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NEWS: Gedo Senki #1 Yet Again

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ichido reichan

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:05 pm Reply with quote
Take that, critics! people vote the best with their money, yet another example why japanese people doesnt read reviews or critic scores before they watch a movie.

As for me, I'm watching and buying the dvd anyway (no point of having an incomplete collection, isn 'it?)

and where is Hayao when you need him?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Gedo Senki = The Little Engine that Could

Go Gedo!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:13 pm Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
Gedo Senki = The Little Engine that Could

Go Gedo!

I know that so amazing, here it was this title that everyone expected it would be all that great yet the people keep on seeing it.
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Malintex Terek

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:14 pm Reply with quote

Good news to hear! When can we expect an English release?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:20 pm Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
Gedo Senki = The Little Engine that Could

Go Gedo!
I wouldn't call it a "little engine" exactly. It is after all, a Ghibli movie. Even if it did suck, every Japanese person would see it just to be sure whether or not Goro is all that... and see it again for good measure!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Another source says Pirates beated Gedo last weekend...
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, this definetly puts certain words of people back in their mouths. I will definetly want to see this when it comes over the Pacific.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:23 am Reply with quote
I can't wait untill I get to see this. Mr. Green

I love the books by Le Quin, though I suppose I have to expect that they can't completly catch the books into a single movie.
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The Seventh Son

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:58 am Reply with quote
yes, goro made one good movie, but theres not a chance in hell that he'll be able to top his dad, cause his stuff was completely original. this is based off of a book. i think u people get the point.
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Kuroro IX

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:37 pm Reply with quote
The Seventh Son wrote:
yes, goro made one good movie, but theres not a chance in hell that he'll be able to top his dad, cause his stuff was completely original. this is based off of a book. i think u people get the point.

Kiki's Delivery Service? Howl's Moving Castle?

Or are you just trying to say that Miyazaki's best material is "completely original"?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:18 pm Reply with quote
The Seventh Son wrote:
yes, goro made one good movie, but theres not a chance in hell that he'll be able to top his dad, cause his stuff was completely original. this is based off of a book. i think u people get the point.

No "u people" don't what the hell does that mean? First off this is Goro first movie into anime, not like his dad who has made 15+ (or whatever) anime. 15 years from when Goro gets a chance to hone his craft then we can make comparison. And also I don't know if you know but not all of Hayao material was original or from his manga.

Case in point Howl's Moving Castle.....so I am not sure if I get the point.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:48 pm Reply with quote
Ok, ok so the first bad reviews which were reported on this site if I remember right, were the pre-reviews on Yahoo.jp

Can anyone that can read Japanese go and see if yahoo's ratings have increased since that first report?

Personally, I will go with review on this site, which sounded to me like a solid B. Which bodes well for Goro.
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Joined: 22 May 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:13 am Reply with quote

So, the score is 2.3/5.0 stars based on around 4000 votes.

"Is this a Ghibli Film??" "Huh?? What in the world is this?" "Ghibli's become unfun!" - A few of the yahoo japan user comments on the first page. =\

I still look forward to this film, simply because it is fantasy and it is studio ghibli. And since I've not read the Earthsea books, I don't have any expectations, which I think may be helpful in judging the movie on its own merits without notions of how it should be.

Whether it's good or not depends on the individual, after all. Perhaps it is premature to call it the "engine that could" when, after watching it, you may not like it? Though, it being Mr. Gedo's first work, it is understandable to try and praise and encourage his effort if he has tried his very best.

Kiki's Delivery Service (my favorite movie of all movies) was based on a children's book by Ms. Kadano Eiko. As I now have researched and discovered, her initial reaction was a strong disliking of the film.


Still, I love this movie very much, so even the original sources opinion does not necessarily always have a sway in how one perceives the quality of a movie. Anyways, perhaps here I am trying to make a dual point about perceptions of Gedo Senki, and the fact that Miyazaki has also directed films based on pre-existing works.

My memory may not serve me well, so pardon if I'm incorrect - I believe Howl was not initially directed by Mr. Miyazaki, and was eventually handed over to him halfway through production. I may be thinking of Mr. Hiroyuki Morita from The Cat Returns (I am not remembering this off the top of my head, just so you know, I am reading my DVD boxes to find some of this information ^^), but I do not remember well enough to say for certain. And as well, he has worked on (though not, to my knowledge, directed) many classic Japanese childrens television shows based on famous literature, such as Dog of Flanders, Heidi and Anne of Green Gables.
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ichido reichan

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:50 am Reply with quote
Okay, I read the original author review of the movie and the plot or the changes is her excuse to say that the movie wasn't very good or accurate, in reality she is super pissed off because miyazaki himself went to offer her a project based on the earthsea books, which at the time she refused because she rarely license her works for other media, plus she didn't know who this miyazaki guy was.

Then, almost by mistake she saw totoro and suddenly she became a fan of miyazaki (again, she didn't care about anime at all) she tracked down all his movies and then she realized the chance she just refused.

She went all happy and dreaming about how hayao would do her movie (the author of howl's was super impressed on hayao's movie even with the changes and all) but when she sold the license she was told that Hayao was going to retire from making movies (are you people still believe in that crap that the ol' man keep saying?) and instead his son Goro, was going to take this project in a personal way, at that moment everything went darker than expected.

Then the news: the story was going to be changed and the movie would become darker and more violent than her original work, Hayao not only didn't retire, but was working in another project as we speak, the movie wasnt approved by Hayao and he wasnt a consultant like Tokuma Shoten promised and preety much she regrets the fact that she declined the offer in the first place.

I read the first book where this movie is based on and guess what....Is Harry Potter all over again!!! is another sugarcoated magician world where magical beasts are everywhere and is too kiddie to be taken seriously, this is stuff you read to your kids before they go to sleep and at my point of view, the book uses all and every single cliche of magician and classic fantasy books borrowed from Anne Mccaffrey.

She was mad because Goro created a gritty, darker, more mature point of view on her story, the movie has violence that the book doesnt have, and concentrated or other topics instead on the original book, This comment in question makes me want to see the film even more, and you know that Goro always wanted to make a film in which he could do creations on his own and do something completely original from the source.

Le Guin at the end saw the film and say "is a good movie, but yours not mine, and is not my book" and Im glad she said that because the uses kiddie languange to tell a kiddie magician story, I doubt I will be dissapointed but we will see when it comes overseas.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:25 am Reply with quote
ichido reichan wrote:

I read the first book where this movie is based on and guess what....Is Harry Potter all over again!!! is another sugarcoated magician world where magical beasts are everywhere and is too kiddie to be taken seriously, this is stuff you read to your kids before they go to sleep and at my point of view, the book uses all and every single cliche of magician and classic fantasy books borrowed from Anne Mccaffrey.

Uhh, you do realised how old Earthsea is? You do know Leguin came before McCaffrey and her amazing "MSword template of Pern" series right?
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