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REVIEW: Clannad Sub.DVD

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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:38 pm Reply with quote
But wait! I thought all the reviews at ANN had a secret conspiratorial vendetta against moe! Hmm... but when a good series like this gets a good review, maybe they're only "biased" against crappy series.

Clannad is definitely not my thing, but my understanding is that KEY makes the best uber-moe out there, so it's sad that the release doesn't get more bells and whistles for the fans.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:05 am Reply with quote
Indeed, as a fan of previous KEY and Kyoto Animation series, I was kind of dissapointed that Clannad got almost nothing in the extras department. I also really wanted an english dub for this one. I actually knew a person who would really enjoy this series, but isn't used to/not comfortable watching subtitles due to very poor eye sight. It's a shame. Even so I liked Clannad and am happy to have this release even with all it's flaws.

Oh, and it's nice to see an ANN review not so uptight about moe. Honestly, it may not be for everyone or the greatest thing in the universe, but it doesn't deserve so much hate like it gets. A good series is a good series, no matter what the style.
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Shattered Ishida

Joined: 16 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:49 am Reply with quote
I'm currently watching Clannad on Anime Network OnDemand. I have to say I'm really enjoying it. True, it's not the deepest series out there, but it's cute and touching all the same. Good review.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:52 am Reply with quote
I love clannad. I was very very angry when I heard this was not getting a dub. Or single DVD releases like Keys previous titles. I would have loved the artbox. That being said. I still bought this because I like Clannad just that much.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:58 am Reply with quote
A pleasantly non-threatening/harsh review. I'm quite pleased moe wasn't bashed this time around. I got knots in my stomach before clicking on the review, but after reading it, they have since passed.
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 1:54 am Reply with quote
I sure as hell hope that ADV will also get Clannad: After Story as well, although I could care less about weather or not they also get the movie tho...

spoiler[The last few episodes of After Story are what basically make a masterpiece anime, I found myself crying my eyes out for hours for one episode and then smiling again the next, After Story really is a roller coaster of emotions (in a good way!) and that NOBODY should miss out!]
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:13 am Reply with quote
Clannad is just a precursor to After Story. Actually Clannad and the firt 11 episodes of After Story are just a precursor to the real "After Story" that starts at episode 12 of the After Story series.

Yeah, it's nice and all getting to know several characters and helping them resolves their problems (which in Clannad always deal in some way with the family), but as has been said before, it's nothing new and was done already in Air and Kanon. I thought the first Clannad series was okay. The Furukawas definitely stole the show, especially Akio. Overall though, I'd probably put it below Air and Kanon though.

So I agree with this review. It's nothing that will knock your socks off, but it's an enjoyable moe anime if you like moe stuff. And it's something that's crucial as a precursor to After Story which will hopefully be licensed in the near future.

I must say, however, that the second half of After Story is absolutely exquisite, and is by far the best animated Key arc that I've seen... and it's something that I don't think I've seen any other anime portray.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:14 am Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
But wait! I thought all the reviews at ANN had a secret conspiratorial vendetta against moe! Hmm... but when a good series like this gets a good review, maybe they're only "biased" against crappy series.
I'd say there's still a bias, but more in relation to the definition of the series than the rating it gets.

It's the fact that every single series like this, when reviewed on ANN, is referred to as a "moe" anime with "broken" girls. As if moe was actually a genre instead of a design trend. I find these comments to be severe overreactions, and some sort of private joke that nobody's laughing at. I would never relate a series to terms like that; I'd rather use more telling descriptors like "romantic comedy with minor fantasy elements." The whole "broken" descriptor I'd save for something more out-there like Shuffle or School Days; I think that the girls of Clannad have genuine emotional issues that a viewer will likely empathize with. Instead of being obsessively jealous murderers.

Sometimes I wonder why we see so many complaints about moe on here, when everyone seems to relish labeling so many series' as "moe anime." I'd just as soon suggest to stop bringing it up and let the fans decide who/what they think is moe; if you think the community is shoving it down your throats, I feel that you're now doing the exact same thing to people like me.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:16 am Reply with quote
That's weird. I could've sworn that I saw another review for Clannad on this site a few months ago....same thing goes for SML.

I'm confused now. ._.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 8:15 am Reply with quote
sailorsean wrote:
I sure as hell hope that ADV will also get Clannad: After Story as well, although I could care less about weather or not they also get the movie tho...

spoiler[The last few episodes of After Story are what basically make a masterpiece anime, I found myself crying my eyes out for hours for one episode and then smiling again the next, After Story really is a roller coaster of emotions (in a good way!) and that NOBODY should miss out!]

That's interesting, because I had the opposite reaction. Clannad was in my "Buy" list until I saw "After Story" (the same thing happened to me with Mahoromatic). I thought the spoiler[ Deus ex Machina happy ending was a complete cop out, I was so emotionally invested in the series and then -BANG-RESET-HAPPY ENDING- just made the strength of the previous five episodes worthless. I would have preferred that they kept it as is (well without the death of the daughter) and they continue with their lives, maybe marry the Kgarden teacher (or if they want to appeal to the lolicons, marry Fuuka - I know she is his age, but she acts like a 5 year old) or not killed off Nagisa to begin with and just continued with that story line. But the actual ending just left me angry, it was a great hardcore drama and then *pixie dust* all better now. ] Anyway, those are my two cents and it was interesting to see someone with an opposite view.

NB: So as not to break any rules by jumping forward. At this moment, this series (moe and all. Good writing, animation, and characters surpass all genre issues.) was still in my "Buy" list, so if you are not a completist, go ahead and get it, just skip "After Story" and PLEASE skip the movie.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:14 am Reply with quote
Taiyz wrote:
It's the fact that every single series like this, when reviewed on ANN, is referred to as a "moe" anime with "broken" girls. As if moe was actually a genre instead of a design trend. I find these comments to be severe overreactions, and some sort of private joke that nobody's laughing at. I would never relate a series to terms like that; I'd rather use more telling descriptors like "romantic comedy with minor fantasy elements." The whole "broken" descriptor I'd save for something more out-there like Shuffle or School Days; I think that the girls of Clannad have genuine emotional issues that a viewer will likely empathize with. Instead of being obsessively jealous murderers.
Let me ask you this: have you actually met a girl with "genuine" emotional issues in your life that you can empathize with?

As for myself personally, no and no. Because 1)real women do get emotional, but they're much better at handling their own emotions because they're more skilled at empathy than... 2)us men, do to our brain functions and our testosterone, tend to put our emotions and others' at less of a priority and thus, we're the ones that are more prone to emotional issues because when compared to women, we're emotionally more fragile because we're less empathetic than women.

Which is also why when women do get emotional, they would rather talk to one of their own first through socializing, and us men get referrals to see a psychiatrists. And why the moe anime scenarios are so unrealistic and unbelievable, it's negatively portraying women in general. Because real women don't behave like the ones in moe anime like Air, Kanon, and Clannad.

Taiyz wrote:
Sometimes I wonder why we see so many complaints about moe on here, when everyone seems to relish labeling so many series' as "moe anime." I'd just as soon suggest to stop bringing it up and let the fans decide who/what they think is moe; if you think the community is shoving it down your throats, I feel that you're now doing the exact same thing to people like me.
Then wake up and see the fact of life, for real life is not like moe anime at all not just because moe is a fantasy, but also not ideal.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:21 am Reply with quote
I hope ADV releases a dub/billingual DVD soon.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:02 am Reply with quote
DomFortress wrote:
As for myself personally, no and no. Because 1)real women do get emotional, but they're much better at handling their own emotions because they're more skilled at empathy than... 2)us men, do to our brain functions and our testosterone, tend to put our emotions and others' at less of a priority and thus, we're the ones that are more prone to emotional issues because when compared to women, we're emotionally more fragile because we're less empathetic than women.

Which is also why when women do get emotional, they would rather talk to one of their own first through socializing, and us men get referrals to see a psychiatrists. And why the moe anime scenarios are so unrealistic and unbelievable, it's negatively portraying women in general. Because real women don't behave like the ones in moe anime like Air, Kanon, and Clannad.

Yes, please enlighten us some more about how all women behave, O Wise One. Because it's totally rad having entire genders painted with a broad brush.
To say that women don't actually have emotional issues because they never shut up about their feelings is not only insulting, it's just plain wrong. The same goes with saying that men repress, and don't care about other people's feelings.

Ugh. Anyway, I watched a few episodes of this fan subbed, didn't get too into it, but bought the first set anyway, simply because I had watched Air and Kanon since that, and loved them both. So once I get my hands on the second season, I'll be dusting this set off and giving it another go.
If it's anything like the other Key/KyoAni shows, there's going to be a lot of laughter, 'awws!' and crying. I can't wait. Very Happy
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 11:59 am Reply with quote
Quark wrote:
DomFortress wrote:
As for myself personally, no and no. Because 1)real women do get emotional, but they're much better at handling their own emotions because they're more skilled at empathy than... 2)us men, do to our brain functions and our testosterone, tend to put our emotions and others' at less of a priority and thus, we're the ones that are more prone to emotional issues because when compared to women, we're emotionally more fragile because we're less empathetic than women.

Which is also why when women do get emotional, they would rather talk to one of their own first through socializing, and us men get referrals to see a psychiatrists. And why the moe anime scenarios are so unrealistic and unbelievable, it's negatively portraying women in general. Because real women don't behave like the ones in moe anime like Air, Kanon, and Clannad.

Yes, please enlighten us some more about how all women behave, O Wise One. Because it's totally rad having entire genders painted with a broad brush.
To say that women don't actually have emotional issues because they never shut up about their feelings is not only insulting, it's just plain wrong. The same goes with saying that men repress, and don't care about other people's feelings.
I'll be glad to, but first you need to "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" and know that "The Sexual Paradox" is a real gender gap. Otherwise I just can't empathize with you, while at the same time getting us off-topic.

Perhaps it's more relevant for you to talk about how the girls in Clannad Sub.DVD are behaving like real women, thereby proving the Moe anime genre is indeed portraying women in general in a positive way.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:13 pm Reply with quote
Taiyz wrote:
It's the fact that every single series like this, when reviewed on ANN, is referred to as a "moe" anime with "broken" girls. As if moe was actually a genre instead of a design trend.

A "moe anime" is any series where most or all of the girls are moe (as in this one) and the plot is primarily moe-driven, that is, where (as stated in this review) the story centers around the male lead (I've yet to hear of one where it's female) goes around fixing the girls' problems, or helping them fix their own problems.

People don't like this style of story because 1) it sometimes eliminates strong female leads, women who can take care of themselves, and 2) it can get repetitive, with some of the same scenarios repeated again and again.

This does not mean that individual moe-driven series are necessarily bad, nor do I think that having a moe character here and there in any series is a bad thing (I thought Casey's reaction to Hagu in "Honey and Clover" was ridiculous). What people are reacting to is the saturation of the market with so many moe characters in moe-driven series.

Yes, the snark about it is excessive, but this is the internet - people are prone to forgetting that they're talking to actual human beings on the other end of their comments. Which is why you need to develop a tougher skin about it and stop with the whole persecution-complex. It's just a few dicks who go out of their way to get reactions out of moe-fans because they think it's funny.

(And if anyone brings up my agreement with such snark on the Shigurui thread, I had foolishly assumed that no moe-fan would be reading a thread on an hyperviolent series like Shigurui, and I apologize)
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