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NEWS: ADV licenses Paniponi Dash

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Joined: 01 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:15 am Reply with quote

I hereby predict that ADV will give this show the Excel Saga treatment, with a big marketing push and lots of kooky homegrown extras. Looking foward to it.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 11:49 am Reply with quote
4chan must be having a field day right now.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Wyvern wrote:

I hereby predict that ADV will give this show the Excel Saga treatment, with a big marketing push and lots of kooky homegrown extras. Looking foward to it.
I don't, as ADV's extras are goddamn awful. I'm not buying these DVDs, as I loathe ADV and all they stand for. I'm just fine with purchasing the much superior Japanese release.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:13 pm Reply with quote
ADVid Notes are a MUST for this series since it's visually psychotic with lots of references. And this is from the same peeps who did Tsukuyomi ~ Moon Phase which isn't too surprising. Laughing

ADV, take your time with this one; you'll need it! Shocked
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Fallen Embers

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:13 pm Reply with quote
If ADV drops the ball, I'll just look for info online. But that does mean I'll only be renting it if they don't have copious notes.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:24 pm Reply with quote
I don't, as ADV's extras are goddamn awful. I'm not buying these DVDs, as I loathe ADV and all they stand for. I'm just fine with purchasing the much superior Japanese release.

Huh? last I checked the other american licensors did not exactly go out of their way to provide quality extras. ADV has a good track record here and the Excel Saga treatment is in my opinion one of if not the best R1 DVD release out there. They also have generally good dubbing and creative ways of pushing their product.

I may be a shameless pirate, but if any DVDs are worth purchasing its the ADV ones. And if you speak japanese (why the hell else would anyone get R2 DVDs?) then might as well stick to downloading some HQ raws and be done with it.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Pleroma wrote:
Huh? last I checked the other american licensors did not exactly go out of their way to provide quality extras. ADV has a good track record here and the Excel Saga treatment is in my opinion one of if not the best R1 DVD release out there. They also have generally good dubbing and creative ways of pushing their product.

I may be a shameless pirate, but if any DVDs are worth purchasing its the ADV ones. And if you speak japanese (why the hell else would anyone get R2 DVDs?) then might as well stick to downloading some HQ raws and be done with it.
I'd rather no extras over stupid shit that really has nothing to do with what I bought. I either want stuff that's directly related to the Japanese production, or nothing at all. I also don't care about dubs, because watching foreign media dubbed is really silly. ADV's "creative" ways of pushing their titles annoy me as well.

I, my self, as not a pirate. Well, I guess I am to a point. If I like a series enough, I'll purchase it. If I don't, I just delete the subs and that's the end of it. I like Pani Poni Dash, but there's no way I'm giving ADV any more of hard earned cash. I'd rather shell out for Japanese DVDs than put more money into Matt Greenfield's disgusting pocket.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Wildarmsheero wrote:
I don't, as ADV's extras are goddamn awful. I'm not buying these DVDs, as I loathe ADV and all they stand for. I'm just fine with purchasing the much superior Japanese release.

I'd rather no extras over stupid shit that really has nothing to do with what I bought. I either want stuff that's directly related to the Japanese production, or nothing at all.

The Extras most people seem to want are the the VidNotes which are directly related to the anime and has nothing to do with the dub.

And while you may not care for the extras, but a lot of people enjoyed them. For example, I loved the Abenobashi outtakes. And its not like anyone is forcing you to watch the extras. If you don't like them, just don't watch them.

I like Pani Poni Dash, but there's no way I'm giving ADV any more of hard earned cash. I'd rather shell out for Japanese DVDs than put more money into Matt Greenfield's disgusting pocket.

So you would rather pay about three times as much for a DVD that you can't understand than pay ADV for a legit translation?
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 3:36 pm Reply with quote
wildarmsheero wrote:
I'd rather no extras over stupid shit that really has nothing to do with what I bought. I either want stuff that's directly related to the Japanese production, or nothing at all.

You mean, like for instance pretty much all the extras on ADVs D.N.Angel discs apart from the odd commentary?

[quote]I also don't care about dubs, because watching foreign media dubbed is really silly.[quote]
Odd that they dub English shows into Japanese in Japan then isn't it? If you revere the Japanese so much.. why are you calling them silly?

I, my self, as not a pirate. Well, I guess I am to a point. If I like a series enough, I'll purchase it. If I don't, I just delete the subs and that's the end of it.

So.. you're basically saying that because Robin Hood didn't keep what he stole, it wasn't stealing? If you made it into the police force a lot of fences would sleep easier.

I'd rather shell out for Japanese DVDs than put more money into Matt Greenfield's disgusting pocket.

Isn't that a little personal?

And gosh darnit, I'm replying to trolls again.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Hm, guess that's one more I'll be waiting out the thinpack for.

Damn, and they still have yet to cough up Elfen Lied and Fumoffu, in that regard. Neutral
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:39 pm Reply with quote
Too late for me. I've purchased the entire R2 DVD set (all seven volumes). So far Pani Poni Dash! is the only series where I've done this. I really did appreciate the fact that the DVDs were released with four episodes on each volume, except for the last one, as opposed to the usual Japanese practice of two each. Yes, I'll miss out on the dub track, English subtitles, liner notes in English and any explanatory essays ADV will likely or possibly produce. The on the disc extras for the R2 DVDs were slim to none: just the ED clips in textless mode. Only the last volume carried more: the textless OP clips, CM spots for OP songs and CM clips for the show. I presume ADV will be allowed to improve on that. It would be nice if ADV manages to get the license to print the flash cards (from the end of each show) that came with the Japanese release. I'd presume they won't get to print the trump cards or the Tarot cards. But all that is for those of you who end up purchasing whatever gets released.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:12 pm Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
So you would rather pay about three times as much for a DVD that you can't understand than pay ADV for a legit translation?
Yes, I would. Because I am insane.

Shiroi Hane wrote:

Odd that they dub English shows into Japanese in Japan then isn't it? If you revere the Japanese so much.. why are you calling them silly?
A lot of countries dub programs into their own language, it doesn't change the fact that it's silly to watch something from another country dubbed into your own language. I firmly believe that if something is foreign, it should be watched in its mother language. It's not that I revere the Japanese or anything like that.

Shiroi Hane wrote:

So.. you're basically saying that because Robin Hood didn't keep what he stole, it wasn't stealing?
Oh, I know I'm a goddamn theif. I'm pretty much fine with that, so long as I support who I want to support in the end, by way of buying DVDs, soundtracks, art books and the like. I wrote that "I am not a pirate" bit with that in mind before I released I also download a crap load of anime.

Shiroi Hane wrote:

Isn't that a little personal?
Well, yeah. But I really do loathe the man. I actually drew a comic which ended with his death.

Shiroi Hane wrote:

And gosh darnit, I'm replying to trolls again.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:03 pm Reply with quote
AnimeOnDVD wrote:
Paniponi Dash will have ADVidnotes, and possibly also multiple subtitle tracks to allow one to view labeled signs and chalkboards – or not – according to preference. (There are a lot of these signs and labels in the background of the show, from what was seen in the episode previewed at the panel.)
I've enjoyed the other ADV series being mentioned in this thread, like Excel Saga and Abenobashi, thanks to the AD-Vid Notes and other fun extras. I've actually never checked out PPD, as I had put it on the "Download once the series is finished" list. (And oddly enough, the fansubs for it aren't finished.) I guess this saves me some time & bandwidth -- I'm expecting PPD to be just as fun as those other two once the DVDs roll out.
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Joined: 05 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:05 pm Reply with quote
Awesome, I loved this series but never got to finish it so I will totally be buying this! From my experience, ADV does an awesome job so I'm glad that a company like ADV is doing this. Cool I just hope that they include all the references up in the top of the screen since I know I won't be able to catch them all. Wink
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Joined: 11 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:34 pm Reply with quote
Pleroma wrote:
I don't, as ADV's extras are goddamn awful. I'm not buying these DVDs, as I loathe ADV and all they stand for. I'm just fine with purchasing the much superior Japanese release.

Huh? last I checked the other american licensors did not exactly go out of their way to provide quality extras. ADV has a good track record here and the Excel Saga treatment is in my opinion one of if not the best R1 DVD release out there. They also have generally good dubbing and creative ways of pushing their product.

He's probably just another pirate that holds a grudge against ADV for taking legal action against fansubbing groups that continued to distribute shows that they held the licenses too. I'd be willing to bet that it has nothing to do with the ADV DVD releases themselves.
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