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NEWS: Spider Riders on Teletoon

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Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:26 pm Reply with quote
Just one minor correction. Bee Train is no longer a subsidary of Production I.G; I don't know when the split happened, but I got confirmation of from an I.G rep about it via e-mail.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:20 pm Reply with quote
"It has a Western feel but the Japanese animé look."

So it'll be like everything Marathon produces?
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Joined: 13 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:25 pm Reply with quote
Well, unlike Marathon productions, this is actually being animated in Japan. Although when I first saw this show on Teletoon's highlights section, I just assumed that it would be another Marathon production.

I still think this factors heavily into the whole Teletoon anti-anime conspiracy somehow. They'll make their own crap before they ever license an actual authentic series.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:03 pm Reply with quote
blah blah blah teletoon hates anime blah blah

guess what, teletoon primarily a showcase for CANADIAN ANIMATION, it doesn't need anime, and i don't want any anime on it.

i like anime just as much as the next guy, but Canadian shows like 6teen destroys most anime out there in terms of funny and quality. just because the art for What's with Andy looks bad doesn't mean it's a bad show.

Canadian animation is quality and i'm glad teletoon is there to showcase it. even though it never ran on teletoon, Beast Wars>>>>bleach and you know it
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Joined: 13 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:23 pm Reply with quote
temp1234 wrote:
guess what, teletoon primarily a showcase for CANADIAN ANIMATION, it doesn't need anime, and i don't want any anime on it.

Yet a significant number of people do. Why should animation from other countries (not just Japan) be restricted off of Canadian airwaves just because Teletoon isn't obligated to air it? And I wouldn't even imagine calling YTV an ideal outlet for anime if they see skipping an entire episode of Ghost in the Shell as an appropriate practice.

temp1234 wrote:
i like anime just as much as the next guy, but Canadian shows like 6teen destroys most anime out there in terms of funny and quality.

I don't place 6Teen on that high a pedestal, but it's still only one show.

temp1234 wrote:
just because the art for What's with Andy looks bad doesn't mean it's a bad show.

No, the fact that it's poorly written and uninspired does that just fine. Same goes for most of the programming on Teletoon.

temp1234 wrote:
Canadian animation is quality and i'm glad teletoon is there to showcase it. even though it never ran on teletoon, Beast Wars>>>>bleach and you know it

What's the point of reserving an outlet for Canadian animation when the majority of animation they air is just cheaply written, animated, and produced in order to meet a quota? I don't suppose you watch The Detour, do you temp? Please tell me, with a straight face, that Sons of Butcher and Bromwell High are actually worth the money that was poured into them and that they're actually more worthy of broadcast than anime like FMA or the American produced Adult Swim comedy shows like Robot Chicken that we're not getting.

Sorry, but they're not, and you're going to have a hard time finding anyone who thinks they are. And when the hell did I ever say I liked Bleach?

Like Cybersix, Spider Riders is just a half-hearted attempt on the part of Teletoon to create the illusion that they're airing anime without actually airing it. The fact that they feel they need to create such an illusion should say a lot.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:20 am Reply with quote
significant? where do you get this? a couple of loud mouthed otaku is far from significant

ever watch hong kong cinema? most of it is cheaply made and poorly written, why don't they just get rid of it an import hollywood content? it's nice to see what people in your own backyard are doing. after going to cons and seeing otaku moan over and over about how cartoons suck and whatnot, i'm glad teletoon is taking their stand and letting you guys have it

the licensing process screens out most of the crap anime, so stop thinking that japanese tv is some quality animation goldmine, plus who cares if anime is on tv, anyone that wants to see already downloaded it.

[warned for grammar -t]
why are you trashing cybersix? oh wait it's because japan owns the "anime drawing" style? sons of butcher, bromwell high are way funnier than flavor of the week harem anime fyi
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Joined: 13 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:41 am Reply with quote
6Teen is OK. It's not outstanding, but can be pretty edgy and inspired when it tries to be.

temp1234 wrote:
the licensing process screens out most of the crap anime, so stop thinking that japanese tv is some quality animation goldmine, plus who cares if anime is on tv, anyone that wants to see already downloaded it.

Where has it been stated that Japanese entertainment is infallible? Most anime is crap just like most western animation is crap. We like the good stuff, and want to make sure that the good stuff reaches a wider audience. The majority of crap shouldn't even be a factor here, since Teletoon would never even be airing the majority anyway.

temp1234 wrote:
why are you trashing cybersix? oh wait it's because japan owns the "anime drawing" style? sons of butcher, bromwell high are way funnier than flavor of the week harem anime fyi

Cybersix had gorgeous animation and nice characterization, but it was most of the episodes suffered from poor writing and it was an overall hollow adaptation of the brilliant graphic novel it was meant to follow. Of course, executives from American stations may hold more blame for that than Teletoon or TMS.

And as much as I despise harem anime (and most otaku-oriented comedy shows, for that matter), SoB and Bromwell High are just hands down two of the worst cartoons I've seen, regardless of what country they were made in.

Beyond that, if you feel that you have a legitimate argument with anything I've said, please take it to PM. Otherwise, you're accomplishing nothing but being a pesky troll.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:21 am Reply with quote
and you're an elitist otaku, please go back to worshipping fma and other standard shounen fare

teletoon = candian animation, it can look like whatever style

which means: no anime, unless it has some western influence

there's are no conspiracies, stop deluding yourself into thinking you're important enough for teletoon to hate on
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:10 am Reply with quote
temp1234 wrote:
teletoon = candian animation, it can look like whatever style

Is Teletoon really designed to be a showcase of Canadian animation? I thought it was just meant to be an animation specialty channel.

Teletoon.vom wrote:
TELETOON is Canada's first and only specialty channel totally dedicated to the wonderful world of animation, 24 hours a day. With English and French language services, the network offers cartoons and other forms of animation, from Canada and around the planet, for audiences of all ages.

Teletoon.com wrote:
Since 1997, TELETOON has been offering viewers an Unreal blend of classic cartoons and brand new animation from Canada and around the world.

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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:51 pm Reply with quote
oh yes, their tagline says it's for all types of animation.

because i see film board of canada shorts like ryan, and various made in canada shows on a bunch of other channels

south koreans are protesting about hollywood invasion, but because it's anime we're more than happy to let other countries barge a push our own works out. why don't we just shut down the CBC and run tvtokyo in it's place? teletoon might not have the awesomest shows right now, but because there's a place that WILL show your stuff, more people are gonna make it. then competition will increase the qulaity.

i'm a troll? then who's the person claiming there's an "anti-anime conspiracy"? grow up you japan-obsessed otaku, no one is "pretending to air anime", people can draw however they want. stop quashing creativity in your own country when a channel runs a couple shows that doesn't synchronize with your cliched otaku taste
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Joined: 12 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:12 pm Reply with quote
For the last 30 odd years, people have been saying that imported American films and TV shows have been destroying the creativity of UK TV and Cinema, yet one of the hat favourites for the Oscars is Wallis and Grommet - about as British as you can get.

Has Anime killed the American animation industry? Don't be stupid, it's always been about cheap TV shows and mainly commercial Cinematic releases.

Have they been influenced? Yes, unfortunately, it's mainly the visual style, not the finer detail of the best that Japan produces.

Does this mean that Canadian animations is going to die? No. It'll adapt, the same as British film making did during the '80's.

If only they'd re-release "The Cat came Back" on DVD - a Canadian Film-board sponsored short - I'd buy it.

Now to buy Porko Rosso on Tuesday and The Were-rabbit on Friday.

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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:45 pm Reply with quote
I saw a commercial on Teletoon on Spider Riders and it is widescreen. The show is co-produced by Canadian (Both Cookie Jar Entertainment and Teletoon) and Japanese (Bee Train). Similar to IGPX is co-produced by Cartoon Network and I.G Production.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:35 pm Reply with quote
I just saw the preview and it was great!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:42 pm Reply with quote
Umm, did anyone else see it? I was at SakuraCon over the weekend so I really have no idea how it turned out.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:56 pm Reply with quote
Great something that looks interesting of Teletoon,and I can't watch it.Thanks to my nice Cable Provider(Whom shall remain Nameless).
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