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Joined: 08 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:53 pm Reply with quote
*looks at all that ass on the cover* It may be a nice cover, but some poor soul might mistake the series for a Hentai!

Edit- Shit, I forgot! It's called "increasing the DVD sales"!
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Professor Genius

Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:16 am Reply with quote
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn was most definitely Ran Tao in Bleach. If that's the case, Kirsten Potter in not as new to dubs as you might think. Very Happy
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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:55 am Reply with quote
I doubt it was her that was the voice of Ran Tao. Her Bleach Wikia says it was that Kirsten Potter. Possibly an alias because the show was non-union.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:30 pm Reply with quote
bigheart711 wrote:
*looks at all that ass on the cover* It may be a nice cover, but some poor soul might mistake the series for a Hentai!

Edit- Shit, I forgot! It's called "increasing the DVD sales"!

That's why J.C Staff is infamous for fanservice based series which is a good thing cause most of the US fans are fanservice junkies. And unlike others this one had an interesting storyline with Maia's past. ALso a preety good dub version doesnt hurt and those costumes are preety good despite what the reivew says cause it's a good fanservice gimick.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:31 am Reply with quote
Well, listening to a bit of May, she doesn't sound to me like Mary Elizabath McGlynn, and her voice is usually pretty distinct. Also, Kirsten Potter has had a part in Naruto, and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn has had her own name on that project, so I rather doubt that they're the same person. I can't say anything about Ran Tao in Bleach though.

Still, I really wish that actors weren't forced to use pseudonyms on some projects. It makes it that much harder to figure out who does what. It's often fairly obvious, but even then, they're frequently still listed as multiple people in the encyclopedia here.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:51 pm Reply with quote
At least they put a workable plot into the series that when it gets finalized the end result lets the characters continue as they were.

The costumes are funny as they don't even bother to explain why they are that way.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:15 am Reply with quote
mrgetalife wrote:
At least they put a workable plot into the series that when it gets finalized the end result lets the characters continue as they were.

The costumes are funny as they don't even bother to explain why they are that way.
If someone can't figure that out, they are probably too young to be watching it. Wink
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:54 am Reply with quote
mrgetalife wrote:
The costumes are funny as they don't even bother to explain why they are that way.

Watch the series. It'll take two seconds to figure it out.
Here's a hint: The beach.

Mohawk52 wrote:
If someone can't figure that out, they are probably too young to be watching it.

Given other stuff that's out there? Ha, this comment was cute for its simplistic approach to the non-existent "fanservice" people assume's in the series based off the cover art.

What's that about judging by a cover again?

Given what these girls are wearing in the series, I've seen less at the beach. Dental floss as a bikini. Why bother wearing anything at this point? Of course, I'd be happy with that.

Wait. Fat granny just appeared in thought. Let me take a second to rethink what I'd wish for...
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:20 am Reply with quote
PetrifiedJello wrote:
Mohawk52 wrote:
If someone can't figure that out, they are probably too young to be watching it.

Given other stuff that's out there? Ha, this comment was cute for its simplistic approach to the non-existent "fanservice" people assume's in the series based off the cover art.

What's that about judging by a cover again?

Given what these girls are wearing in the series, I've seen less at the beach. Dental floss as a bikini. Why bother wearing anything at this point? Of course, I'd be happy with that.
Sadly I've seen more than just the cover of this adolescent introduction to soft core hentai. Obviously your describing these designs as "non-existant fanservice" says lots about your viewing pleasure. Beaches excluded, how many other places have you seen super deformed teenaged girls dressed like that in everyday garb? I agree that the story and plot are intregueing, but that was more a coincidence than a plan, lets not kid ourselves. Wink
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:49 am Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
I agree that the story and plot are intregueing, but that was more a coincidence than a plan, lets not kid ourselves. Wink

Oh, of course. Sex sells, even to minors looking to forgo story and animation.

If anything, fans can proudly display the box art featuring a Klingon-styled human in an outfit obviously air-brushed so retailers could stock it.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:08 am Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
mrgetalife wrote:
At least they put a workable plot into the series that when it gets finalized the end result lets the characters continue as they were.

The costumes are funny as they don't even bother to explain why they are that way.
If someone can't figure that out, they are probably too young to be watching it. Wink

I think that he means that there's no attempt for an explanation in-story. The fact that they strip down to go into battle makes absolutely no sense at all from the perspective of the characters.

Now, from the perspective of those making the show and those watching, the reason's quite obvious: fanservice. It's as simple as that. What's lacking is an in-story explanation.
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