm missing?
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Joined: 31 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:26 am Reply with quote
hissatsu01 wrote:
Regarding the Funimation BD release of the xxxHOLiC/Tsubasa double feature, there's nothing HD about it. It's another relatively poor upscale to add to Funi's collection.

Arrrgg... the more I read about HD and BD the less I seem to understand.

I don't own an HDTV at all, but I thought this looked really great at my friend's house.

LordPrometheus wrote:
Did you really make a Brett Hull and Adam Oates reference?? You are the BEST, Erin! Very Happy As a St. Louis Blues fan, that made my day. Very Happy

Bamboo still picks the column titles, so no, I didn't make that reference. I assumed she she was referring to Hall and Oates the music duo. I know almost nothing about sports. You are talking about sports, right? And not music from St. Louis? Or are you?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Bamboo still picks the column titles, so no, I didn't make that reference. I assumed she she was referring to Hall and Oates the music duo. I know almost nothing about sports. You are talking about sports, right? And not music from St. Louis? Or are you?

Haha, yes, I'm talking about sports, and hockey in particular. I had no idea about the music duo. I guess I fail on that count. Razz Either way, it was a cool reference.

So my question is this: Is the Blues organization stupid, or is there a joke in there that I'm missing?

lol yeah, I've been to a lot of Blues games, and they do that dumb stuff all the time. There's no hidden joke, it's just because those guys are really famous, and Brett played his best years as a Blue. No idea why Bobby was in there though. Anime hyper
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