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Joined: 21 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:02 pm Reply with quote
Be nice if you would make the full 4 hour chat you guys had available for those of us with nothing to do over the holidays. Give us something interesting to listen to.

Anyways, great podcast as always. Gave me a lotta laughs this time too.

Last edited by Oneeyedjacks on Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mr Sinister

Joined: 02 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:33 pm Reply with quote
no love for District 9?
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:03 pm Reply with quote
I never got why the original boxset of Princess Tutu looked so weird, I was so annoyed that only half a year after I got mine they re-released it with a nicer cover. Amazing show though, I think my anime club wants me to sneak it in somehow.
Those Koi Kaze stickers scare me. o_O Kinda want to find them on the internet as well to prove Zac wasn't messing with us...
You know, I came in only in the past few years but I think I remember the ending of the lolicon wars, it certainly rings a bell...
I also remember hearing a little about CLAMP not being the perfect guests at Anime Expo. I think everyone in the fandom was a bit peeved about the prescreened questions.
Reminds me, gotta remember to finish Hikaru no Go sometime, gonna take me a while to remember where I was. And I seriously want to try Go after that manga, then again I already like Backgammon and Chess so it's not completely odd for me.
What's this manifesto that Justine wrote? I think it was before I started checking ANN, anyone got a link?
What comic did Zac say was gross? I'm curious now...
Hah, I remember ANN TV, I actually kinda liked it, but I can't blame you for cutting the losses (plus the streaming is much nicer, watched all of Eureka 7 on here).
And thanks to Mr. Boss Man for ANN, I think most of the English speaking community is grateful for having all the anime news in one place. And thanks for all the podcasts so far this year, can't wait for next year's guests!
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:08 pm Reply with quote
Mr Sinister wrote:
no love for District 9?

It came out this year, so if they're discussing each year's Oscars, it's not relevant...but I didn't finish the cast yet, so maybe I'm totally off-base, sorry. Either way, I don't think District 9 will have much running in the Oscars. I could be totally wrong. I liked the movie. But I don't see it being Oscar fodder. I don't even see any buzz for it in the major publications that hound these things, and it doesn't have any political/social agenda to proffer its own self-importance. Eeeeeh.

But yeah, I'll have more to talk about once I finish the 'cast, but I REALLY enjoyed these. I'm sad they're over already. (You guys REALLY do sound punchy, though. "No, you suck." "No, YOU suck!") Laughing

My weird moment for the night has been achieved, though. My all-time favorite TV show has my boss' name on the back. Yeah. It does. Anime dazed Now I really HAVE to keep these singles around just to be able to say that. Well, okay, that and it's cool to have the first release when you know a series is going to be reprinted twenty bazillion times into eternity.

And a random note: I detest the art for the Princess Tutu brick. The font, the design, everything, is just so very UNlike Princess Tutu. Shame because my sister and I adore the show. She's already worn it out and every time I catch her watching it I have to sit down and watch it again and squeal with glee. One of the best endings ever, that's for sure.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:13 pm Reply with quote
wandering-dreamer wrote:

What's this manifesto that Justin wrote? I think it was before I started checking ANN, anyone got a link?

An Open Letter to the Industry.

What comic did Zac say was gross? I'm curious now...

That would be the infamous Kodomo no Jikan/Nymphet debacle.

@JesuOtaku: At the end of the cast Zac and Justin discuss what their favorites for this year are, and they do not list District 9 as one of the top contenders. I think that's what Mr. Sinister is referring to.

I enjoyed both of these casts, although, yes the second half was getting on the silly side (which is fine with me, haha). Nice to hear a wrap up of 2000-2009.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:51 pm Reply with quote
I am utterly shocked that Zac and Justin love Haruhi. The so called satire is them just pointing out the tropes, and the flaws of the series. Mikuru isn't a satire of moe, she just a big breasted moron whose sole purpose is to have Haruhi grope her.

The sad thing is that ploy always seems to work. It worked in Gundam 00, and it worked in the latest wheel of Time book. People will instantly excuse any flaw and excuse it as being satrical, or that it was somehow an intentional and gave the series depth.

I can look at Queen's Blade and give it respect for being very upfront that it's basically softcore porn with a fantasy setting, and some decent amount of character development. I can't say the same for any Kyoani work (except for Full Metal Panic) which claims to be some great work when Haruhi is easily one of the most obnoxious female characters in the history of anime.

The only good thing to come out of Haruhi is Aya Hirano's bathing suit pictures where she's wearing the bathing suit bottom as the top.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:22 pm Reply with quote
kyokun703 wrote:
wandering-dreamer wrote:

What's this manifesto that Justin wrote? I think it was before I started checking ANN, anyone got a link?

An Open Letter to the Industry.

What comic did Zac say was gross? I'm curious now...

That would be the infamous Kodomo no Jikan/Nymphet debacle.

Ah thank you for the links. Glad to see the industry is moving, at least a bit, towards what Justine was suggesting and you know what, that may have been the very first Answerman I ever read.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:27 pm Reply with quote
I'm kinda with Justin in that I didn't really think about it that FMA was basically the last big hit for anime on TV here. In hindsight, all the signs of the industry being where it is were there, but I never would have guessed in the 2005-6 years, that it would be like it is now. All I can do is keep watching, keep buying, and just keep supporting anime. Hopefully, these next few years will be better.

Overall, this has been fun to listen to just to look back fondly.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:38 pm Reply with quote
Now That you mentioned it, ImaginAsian was really at the bottom of the barrol for a while. By the way whatever happened to ImaginAsian? Their website doesn't seem to be working.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:58 am Reply with quote
Enjoyed part II of the podcast, it was interesting in that "two guys shooting the sh!t" kind of way. I found myself saying "oh yeah I remember that" many times in regards to releases by year, many of which I had forgotten all about.

I also appreciate the somewhat candid admissions of emotional state throughout the decade. Without getting into detail it was a nice personal touch(intended or not) that made the podcast feel more like a friendly conversation as opposed to just information to know. And while I am sure for different reasons I agree with you Zac.....2007 [expletive] sucked!
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:28 am Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
I am utterly shocked that Zac and Justin love Haruhi. The so called satire is them just pointing out the tropes, and the flaws of the series. Mikuru isn't a satire of moe, she just a big breasted moron whose sole purpose is to have Haruhi grope her.

Haruhi is absolutely satirical. Well, more like parody. Satire really calls on societal problems.

The light novels are a sarcastic commentary on the classic school ensemble tale that you see in most light novels and anime, complete with a maniacal moe fangirl, with a sci-fi twist (and sarcasm about that, too).

The anime, however, is a completely visual experience, so the tropes end up being played straight sometimes. It is KyoAni, after all. But I've never felt that the fanservice interfered with the story.

Fullmetal Alchemist really was, to me, the best anime release of the decade. Er, so far. (Still aware that there's still one year left of the decade.)

If you guys disagree with each other, really, argue more passionately.

I miss Suncoast. That was a bastion of my anime fandom. I went there constantly throughout the mid nineties, buying VHS tapes of anime, and later DVDs. I was bummed when they all disappeared around here.

Anime fans' entitlement complex is still a poison to the fandom. Just look at 4chan's /a/ board. Actually, you're better off not.

Don't discourage anime licensors from releasing anime classics! We need LoGH more than shit like Code Geass.

I wish Hellsing Ultimate had a release that made sense. Call me when it's all in one set.

I've still never seen Barefoot Gen. I intend to, eventually.

If the American Anime Awards you speak of was the thing I think it was, it was such a joke. Nominating things that had been out for years, voice actors nominated for being pretty faces, people mass voting online. It was lame.

I loved ANN TV.

Gurren Lagann's DVDs. I can't understand why Bandai decided the subtitles should be a fourth of the way up on the screen. Nice decision.

I really liked the live-action Speed Racer movie. It was fun. It was exactly what you expected out of a Speed Racer movie.

I noticed you guys never went into the abominable Zeta Gundam domestic release from 2006 and Bandai's lies.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:45 am Reply with quote
I'm saddened to hear that Princess Tutu did poorly as I really like it. I loved the variety and breadth of classical music (the musical score was so good!), the humor, the ballet (I never thought I'd say that about Ballet and it's history), the story, great Dub (Luci Christian was hilarious as Duck); all around a great series.

I F-ing LOVE Princess Tutu! And Mr. Cat was the sh*t! "Meow! I'll make you marry me!!!" Hilarious! I nearly wet myself from laughing the first time he dropped that bomb.

GitS:Solid State = beautiful show, great characters; love it. But sometimes much too cerebral and philosophical for it's own good. I wish they'd also been a little more faithful to the manga in some respects, but it's still fried gold.

Haruhi Suzumiya... Oh my goodness! I wanted to like it, but it was so damned annoying! I just couldn't stomach the overbearing and bullheaded Haruhi. It was like watching a spoiled child who, instead of getting the parental "beating" and reprimand she deserved, was endlessly indulged at the expense of others.

Don't like Desert Punk!? *gasp* It's pure -perverted/bawdy- win! Hilariously funny! Eric Vale as Desert Punk is screamingly funny, as is Lucy Christian and others.

Gantz... Meh, the manga was much better (but just as WTF!?). The Anime: For me to poop on! The pacing was so s-l-o-o-o-w.

Kamichu was a great little series full of funny and touching characters, not what I'd call "too cutesy." They even spoofed on Fight Club! It was and is a good series, that's why it's on my shelf.

BLESS FUNIMATION FOR RESCUING ONE PIECE! I'm crazy addicted to that show now, thanks in part to their dub. In the last 2 weeks I've burned through all of Funi's One Piece DVD's, a little over one hundred episodes, and I can't wait till the next 2 drop in mid January.

Happy New Year.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:02 am Reply with quote
Once again, you guys do it again.
On the subject of ANN TV, I feel because it ANN, if you guys tried it now and put it on YT, you'd guys might see some sucess with it, but that is just general idea of daily news brief shows on YT.
Also, no mention of The Dark Knight in 08? Sad
I'd still perfer Champloo over FMA though in terms of my own personal picks but they both did extremely well at the end of Bubble.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:08 am Reply with quote
Sadly, the steaming turds that were Speed Racer and DB Evo haven't deterred the Hollywood Meat Grinder & Poop Factory from pressing on to destroy Cowboy Bebop. Hey Hollywood, call up George Lucas and ruin someone else's fond memories; leave Bebop alone.

And I refuse to see Avatar. Aliens is the best -and only- Cameron work I can still stand to watch. Total Classic. And with Cameron making money hand over fist, it looks like Hollywood will keep writing the blank checks for his stuff in the future. And I'd so hoped for Avatar to bomb.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:09 am Reply with quote
More of the same, as expected, which is still good enough for me.

I still need to check out Princess Tutu myself (I know, I know) but yes, I imagine it's not too easy to market.

Negadon? Ignorance is certainly bliss. And well...I couldn't really make heads or tails of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex the first time I watched it either but subsequent viewings definitely help a lot. Great show and it's absolutely worth owning.

Not that it makes things any better, at all, but supposedly Planetes didn't even do well in Japan to begin with. Confused

Few can argue with success, though Afro Samurai still does very little for me. I'd rather go watch Basilisk instead.

In a development that will surprise nobody, everyone else had almost moved on from Haruhi by the time I actually watched it. The series was good though I'd hardly try to deny the show definitely had its cake and ate it. Which is something that continues to this day.

There Will Be Blood was interesting enough at the time, if nothing else. I'd like to see if it holds up.

I agree, anime news doesn't really need to be on video or a podcast unless it's some sort of exclusive feature or, say, a live interview that can somehow take advantage of the format. Even then, it's probably not too likely to be watched by most people if they can read about it elsewhere. I have nothing against all the effort you guys spent on trying to make it work though. Brief comments are fine, but as part of an entire project...not so much.

penguintruth wrote:
We need LoGH more than shit like Code Geass.

Or, for that matter, more than Haruhi. If picking on random scapegoats would make it any more likely for LOGH to be released I'd happily join in 24/7, no question, but something tells me that is an absolutely futile gesture. Might as well lash out against global politics or whatever else pops up.
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