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Shelf Life - Capture the Flag

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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:54 am Reply with quote
Fantasy Congress.

That's it, I hereby issue an open license for someone to develop Fantasy Grass-Growing for 30%. Will Zoysia finally prove dominance over Crab? Or will Kentucky Blue run away with it all? Sign in and find out.

Putting the DBZ double feature on rental was really an act of mercy. With Trunks being an alternate reltelling and Bardock being boring of its own accord I really did not care for either when CN aired them.

Good to know 3V is getting better, will have to get around to watching it after the final volume comes out.

Interesting to see a regular thinpak for Negima, I was expecting to see it skip to Viridian (particularly given how much green is on the cover.)

Pity the collection wasn't full, was wondering if the alphabetizing continued throughout. Even if only to answer one of life's great mysteries: numbers up front or at the end. I am also rather jealous about the larger shelves hitting 9-10 per case.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:09 am Reply with quote
Awww. I miss having a lovebird. Still the best, most adorable pet ever. (Though I don't miss the poop! Lord, every shirt I owned had bird crap on the shoulder at one point or another.)
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:09 am Reply with quote
Poor dvds. Awesome birds too! Has Funimation said anything about the second Negima series yet?

Flag...I may be willing to give this a chance if I can find it cheap in a year.

VVV. I may get back to it, but I really didn'y enjoy it.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:13 am Reply with quote
Well, I'll be picking up Flag vol 2 pretty soon now that the whole "Bandai replicator issue" has been resolved. I really like the unique perspective. Plus, it's nice to watch something serious just for a change of pace.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:15 am Reply with quote
I think the side bar on the negima boxset is supposed to be green to show 'miscellaneous dvd' but it actually shows red, which is for 'shelf worthy'. I for one would like to challenge negima's shelf worthiness, lol jk, just thought i'd point it out.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:19 am Reply with quote

Leaning Anime Tower of Canada!!

that bookcase full of DVDs' gonna topple over real soon if it's left like that!
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Joined: 07 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:07 am Reply with quote
This week's Shelf Obsessed is going to give me nightmares. All of those birds, flying, pecking, and defecating around the room... It scares me, freaks me out, and grosses me out. But I have a fairly bad phobia of birds, so please no one be offended. I also don't have any pets at all in part because of the naughty messes they make.

Fantasy Congress? I'm going to have to tell my husband about this one. They never have (free) fantasy leagues for the sport I'm most interested in, so this would work better, and teach me things. Anime smile

Once I've got some room on my Netflix queue (and run out of Geneon series I want to see), Flag is going on. I've been curious about it for awhile, and while I'm not sure it'll really be my cup of tea, it just sounds so interesting and so very different from my usual fair of anime based on shoujo and josei manga series.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:30 am Reply with quote
Wow, I never expected to see Venus Vs. Virus get a Rental recommendation. It's a tribute to Lucia's coolness if nothing else. (Honestly, I like the anime okay but this is truly a case where the manga is better.)

Of course, now I'm just wondering if I'll ever get the chance to finish it out. Sad

All the positives on FLAG really make me wonder if I should be plopping down the cash. I'm pretty unsure about getting it as it seems perhaps a tad too "real" for me, at least right now.

Still not sure if I want to get Negima! since I love the manga and I know the anime left out a fair bit of the Kyoto arc, which is still my all time favorite arc, with the exception of any and all Evangeline-centric parts of the series. The box set's a great deal though.

I never had any trouble keeping track of who was who with the girls, just took me a while to memorize most of their names. Still haven't gotten them all down.
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Joined: 30 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:32 am Reply with quote
wondering where all those art boxes are?! would love to see some pics of the ENTIRE collection!
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:16 pm Reply with quote
For the life of me I just can't seem to enjoy FLAG, however I can see why it is enjoyable to some. It's a quality piece of work, just not my cup of tea.

Nice collection, color me a humbled man now.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:24 pm Reply with quote
I'm not really sure why Funimation decided to pair these two films together

I'm pretty sure it's because they were both TV specials (the only two in fact).

Nothing really happens; people just grunt a lot

That's not really a fair assessment. The Trunks special highlights what was previously only talked about in the show. It shows the development of Trunks and why he is the way he is.

Also, spoiler[Gohan dies].

Even if it is about an alternate future, it's definitely one of the better movies in the DBZ universe.

For starters, these are TV specials that were wedged between episodes, so they're kind of random

Not really. They highlight some important areas of DBZ backstory. How is that random? Confused
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Steel Angel

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:51 pm Reply with quote
Looks like I'll be giving VvsV a try once the series is complete.

Another week of great reviews, thanks Bamboo. Smile
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:58 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
Still not sure if I want to get Negima! since I love the manga and I know the anime left out a fair bit of the Kyoto arc, which is still my all time favorite arc, with the exception of any and all Evangeline-centric parts of the series. The box set's a great deal though.

I'd advise against it. The Kyoto arc was broken up so that it's only the bare bones of the arc, the kiss competition was seperated into its own episode (eliminating two of the girls from learning about magic), Kotarou and the Cinema Town fight were removed completely, and the final battle was shortened and modified (Setsuna was useless).

Also, the first half of the series is just the generic harem comedy bits from the first two volumes and two episodes for the Eva arc (which has some incredibly underwhelming combat animation), but in random order to lessen Negi's character development (dodgeball episode comes after the vampire arc). Also, they almost always try to include as many girls as possible into a single episode rather than try to develop one or two at a time. Exception: episode 19, which is heart-rending (and also mostly anime original, shock!).
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:05 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
Kotarou and the Cinema Town fight were removed completely
Anime cry

I knew they dropped Kotarou but leaving out the Cinema Town fight is just plain cruel! (Especially for a guy like me who greatly enjoys the Setsuna/Konoka interaction in it. Hell I've got a colored panel from that part of the arc as part of my desktop wallpaper!)

What I wouldn't do for a Negima Ultimate anime.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:34 am Reply with quote
LordPrometheus wrote:

Nothing really happens [in the DBZ TV specials]; people just grunt a lot

That's not really a fair assessment. The Trunks special highlights what was previously only talked about in the show. It shows the development of Trunks and why he is the way he is.

Ideally you should watch the Trunks TV special after episode 119. It would make the events of Episodes 120 - 122 a little easier to swallow.


Also, spoiler[Gohan dies].

Even if it is about an alternate future, it's definitely one of the better movies in the DBZ universe.

Despite what the box may tell you, the Bardock TV special should be viewed first, or ideally during Season 2. That TV special was produced in 1990, while the Trunks TV special was produced in 1993.

Bardock gives some good insight on Goku's backstory, and when taken in that context, it's a very moving story for a kid's show.
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