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NEWS: Yaoi-Con to Host Finder Series Creator Ayano Yamane

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Joined: 17 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:38 pm Reply with quote
I love her! It's good that the American fans can meet her again!

Her art is amazing. I hope Viewfinder gets licensed so I can buy it.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:10 am Reply with quote
Well, you know this means that someone will have the license to ViewFinder by then and will probably be making the announcement as such in the next few months (probably during summer convention season).
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Joined: 04 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:25 am Reply with quote
Hopefully they'll have the license soon. But evidently this was decided well over a year ago, so there doesn't have to be a license involved. I'm thrilled that she'll be here though.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:22 am Reply with quote
Of course there doesn't have to be a license at all, she's not an Industry guest, she's a guest of the convention. If she were an industry guest we could be pretty damn sure of exactly which publisher got the license. Anime smile

My point was that her appearance means whoever gets the license is going to use it to their advantage this year.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:44 am Reply with quote
Huh. Kinda did a double take there. There's a really good American indie comic also named Finder, also by a female author.
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Pocky Monster

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:48 pm Reply with quote
Good news for those attending Yaoi-con. Very Happy
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:43 pm Reply with quote
Well, I know that since CPM declared bankruptcy, a lot of their video licenses went up-for-grabs. I can only assume that some of their manga licenses are the same. This makes me hope for a re-release of the Finder series. The prices for the old "Be Beautiful" releases are fetching a pretty penny with the resellers. Usually when the reseller prices get like that, there is a license rescue around the corner. I can hope. I also hope that if there IS a reprint, that it will be completely uncensored.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:59 pm Reply with quote
I'd guess that as soon as the Finder license is up for grabs, as one of the Holy Trinity* of lost BeBeautiful titles, it'll be rescued ASAP. I too hope something to this effect gets announced at YaoiCon. I've been tempted to sell my v01-03 books for way more than I paid for them because a rescue seemed inevitable but then my paranoid side said, "Better wait..." And years later, let's just say I've stopped holding my breath on the matter. So when/if a license is announced *crosses fingers* it'll be a very happy surprise and I'll end up buying the books all over again-- shiny and new, with different covers I'm sure. I've already read (what I think is) the end in scanalations but I want the rest of the books on my shelf already, dang it!

*well, in certain circles anyway. Wink
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Joined: 29 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:11 pm Reply with quote
poonk wrote:
I'd guess that as soon as the Finder license is up for grabs, as one of the Holy Trinity* of lost BeBeautiful titles, it'll be rescued ASAP. I too hope something to this effect gets announced at YaoiCon. I've been tempted to sell my v01-03 books for way more than I paid for them because a rescue seemed inevitable but then my paranoid side said, "Better wait..." And years later, let's just say I've stopped holding my breath on the matter. So when/if a license is announced *crosses fingers* it'll be a very happy surprise and I'll end up buying the books all over again-- shiny and new, with different covers I'm sure. I've already read (what I think is) the end in scanalations but I want the rest of the books on my shelf already, dang it!

*well, in certain circles anyway. Wink

It's not the end, actually. The series is still ongoing if you can believe it. And it's also clear there is already a bidding war over VF (Kizuna was already rescued last summer and announced at YCon last year), and I bet you anything someone is close to winning by now, and that they will probably announce it well before the con this year (hopefully before or by AX this year). My guess is whoever it is will want to have the first volume printed for the con to coincide with Yamane's appearance.

I've held onto my VF mangas as well for the same reason. The potential to make bank by selling them is still tempting, but I'll be even happier if I only get to repurchase those three volumes and have the older three as bookends. That's what's going to happen to my Kizuna volumes...
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:15 pm Reply with quote
Cait wrote:
poonk wrote:
I'd guess that as soon as the Finder license is up for grabs, as one of the Holy Trinity* of lost BeBeautiful titles, it'll be rescued ASAP. I too hope something to this effect gets announced at YaoiCon. I've been tempted to sell my v01-03 books for way more than I paid for them because a rescue seemed inevitable but then my paranoid side said, "Better wait..." And years later, let's just say I've stopped holding my breath on the matter. So when/if a license is announced *crosses fingers* it'll be a very happy surprise and I'll end up buying the books all over again-- shiny and new, with different covers I'm sure. I've already read (what I think is) the end in scanalations but I want the rest of the books on my shelf already, dang it!

*well, in certain circles anyway. Wink

It's not the end, actually. The series is still ongoing if you can believe it. And it's also clear there is already a bidding war over VF (Kizuna was already rescued last summer and announced at YCon last year), and I bet you anything someone is close to winning by now, and that they will probably announce it well before the con this year (hopefully before or by AX this year). My guess is whoever it is will want to have the first volume printed for the con to coincide with Yamane's appearance.

I've held onto my VF mangas as well for the same reason. The potential to make bank by selling them is still tempting, but I'll be even happier if I only get to repurchase those three volumes and have the older three as bookends. That's what's going to happen to my Kizuna volumes...

Hooo boy. -- It looks like I'll be definitely attending Yaoicon!
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Joined: 05 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Cait wrote:
It's not the end, actually. The series is still ongoing if you can believe it.
So spoiler[Asami retrieving Akihito in Hong Kong and boarding the plane] wasn't the end of it!? Ooh, thanks for the tip-- I'll be poking around some scanalation sites later tonight.

And it's also clear there is already a bidding war over VF (Kizuna was already rescued last summer and announced at YCon last year)
I totally missed this press release last year (I just looked it up now) but that is pretty dang awesome. And... I just may end up rebuying those too (less sure about that though, because that's a lot more doubledips than just 3 volumes of Finder).
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Joined: 29 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:44 pm Reply with quote
poonk wrote:
So spoiler[Asami retrieving Akihito in Hong Kong and boarding the plane] wasn't the end of it!? Ooh, thanks for the tip-- I'll be poking around some scanalation sites later tonight.

There were two issues of the "Koi wo Suru" side story (the one with the two high school kids who are convinced their dads are gay for each other) and then it went back to the title series, yeah.

I totally missed this press release last year (I just looked it up now) but that is pretty dang awesome. And... I just may end up rebuying those too (less sure about that though, because that's a lot more doubledips than just 3 volumes of Finder).

Indeed, it's going to be pricey to replace my existing volumes (since it was only a few away from completion), but I hate mismatched sets.

Can you imagine what it would cost if Haru Wo Daiteita got rescued on top of that? All three series... that's over a dozen volumes of manga to rebuy right there. Hopefully this will all happen over a couple of years, so my wallet isn't perpetually empty...
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Joined: 04 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:30 am Reply with quote
poonk wrote:
So spoiler[Asami retrieving Akihito in Hong Kong and boarding the plane] wasn't the end of it!? Ooh, thanks for the tip-- I'll be poking around some scanalation sites later tonight.

She means to continue it. A new chapter of a short arc just came out in Gold on Friday. It takes place right after they return to Tokyo.

Kizuna is being released in 6 bunko (double volume books, so at least it will be different versions.

Also, when Finder is re-released it's likely that they'll be new single-volume versions (with more accurate translations), so you may want to buy the new ones too. BeBeautiful took a lot of liberties and got a lot wrong, especially in vol 2. And they left a little bit out of vol 3. It will be a relief to have new good versions available. Smile
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