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NEWS: American Anime Awards to be Hosted by New York Comic Con

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Joined: 23 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:19 pm Reply with quote
This is great news for those outside of Japan seeking a glimpse of an Oscar Style ceremony to commerate Anime.

If this is the first (and possibly only one), then the categories themselves have no time contraints (good or bad?), something made in the 80s could see be recognised by the American Anime Awards (AAA for short ><).

It would be interesting what the nominees are for each and hopefully would see this every year!
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:34 pm Reply with quote
What are the criteria for nominations? Obviously, they will differ from category to category, but there must be some general guidelines. Or is it just a wide open field as chaosbladeuk suggests?

If it's going to be an annual kind of thing I would imagine only releases in the past year would be eligible. But what about series that get released over a long period of time and come out over the course of several years? If half a series is released in one year would it be eligible up the point it was out, and then the remainder eligible the following year?

In any event, it sounds like a good way get some extra exposure for quality works and recognize exceptional efforts on the part of those who are working hard to bring anime to the English speaking market.
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Joined: 06 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:38 pm Reply with quote
Cool! But my question is, who actually plans on attending the event from ANN? Smile I'm sure Zac and Carlo Santos may be attending or I could be wrong.

Also, does this help you?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:54 pm Reply with quote
Gage wrote:
Also, does this help you?

Sure it does. Reading it is what led me to post.

It just didn't have lots of details of how things will work. I was just curious (and impatient Anime catgrin + sweatdrop ) to know more. I'm sure more details will come out in time, but there's no harm in asking now, right?
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Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:02 pm Reply with quote
Will the nominees be limited to Japanese productions? I know that generally Anime/Manga equals Japanese but should it in this case?
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Joined: 22 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:06 pm Reply with quote
The categories seem a bit vague. A long series to some is between 26 and 50 episodes; to others, it's the 200+ ones. A short series could be 13 episodes, or could be 6.

It'd be great if the categories would be really in-depth, such as best manga adaptation, novel adaptation, video game adaptation, etc. To really break it down and all.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Can anime that that haven't been licensed yet be nominated or is it only limited to licensed titles? My predictions for best anime series for the award in 2007 will probably be a tie between FMA and Haruhi (assuming fansubbed series can be nominated) and you can already expect Paprika to win the Best Anime Movie award. An anime awards sounds interesting, but I just hope it doesn't fall into the popularity contest trap that the Oscars have.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:05 pm Reply with quote
potassium wrote:
The categories seem a bit vague. A long series to some is between 26 and 50 episodes; to others, it's the 200+ ones. A short series could be 13 episodes, or could be 6.
Short series will be anything under 14 episodes, including OAVs. Long series will be anything over 13 episodes, whether they're 26 episodes, 52 episodes or 200+ episodes.

It'd be great if the categories would be really in-depth, such as best manga adaptation, novel adaptation, video game adaptation, etc.
I believe, for now at least, the goal is to avoid having a huge number of different awards. Besides, what does it matter whether its adapted from a manga or a book when you're looking for the best anime?

Kouji wrote:
Can anime that that haven't been licensed yet be nominated or is it only limited to licensed titles?
I believe the nomination process will be limited to titles that have been released in North America.

Dorian wrote:
Will the nominees be limited to Japanese productions? I know that generally Anime/Manga equals Japanese but should it in this case?
This only really matters in the manga category since there's a lot of fairly decent world-manga out there. There's not a lot of non-Japanese, anime-style animation commercially available in North America. I don't know whether non-Japanese productions will be allowed on the ballot, but I honestly don't see the "independant experts" nominating any world-manga. Tokyopop of course has the right to nominate 2 titles for the best manga category, so they may nominate a world manga, but they'd be making a mistake in doing so. They'd be trading a the opportunity to have a more or less obscure title on the ballot against the opportunity to actually win. Having an actual "World Manga" category would be a good idea.

Gage wrote:
Cool! But my question is, who actually plans on attending the event from ANN?
Attend NYCC or be "independent experts?" So far Bamboo Dong, Zac Bertschy and myself are expected to attend. Mikhail Koulikov and Justin Sevakis will probably also attend, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jonathan Mays attends. I doubt Carlo will attend. As for the independent experts aspect, ie, the people who make nominations, we haven't discussed it yet.

Man of Rust wrote:
What are the criteria for nominations?
Beyond what I've said above, I don't know what the nomination guidelines are yet. Obviously we'll have to know before the nominations are due, but I assume that when Milton sends out the nomination requests, he'll include guidelines. I'll see if I can find out now to sate your curiosity.

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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:57 pm Reply with quote
But isn't this a consumer populist vote and not a vote from a jury of peers?
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:18 am Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
Gage wrote:
Cool! But my question is, who actually plans on attending the event from ANN?
Attend NYCC or be "independent experts?" So far Bamboo Dong, Zac Bertschy and myself are expected to attend. Mikhail Koulikov and Justin Sevakis will probably also attend, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jonathan Mays attends. I doubt Carlo will attend. As for the independent experts aspect, ie, the people who make nominations, we haven't discussed it yet.

I agree with Gage! Too Cool! Anime exclamation Anime hyper

Congrats to those of/on ANN who will be the "independent experts"! I think that would be quite an honor!

I'm looking forward to seeing what titles get nominated.

Any idea of when the public voting will start? It looks like that it would have to be soon since the last NY Comic Con was in March '06.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:58 am Reply with quote
There is only one American anime awards, and it is called the Annies!!!! Wink Laughing Cool
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Joined: 28 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:29 am Reply with quote
I think this is pretty cool. It's great that it's in NY. I just hope I'll be able to attend and see it first hand.
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Kaitou Marina

Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:22 pm Reply with quote
Sounds flawed. What if the industry nominators pick series that they only want to promote (because they know it probably isn't that great), rather than series that are actually deserving of an award? That won't make it an award, that'll make it a commercial. While I'm all for there being more commercial coverage of anime series, I don't think an award ceremony is the right place for it, since awards tend to create a certain impression that a series might not necessarily deserve.


Griepp says "The American Anime Awards will be a great way to let fans and the public at large know which anime and manga are the most popular, and will provide a showcase for the top products in each category."

As a fan, I don't give a rip about what's most popular. I can SEE what's most popular by looking at the anime fandom at large. Popularity does not necessarily mean that a show is the "top product" in a catagory, it simply means that it has the largest fanbase (possibly due to the amount of exposure it's had) and that it's probably a highly profitable series.

But series shouldn't be judged on their popularity and profitability alone. There are gorgeously animated and executed series out there that are deserving of an award and yet probably won't even get nominated. I want to see superbly crafted series like Gankutsuou, Kamichu!, Crest of the Stars, Princess Tutu and the like receiving the recognition they deserve, but they most likely won't because they just aren't popular. It isn't because they aren't good; it's because they've had next to no exposure to the anime fandom as a whole because many anime fans are very unlikely to watch things outside their comfort zones.

If, for example, say Naruto and Gankutsuou are both nominated for the Long Series award. What are people going to vote for? Naruto, obviously, because more people will have seen Naruto. It's on mainstream cable, has tons of merchandising and promotion and a huge fanbase. So that means Gankutsuou, which is a masterpiece in terms of experimental animation, storytelling, characterization, acting and concept, gets passed over because it doesn't have a night slot on Adult Swim?

In my opinion, flawed. I still say popularity doesn't mean a series is the top product.

Last edited by Kaitou Marina on Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:23 pm Reply with quote
Meson wrote:
There is only one American anime awards, and it is called the Annies!!!! Wink Laughing Cool

Well, that's animation in general not anime only and I don't think many "otaku" aren't happy unless it's only anime.

hikaru004 wrote:
But isn't this a consumer populist vote and not a vote from a jury of peers?

It would seem that way and I must admit a lack of trust of those kinds of results. We see it on the IGN anime boards all the time with their annual awards for anime or their other periodic awards for specific aspects of anime. Despite nominated choices it is pretty much always the most popular series or the series with the most rabid fanboys that wins, pretty much 99% of the time. Often times a series will win because more people saw it rather than because it was actually the better series, making it a contest of marketing and not show quality. While I take critics opinions with a grain of salt, they do seem to be a bit more open minded than the fanboys out there who'll just vote for whatever series they think is cool at the time.

Last edited by Keonyn on Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:28 pm Reply with quote
I have one suggestion for these awards. Miyazaki films should not be allowed to compete for Best Anime Movie. While I love Miyazaki films a lot and they certainly deserve the popularity they have, it's because of their popularity that I think they shouldn't be allowed to compete. Everyone already knows about Miyazaki films and they already know they'll be always be a hit in the U.S. even if they're less than stellar (like Howl's Moving Castle), but if Miyazaki films are allowed to compete for the Best Anime Movie award, no other movies will ever get a chance to compete for it because they'll automatically be out-voted by Miyazaki films and I think this is important to consider, especially if they plan on using these awards as a means of promotion for anime because it seems unfair that other anime movies won't have a chance because everyone will automatically expect Miyazaki films to win.
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