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REVIEW: Gakuen Heaven

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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:40 am Reply with quote
I thought that this was a review on the actual game. meaning that it was available somewhere for me to go get. Which really threw me for a loop.

But the manga- it looks intresting. About this BL games...are they all done by the same company? (its a stupid question seeing as how there are probably thousands in Japan) but the chacter desgins look similar. It reminds me of this one game...some kid was in prision?

anyway they all look...very similar.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:24 am Reply with quote
No, BL games are not done by the same company... The reason the designs are so similar is that apparently it's the "default", that is, most popular type of design for BL manga/games. (Like the "big head, small body, huge, optionally drooping eyes" moe-chara designs.) Besides, it's drawn by Higuri whose style is a given. I myself find this style horribly boring and the fact that from five BL manga at least three look like this was one of the reasons I'd fallen out with the genre, but apparently the majority likes it.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:44 am Reply with quote
It reminds me of this one game...some kid was in prision?

Thats Enzai. It was a decent game. I much prefered Absolute Obedience though. And Gakuen Heaven was done by Spray. I attempted to play it on a friends modded Playstation but could not get into it because I had no idea what was going on (I can't read japanese).

I feel that the manga stands apart from the anime. Yes, it may be the same story but Keita spoiler[ends up with a different person then who he does in the anime]

I am not saying that GH is the best read ever but I did enjoy it. It wasn't all sex and angst like most yaoi and bl is.
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Joined: 19 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:53 am Reply with quote
The "Queen" calling other boys "honey"? I don't remember that in the book. I think the reviewer is confusing Naruse, the tennis club captain with Kaoru, the Queen. And despite Kaoru is the prettiest of the bishounen of GH, he definately not like all that feminine. And Naruse only calls Keita "honey" anyways.

But I found the manga way too cheesy to get into though. Which is unforunate since the anime is much better and more entertaining (and half the chessiness, still cheesy but bearable), but I contribute that to it's only an oneshot that could benefit for one more volume.

And it's done in Higuri's style before she improved it, I was a bit sad but I got over it. HIguri's style is alright but not my favorite of BL artists though.

The Nakajima/Keita one that is the most recent one is a lot more entertaining though and I didn't read the Kazuki/Keita, which I heard is a sequel to the TV series. And I heard of a Naruse/Keita one as well.

I think the reviewer actually rated this too high, I would've given it a C- for at least entertaining me somewhat.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:34 pm Reply with quote
Being a one-shot based off a property, the manga-ka doesn't have the freedom she would with her own characters & story. She was probably given an outline, even to the point of who wins the uke (wasn't it a poll? I thought that was mentioned in her notes.)
I love Higuri's stuff. I'm impressed the review score came out so high since ANN reviewers ususally trash stuff I like.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:16 pm Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
but the chacter desgins look similar. It reminds me of this one game...some kid was in prision?
anyway they all look...very similar.

Enzai *shudder gag cough*

Thank god this is nothing like that. Anywho, I skimmed threough this once when at Waldens, and it really didn't do anything for me. I watched a bit of the anime at one point as well, and it....kept my intrest. It was cute but...little was going on. I could see myself pickign this up though, sometimes I'm just in the mood for light hearted substanceless stuff~ And a single volume is hardly a commitment, so it could be a cute way to spend some time Razz
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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:48 am Reply with quote
I didn't realize it was a one shot manga. I remember seeing stuff about the anime, but I was too lazy to get it. Perhaps I will read this for fun.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:46 am Reply with quote
ArielTsuki wrote:
But I found the manga way too cheesy to get into though. Which is unforunate since the anime is much better and more entertaining (and half the chessiness, still cheesy but bearable), but I contribute that to it's only an oneshot that could benefit for one more volume.

Well, seeing that they're both adaptations of an incredibly popular, if very boring and cheesy game... eh, this is why I don't like dating sim/AVG adaptations. I haven't seen (or heard of) one that wasn't cheesy. (But wow, I can imagine how bad the manga is if the anime is better. Very Happy;; I found the anime quite horrible.)
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