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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:17 am Reply with quote
The shine on her arm bothers you, but not the apparent kyphosis she seems to be suffering from?
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:37 am Reply with quote
I agree with all of your predictions Todd...

...Except for the last one. JRPG's have never been VASTELY loved stateside and as you said, they'll continue to fill the niche that they have and make enough money for the various companies that run them.

Essentially, Atlus, Aksys, NIS America, NATSUME and various others will all keep themselves out of the red and continue publishing.

...God knows though, FFXIII's 'modern' gameplay approach (that is the literally linear approach to exploration) isn't going to help...

Or it may end up doing the opposite and... *shudder* bring in the masses. While this can be good to some form, I don't think it will outweigh the... negative view the 'usual' gamer on say Xbox Live will have.

God only knows what kind of inflation the ego's of many 13 year old boys will go through once they develop an opinion of that game. It's not that I don't want them to play the game, I mean it may actually draw some GOOD reactions and bring in more consumers FOR the niche companies mentioned above but I'd hate to think what the avid Halo fan's opinion on a game like Mana Khemia 2 or Rune Factory or...

Well you get the point. I've rambled a bit and for that, I apologize.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:48 am Reply with quote
Todd wrote:
Notice anything odd about Morte's shoulder? Yes, it has that gleaming pink spot seen on many female characters in artwork for games and anime. Apparently it's supposed to suggest that a woman's skin is so shiny, pure, and smooth that it's actually blushing. This visual motif is showing up more and more in game illustrations. In fact, it's exhibited by the first character you see at the new Etrian Odyssey III website.

Oh thank you for bring that up. Those pink highlight spots always bothered me because they appear out of place. I guess it's one of those short lived visual design fads that has been gaining popularity. As pop illustration is concerned, I think those Japanese illustrators always keep on adding unnecessary details to make their pictures appear high quality.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:52 am Reply with quote
Also, quick question for thought. Why change the name from World Destruction to Sands of Destruction, hmm?

It's not that I care just that... I don't see the point.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:32 am Reply with quote
Will that sucks
Nier Replicant only for Japan
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:34 am Reply with quote
Lets see how the character looks without the tone effects that create depth to the character. To me, the arm looks particularly flat in the shoulder to me now. Nothing too bad, but they created the effect for a reason.

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Joined: 18 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:01 am Reply with quote
animenexus wrote:
Will that sucks
Nier Replicant only for Japan

Yeah seriously I have 0 interest for Gestalt but Replicant sounds more like something I would love to have since Replicant is more Japanese style.

Also I rather have a retail version of Agarest on PS3. Sure I can get that with Europe but it's like do I go with the extra content that America gets including trophies or import from Europe to get Agarest on a Blu-ray disc but with no additional content? I guess Aksys won't give me a happy medium and the only part that makes me happy is them bringing it stateside but at the cost of approximately 10GB off of my HDD which is what I don't want.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:36 am Reply with quote
damn i used to love Shatterhand. the music was awesome.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:47 am Reply with quote
RE: SNK situation. Surprised you haven't gone into that KOF movie, too. Wink As for Lunar 3, if it were gonna happen, we wouldn't have gotten that pseudo-sequel for the DS in its place. As for SEGA, they don't always do things for profit, or they wouldn't have brought back Toejam and Earl.

a franchise long thought unmarketable in this game market,

Why is it unmarketable? No, the anime didn't catch on, but it sounds like it's a perfect sell as a game, especially considering all the fan-fics for the Final Fantasy girls out there.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:54 am Reply with quote
Sutibaru wrote:
Lets see how the character looks without the tone effects that create depth to the character. To me, the arm looks particularly flat in the shoulder to me now. Nothing too bad, but they created the effect for a reason.


Honestly, I think she looks better without that shiny spot; that spot looked like an abcess or a nasty pimple. But anyway, with or without the effect, I like the character. I just hope the game's decent.

As for the Witchblade pic, the woman on the right bothers me. She just doesn't seem covered up due to that shiny skin effect, and she seems inappropiate for anyone under 18.
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Joined: 27 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:50 am Reply with quote
The kind of rosiness effect exhibited here is visual shorthand for the hue variations found in human skin. Normally skin has a bunch of hues in addition to reddish areas, but this being stylized cel-shading, the artists stick with the more recognizable red areas: nose, cheeks, elbows and knees, and--in this case--shoulders. It's just that in most cases, the artists are too heavy-handed with the effect. In the Witchblade example, they look like spank marks--which may or may not be what the artist was going for. =P

The main problem is the specular highlight. For a specular highlight to be that focused, the character's skin would have to be coated in a fairly thick film of fluid--like oil or something. While the effect has its uses (hentai... 0_o), I'd say 90% of the time it isn't necessary or appropriate.

In the first example, I'd keep the red gradient (it's subtle enough to not stand out like a sore thumb =) and lose the highlight. In general I prefer an attempt at skin hue variation in character art, but if it's this noticeable it's not being done right.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:31 am Reply with quote
Yeah, I'm going with the "Squeenix continues to shoot itself in the foot" camp.
First the multi-plat release of FFXIII, which many claimed they saw a noticeable decline in the quality of the PS3 version as the 360 development commenced, to make it easier to port...
Now we have Nier, originally 2 games, one geared towards each console. But now Squeenix is keeping the PS3 game for Japan, and porting the 360 game to the PS3 for other countries, a perfect reversal of FFXIII... ya know what, f*ck you Square... <-- (lol, curse filter)
I'm gonna stick with my Mass Effects, Fallouts and Elder Scrolls, and I'll keep giving tri-Ace my money, but you're all but dead to me.
Beg for my money with a PS3 exclusive KH3 and FF VS XIII, or you'll lose me altogether...
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:31 am Reply with quote
KanonAirHaruhiShuffle wrote:
animenexus wrote:
Will that sucks
Nier Replicant only for Japan

Yeah seriously I have 0 interest for Gestalt but Replicant sounds more like something I would love to have since Replicant is more Japanese style.

Also I rather have a retail version of Agarest on PS3. Sure I can get that with Europe but it's like do I go with the extra content that America gets including trophies or import from Europe to get Agarest on a Blu-ray disc but with no additional content? I guess Aksys won't give me a happy medium and the only part that makes me happy is them bringing it stateside but at the cost of approximately 10GB off of my HDD which is what I don't want.

I really don't get this. Between you and a close friend of mine...

Why are physical copies SO important for media based content? Games, movies, photos, music... We're in an age where instant gratification can be met for these things and while you don't have that PHYSICALLY in your hands, it's still there in front of you on the TV and playable.

No Disc = Less Wear and tear on your console
No Disc = Not having to put it in EVERY TIME you want to play the game
No Disc = Gamestop being unable to rip people off with trade in values that are 15-20 bucks short of what they SHOULD be
No Disc = No losing the game, having a permanent copy and being able to use it as many times as you want, PROVIDED you're not careless and forget account information

I'm not trying to start anything but really, I don't get this complaint amongst people. Aside from not being able to hold the disc and game guide in your hands (which the lack of a guide seems to be the one of maybe TWO downsides), what harm is it to get the digital copy?

Although if you're a collector, then I entirely understand. You want a physical copy to add to your collection. But for me, I go through games and absorb the experience and then I'm done. The only reason I ever hold onto a game now is if there is guaranteed extra content (Dragon Age, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead 2) so... yeah.

Also, I completely missed the comment about the HDD space so I'll assume you have a smaller HDD and to that, well it's a legitimate problem. The bright side though is at least PS3 users can swap out ACTUAL hard drives and not be forced to by dramatically overpriced ones because the company manufacturing the console designs it so only certain ones work. ~_~

Last edited by Kyogissun on Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:34 am Reply with quote
teh*darkness wrote:
Yeah, I'm going with the "Squeenix continues to shoot itself in the foot" camp.
First the multi-plat release of FFXIII, which many claimed they saw a noticeable decline in the quality of the PS3 version as the 360 development commenced, to make it easier to port...
Now we have Nier, originally 2 games, one geared towards each console. But now Squeenix is keeping the PS3 game for Japan, and porting the 360 game to the PS3 for other countries, a perfect reversal of FFXIII... ya know what, f*ck you Square... <-- (lol, curse filter)
I'm gonna stick with my Mass Effects, Fallouts and Elder Scrolls, and I'll keep giving tri-Ace my money, but you're all but dead to me.
Beg for my money with a PS3 exclusive KH3 and FF VS XIII, or you'll lose me altogether...

Don't forget Namco Bandai and Tri-Crescendo. Very Happy

...Well, maybe not Namco Bandai so much as the groups under it. Though, I'm still super duper pissed off about the PS3 exclusive content for Tales of Vesperia...

It just sucks that if people did put together a boycott against the Ps3 version, it probably would fall through like most... But damn it, it really ticks me off what they did with that. Deliberately removing content/releasing a beta version of the game for the 360 because if made them more money. Sure it's a business but isn't bad business practice to anger the consumer?
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:41 am Reply with quote
Kirikiri23 wrote:
Kyogissun wrote:

Why are physical copies SO important for media based content? Games, movies, photos, music... We're in an age where instant gratification can be met for these things and while you don't have that PHYSICALLY in your hands, it's still there in front of you on the TV and playable.

No Disc = Less Wear and tear on your console
No Disc = Not having to put it in EVERY TIME you want to play the game
No Disc = Gamestop being unable to rip people off with trade in values that are 15-20 bucks short of what they SHOULD be
No Disc = No losing the game, having a permanent copy and being able to use it as many times as you want, PROVIDED you're not careless and forget account information

Yo man you say da truth

I hope my reasons are well.. reasonable to most. I'm not trying to shove anything down anyones throat, so much as display what is fact.

Though the third one is a slightly loaded opinion in a way... I tried to trade in Assassin's Creed II and Modern Warfare 2 to Gamestop... TWO weeks after release for the first and three for the second... And they were only going to give me thirty bucks for each.

**** that. 40 bucks damn it, I remember back in freaking 2007, I bought and BEAT Metroid Prime 3 within the same amount of time and got FORTY bucks back for it. They're short changing the people trading their copies in early and making an unfair amount of profit from where I see it.
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