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NEWS: South Carolina Student Removed over "Death Note" List

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Wow....seems like stupidity really knows no limit. "Oh my god...we must stop him before he usues the terrible Death Note!"
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Joe anime

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:13 pm Reply with quote
The school went a little overboard here.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:14 pm Reply with quote
I love South Carolina. Confederate Flag good, Death Note bad. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Next thing you know, they'll consider the series Demonic and rally to have it taken off Adult Swim.

*sighs.* I don't know, really...It seems that if they were taking it seriously, I wouldn't have heard of another school shooting the last few weeks ago, I think there were 2 more.

I'm not ignoring the fact that this isn't as serious, but wth. I suppose a notebook is better than people walking into the building freely waiving guns around.

I don't know why kids even bring the book to school... >.>;
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Spirit Ace

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:22 pm Reply with quote
Man this really ticks me off. Some kids are really taking this show to a level it shouldn't reach, and thats ruining it for the rest of us. Soon enough, you'll see a huge lawsuit against Takeshi Obata for creating such a show that corrupts young peoples minds. Some may say this is normal, or just a phase. But it's truly not. When kids make a book containing a so called hit list, then you know things are out of whack.
Although it's quite amazing at how much this show has affected peoples lives. But on the other hand, it brings some unneeded bad recognition to anime, that will really turn people away from the genre as a whole.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:28 pm Reply with quote
Joe anime wrote:
The school went a little overboard here.

i agree with you...i have a death note too and me and my friends use it at school but we dont let the teachers see it... i mean its not like were actually gonna kill someone...its really just a good way to release stress in our opioion... hell every child should have a death note so that there wouldnt be anymore bullying and death notes would be a stress releaver
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Iron Chef

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:34 pm Reply with quote
sailorsean wrote:
i agree with you...i have a death note too and me and my friends use it at school but we don't let the teachers see it... i mean its not like were actually gonna kill someone...its really just a good way to release stress in our opioion... hell every child should have a death note so that there wouldnt be anymore bullying and death notes would be a stress releaver

Right, because it's always good and healthy to wish death upon someone. I'd recommend finding a different outlet for your angst, good sir. The amount of bad karma from something like this is staggering.

And honestly, this is a development that I wasn't expecting from the show. I figured folks might talk more about the morals behind whether it's okay to kill in the name of "justice," but I didn't think that folks would play pretend with their own "Death Notes." That's a sad statement on our society, isn't it?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:35 pm Reply with quote
I would like to know how the school managed to link it to the Anime/Manga. Was one of the teachers a closet fan, and knew about the series? Or did a friend sell them out?

I can emphasise with the school - they have to keep the peace, and what they do not need is people going around making hitlists of any kind. Even if it is for fun. For all they know, the student might come back and kill all those in the note.

That said, did they really need to remove him/her?
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:40 pm Reply with quote
Please. Both parties are at fault. While the school definitely overreacting, that kid is a moron, although I suppose being an ickle pre-teen might explain some of his idiocy. Even if he had no intention to kill them (although we never know), emo kids making death threats is beyond ridiculous.

I'll never say that Death Note is a definite bad influence, but kids who take things so seriously really should not read it. Viz could show the pilot one-shot chapter at the very least; apparently, kids are too stupid to realize that killing=bad from the series, so maybe the pilot would be blatant enough; then again, knowing the intelligence level of our nation's youth...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:45 pm Reply with quote
That's the thing, though. because it is the "Death Note," it would automatically be linked with things like that. The name screams out "school attack."

But what if a student put the names down in a regular notebook? Would they have even thought twice about it?

...*sigh.* if Death Note was a novel, would it have been the same way? Probably not...

And I suppose that being that Death Note must have had some kind of trademark or something, even the site name on the merchandise, that could also be a strong possibility. (deathnote.viz.com), or, unlike the other article, the person/teacher could've searched and found the official site from the search results. Maybe a parent...

But friggin hellz, a middle school...DN is rated T, or OT?

>_> Children, stop bringing your Death Notes to school.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:49 pm Reply with quote
Joe anime wrote:
The school went a little overboard here.

If this happened before the Columbine attack, then I would agree with you. But in the post-Columbine era that we are in, you can't really fault any school for taking exteme measures to try to prevent another Columbine from happening.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:51 pm Reply with quote
Can we really say the school went overboard, I mean when it comes to a note wishing death upon someone, it isn't something you can take too lightly especially with what's been going on, I've had friends before on hitlists and have even been on one myself and it isn't something you can really just look over.

sailorsean wrote:
Joe anime wrote:
The school went a little overboard here.

i agree with you...i have a death note too and me and my friends use it at school but we don't let the teachers see it... i mean its not like were actually gonna kill someone...its really just a good way to release stress in our opioion... hell every child should have a death note so that there wouldnt be anymore bullying and death notes would be a stress releaver

Seriously, do you even hear yourself? A Death Note is better than a student talking to his parents about the bullying or a counselor? It's very emotionally unhealthy not mention dangerous, if I found a Death Note with my name in it I don't think I'd consider it "oh they were just releiving stress." Like someone said to you earlier get another outlet, wishing death upon someone is immature, stupid, and just doesn't reflect well on you, I'm sure you're not a bad person but what you're doing is extremely wrong.

Last edited by chrisb on Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:55 pm Reply with quote
Should've just used the standard 'my enemies' list.
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AY War Horse

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:55 pm Reply with quote
Another point about this is how extreme are the school being. We dont know everything and cannot tell if this student has been a problem in the past or if it is purely a reaction to the fact this person has written a death list which in itself is a disturbing thing to do and begs the question why? And only by knowing both of this things can we really tell how extreme this removal really is.

And as bci110 says considering the times it is understandable that the school has taken this action. The next question is what will the end result of this news report be, will more people try and watch and or read Death Note to find out what this is all about? And what about other students who do similar things?
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Joined: 23 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:55 pm Reply with quote
It is an overreaction but having lived in South Carolina for a while and for there this is typical for them to so fear such things justly or no.

To them removing him or her was probably the safest course of action, even if one of the perhaps least just.
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