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REVIEW: Eureka 7 DVD 2

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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:08 pm Reply with quote
I've seen very little of Eureka 7 but I actually like Johnny's voice for the main character, I'm guessing however that I'm solo on that one. I think the reason I didn't really get into the show was just because of the artistry. It reminds me of Wolf's Rain but not as well detailed or as nicely drawn. I also found the music lacking but what I did enjoy were the characters. Each had a unique personality I really found appealing however a few characters really annoyed me (the old guy that hid in a washing machine in one episode)..
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Joined: 11 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:18 am Reply with quote
I thought that this volume was very good, character-development-wise. The scenes of Eureka's past were very jarring the first time I saw them. By now, because I've been following on AS, I'm completely used to Renton's voice. I seem to be much more forgiving when it comes to voices, technical aspects, artistry and music. Most of the time I don't notice those things or if I do, it never really detracts from the show for me. As long as the story is great & the characters are likeable, I'm satisfied.

Maybe one could say I'm blissfully ignorant? I don't know; but I do know that I'm liking Eureka Seven more and more as the story unfolds.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:34 am Reply with quote
chrisb wrote:
I've seen very little of Eureka 7 but I actually like Johnny's voice for the main character, I'm guessing however that I'm solo on that one. I think the reason I didn't really get into the show was just because of the artistry. It reminds me of Wolf's Rain but not as well detailed or as nicely drawn. I also found the music lacking but what I did enjoy were the characters. Each had a unique personality I really found appealing however a few characters really annoyed me (the old guy that hid in a washing machine in one episode)..

Me too for Johnny's voice, Renton's no "jack of all trades", quite the opposite and it fits quite nicely. Acctually, the sub and dub are wonderful.

As for the dvd, improvement can be seen alot, Renton's "never giving up no matter what the circumstances" persona is nifty even though its been done before by other anime characters. I acctually have to disagree on the "Childhood" episode, I loved that one alot, it may have been more "cliche" then others but I loved what Renton did here.

Sucks that this ended at a small cliffhanger but the wait isn't very long, infact, dvd 3 is out already. Shocked
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:59 am Reply with quote
You're not completely alone in regards to Renton's voice. While I wasn't fond of it at first, it's either gotten better since the 1st volume or I've just gotten used to it, either way it doesn't bother me anymore and seems natural for the character now.

In regards to DVD 2, I actually liked this volume quite a bit. I'm one of those odd people that enjoys quiet episodes as much as action episodes and actually enjoy an anime more when there's a healthy mix as opposed to just hardcore action from start to finish. Chrono Crusade is a good example, while a lot of people complain that it meanders a bit from light hearted to dark in the first half, I found those episodes to be just as good and added to the characters relationships and is part of why I enjoyed the series as much as I did. Another great example is Haibane Renmei which takes the first quarter of the show to even reach its plot but those episodes are just as important and valuable as the major plot episodes.

Fanservice episodes of course don't count in slower episodes I enjoy, they usually have little substance and are just a waste of time, luckily Eureka 7 hasn't fallen in to the trap yet despite the fact some characters and outfits scream fanservice, it isn't overdone.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:19 am Reply with quote
Review wrote:
+ Good artistry and technical merits, good development of character relationships.
- Anemone’s design, less exciting than the first volume.

Why is Anemone's design listed in the minus section? I know you said she's "too-angular" but she's far from being the worst design in the series (personally I think she's one of the better ones.) I don't see how the look of one character can constitue a minus for an entire volume, especially when you state that her appearance is fitting to the character.

Otherwise, I think this is a good review, albeit a slightly dismissive one. Eureka 7 has been hinting at it's darker and more serious side from the first episode thought it only truly begins to take that path on this volume. The series is more than just an action series with surfing mecha. It's not as strong a series in it's early episodes as RahXephon or Evangelion, but that's due to it's being a longer series.

Major agreement on the episode "Childhood." It's one long cliche and the only thing that makes it remotely enjoyable is the ending. Least favorite episode so far.

To be honest, I wish Eureka spoiler[had blown away those darn kids along with their parents. The whole flashback of her past as a member of what was basically a death squad is what really made me sit up and take notice of this series. Now, if only she'd pick up a rifle again and GUN DOWN THOSE BRATS! Twisted Evil ]
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:44 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
Why is Anemone's design listed in the minus section? I know you said she's "too-angular" but she's far from being the worst design in the series (personally I think she's one of the better ones.) I don't see how the look of one character can constitue a minus for an entire volume, especially when you state that her appearance is fitting to the character.

Admittedly, I was scraping to come up with a second negative, because while it's not the most exciting volume there's no particular weak spots, either. I decided on Anemone because hers is the only character design in the whole series so far that I haven't found at least tolerable. It's too sharp and severe to be asthetically pleasing, but so is her personality. Although she does do the maniacal thing quite convincingly, as we see in the next volume. . .

To be honest, I wish Eureka spoiler[had blown away those darn kids along with their parents. The whole flashback of her past as a member of what was basically a death squad is what really made me sit up and take notice of this series. Now, if only she'd pick up a rifle again and GUN DOWN THOSE BRATS! Twisted Evil ]

If that wasn't a very important plot point then I'd have to agree with you.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:24 pm Reply with quote
Man! Everyone is hating on the kids! That's too bad. I hope there are some people out there who are OK with them. They add to the rich diversity of the cast IMO.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:21 am Reply with quote
Heh, true, but the Eureka 7 cast already is swimming in diversity. That's actually one of the best aspects of the series to me are all the characters, the fact they're each unique and developed to a sufficient degree for supporting characters, and the chemistry seems to work and no one seems overlooked even with such a large group.

I watch the series and I just feel like they wrote and established every character on the Gekko as though they were writing a main cast member, there's no real generic or shake n bake character in the bunch and they have such a huge range of personalities that are each individually fleshed out. That aspect alone really seems to make the series for me.
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Joined: 15 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:37 am Reply with quote
Whearn9999 wrote:
Man! Everyone is hating on the kids! That's too bad. I hope there are some people out there who are OK with them. They add to the rich diversity of the cast IMO.

I find them a little annoying at times, but I can see why they'd see Renton as a threat. Eureka is the most important person to these kids so I can understand why they aren't too happy about Renton in the first place. I think it's pretty realistic to be honest and Eureka 7 might not be as enjoyable if there wasn't such a strong human-element in the story.

One more thing: GOD DAMN when is E7 coming out in the friggin UK...
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:13 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
If that wasn't a very important plot point then I'd have to agree with you.

I was only two-thirds serious. Wink Plot wise, it never would have worked for Eureka to have done it my way.

It's just that the kids drive me nuts. Them being hostile to Renton early on isn't the problem for me. It's the fact that they seem completely oblivious to anything even approaching reality surrounding themselves. They cause all kinds of problems, even putting the ship at risk, and seem completely unaware of anything being wrong until someone smacks them upside the head. Then they just start crying.

Maybe it's just because I was a lot more mature at the same age that they're depicted as being. They just seem excessively selfish and stupid to me. The girl, Maeter?, is the only one that shows any signs of having a brain.
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The Naked Beast

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:17 am Reply with quote
Whearn9999 wrote:
Man! Everyone is hating on the kids! That's too bad. I hope there are some people out there who are OK with them. They add to the rich diversity of the cast IMO.
The little kids can be annoying time to time with their incessant whining and pranks on Renton. Seeing this volume shows brings light to why they are attached to Eureka, their "Momma." Supposedly, they are an homage to the three kids in the original Mobile Suit Gundam. The kids in Gundam were less annoying in this so to say.

The second volume goes into a flashbackabout Holland and Eureka's dark past. This relates to Holland's current objectives in the story. The thing that makes it different is that that you do not see Renton going, "Holland, how can you and Eureka do all these bad things?! You are a bad person!" or something similar to that. Renton accepts them for who they are and is glad that he at least got to know Eureka a little better.

The gag episode was pretty funny considering everyone else sees it as Renton's "initiation" into the group. It is a shame that the volume ends abruptly after seeing Anemone for a moment. Of course, that does not matter anymore since the third volume is available. BONES is doing a great job with the series and I can not wait to see more of Eureka Seven.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:02 pm Reply with quote
I think child character's such as them would be far less annoying if they didn't have a squawking voice. The kids as characters I didn't mind, I just couldn't stand listening to them.
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